Pews going absolute against YT

It's a matter of weekend before PewTube is a reality. I can tell now. Screencap this.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>biting the hand that feeds you

male e-thot problems not my problems.

I have 0 respect for any “”””””Aussie””””” who posts something so unfunny but tried so hard

Watch his video. YouTube is going to shit. RIGHT NOW. And it's actually very funny.

He already has enough to feed himself, so he's free to bite the hand that feeds him.

What does Jow Forums think about Reddit appointing moderators on Pewdiepie's subreddit without his permission?

The truth is painful like a knife. I'm sure you are just practising your banter and not really committing to your position, so I wont destroy you today with my compelling arguments and outstanding charisma. I will let you grow so that I have higher-level proles to treat myself to in the future.

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>My dog is fat so it's okay when he bites me

wow just wow.

Walk it then you lazy fuck

Oh fuck is that the absolutely underrated disney flick Treasure Planet or something he's singing?

All I'm waiting for is the final command to rebel against the tyranny of the EU, he can be a good leader

why is this guy so popular? Should I waste my time watching ?

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Plebbit is shit

He drops a few redpills now and then to his normie fanbase, and its only a matter of time before he breaks

Fuck that

retarded aussie BTFO

ok got it

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3 years ago he was a cringy faggot, even he recognize that.
Now he is pretty based and actually funny. I would recommend watch one of his videos now and then sometimes.

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It's not Pewdiepie's website so it's not like he can do whatever he likes?

If you are actively looking to waste time on youtube there are far worse ways to do so. Granted there are better ones too, but no others appeal to such a wide audience.

>implying it's not the other way around

This guy has over 61 million subs.
he doesn't need YouTube at all at this point. he has more money than he could spend in 10 lifetimes and if he decided to quit YouTube and move to another platform millions of people would follow him.

The reason why JewTube can't do shit against him is because he's their biggest treasure.

You can eat your own shit but I can still think it isn't right.

Seriously though, it's uncommon for the Reddit admins to appoint their own mods to subreddits without the permission of the subreddit creator.

What's wrong with fortnite? I bought it with some friends when it first game out. Got boring fairly quickly, but it seemed a decent game for the month we played it.

He's pretty much the embodiment of all of YouTube condensed into one personality. Used to do vidya primarily but now just does whatever he wants and is self-aware of the Youtube bullshit.

((YouTube)) is paying gamers to play it and make eXtReMe videos to hype it

It's pretty much the number 1 game for 12 year olds that's why so many e-celebs on YT play this shit. Making money on YT is all about getting as many kids as possible to watch you that's why so many grown ass people pretend that this game is the best shit ever.

Tried it out as well for a couple weeks and got tired of it really fast. It's a game for kids nothing more.

Nigger mod has already installed a "no hate speech" rule ayyyyy

Felix is just a master shit poster and sarcasm troll by now. Approved.

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He only does that for the lol's he's not one of you guys

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Are you saying you're not ironically on Jow Forums?

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it's only a matter of time

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>tips fedora

Ever since the jMedia went after him he's begun to notice cohencidences. He does what he can to countersignal. Pretty sure he's been our guy for a while, but he's skirting the edges of the overton windown and it's getting pretty wholesome desu

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Nice devilman poster felix

He's a friend simulator, and Jow Forums's convinced he's sending them secret messages in his videos. Even though he's a cuck who constantly apologizes every time he gets in trouble.

Quite impressed, Felix.
Very subtly points out many youtubers are getting paid to play the game, many are faking playtime with recorded gameplay vids, many are breaking sexual content rules while remaining monetized, pulls the curtain back on large $ giveaways, mocks the 'build my channel' smaller giveaways.
Pdp dun gon full gg.
I like it.
What did he mean here? Starts at 2:10


Holy crap this could work

>Multimillionaire with a big following
>He's red pilled
>He's got plenty of free time to do it

Oy vey this would piss of the Jews

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Its fair to say the overwhelming majority of those 61 mil subs will not stop using yt just because pewdie tells them to or even if he gets the boot and sparks some big drama. Hell who knows what chunk of those is inactive/duplicate accs or just people that subbed to him and never looked back. Just look at his average views per vid and you can get an estimate of big is his core audience.

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it's being sold on manufactured hype

His fanbase is actually more grownup and redpilled than you think. I'm not denying there's probably still kids who watch him, but I'd say most of his audience has grown up by now, and he's also earned millions of new subscribers which I'm sure are all at least teenagers. Just judging by the replies and comments he gets on Youtube and Twitter, and especially his subreddit, I'd say they're probably young adults who love memes and hate PC culture.

You're just mad because you don't have a Fortnite license

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The thing with Felix' audience is that they would look pewdiepie watching wall for 10 minutes when many of the other youtubers who can get daily views like him, have to do what's trendy and once the trend stops so does their view count.

The average Pewdiepie viewer is aged 13-16 according to demographic data. Although he does have a fairly large young adult audience.

50% are 13-16? I call bullshit.

He's rich as F. He should do what the fuck he wants. fuk YT

Oh shit it's probably even lower because I just read that you have to set your age to 13 to create a YouTube channel.

forever the chad bantmaster

Umm... PewTube IS a reality.


It's not seriously run by pediepie though ?

It's not seriously run by pewdiepie though ?

It's not.

It's not seriously run by pediepie though ?

Who do you think feeds him? It's only himself, he made the audience not with the help of Google. The only thing Google does is pivoting advertisement to videos. I'm sure the moment a new site can monetize videos, if Pewdiepie chooses to leave YouTube. The site will get hit really hard. We're talking about a single man's influence on a really big site's audience

It's not seriously run by pewdiepie though ?

Why write the same comment twice you absolute fucking shit brain I'm gonna knock ya gran out

>Bashes capitalism
>Ranted about communism
Is he NatSoc?

Man, you libertarians really do suck. It's like anybody can stretch your ass, as long that it isn't the government they are on the right.

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What's that sound I think I hear Muhammad raping your wife.

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It's not seriously run by pewdiepie though ?

2:58 he shows them himself and that was year ago. Of course we can't be sure and people can lie but it's safe to say that you're full of bullshit.

Oh look at me I'm Bridish I am

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How popular is Pewds in Israel, among youth there? Do Israelis have a different video game console than burgers made by Technion wizard?


HE SAYS POL, he's masking it by putting it in a sentence where he's talking about some Paul dick, but listen HE ABSOLUTELY SAY POL, p-o-l, There's no mistaking it, even accounting for his accent he's not saying PAUL he's definitely saying POL, and yesterday an user asked him to mention Jow Forums in his next video

You gotta love how Pewds exposes the internet's degeneracy everyday

So just like Jow Forums

It's not seriously run by pewdiepie though ?

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settle down son, go sniff some petrol or something

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>ywn have the chad australian bantz

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>settle down

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I know that young people watch him here, but I don't know his exact audience, can't tell you about that.

those are the viewers with youtube profiles, adults don't bother with that shit

All you has was cricket lad and you have to cheat at that, your country is a failure lel jog on.
Another faggot.

Y..... you guys..... Video games... are... gay now? Do you feel it?

>It's not seriously run by pewdiepie though ?

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>But I'm okay with it

You guys are overestimating Pewds.

Yes he has lots of subs, his vids average out 3-4 mil views, and there are tons of people on youtube who do the same, like he said, some no name """gamers""".

If he left there would be drama for a week and later no one would give a shit

>jog on.
I will because i don't need a jogging license

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It's not seriously run by pewdiepie though?

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That pic is pretty good.

Here's a bonus meme

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You might be right. Idk. I think it's a good thing that he's making young kids distrust the media though. And it's clear that he does have tons of kids watching. Even if those numbers are inflated by bad data collection methods.

Very nice.

our women are disgusting, i'll give you that

dis is good. saved

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Hold on where's your teeth License and registration ?

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any more?

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no. he just spent too much time on Jow Forums and turned into an eternally bitter and cynical cunt

youtube is really fucking him hard, just waiting for the meltdown

found the youtube employee

Got a cricket ball tampering license have you?

It's not seriously run by pediepie though ?

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he's a master persuader in all things except shilling for Yuri

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I think I have watched pewds stare at a wall for a couple minutes before. Possibly multiple times...
>zero deaths