Right here we go boys, PA AWB introduced

-Full confiscation at police discretion
-single feature ban


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Has this passed or is it a proposal?

>Florida BTFO
>Vermont BTFO
>Pennsylvania about to get BTFO
Could my month get any better?

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>inb4 europoors have more gun rights than you
Suck some more lib dick americucks

PA here. Can't vote because (white) green card holder, not full citizen. I just want to keep my guns, anons.

Well boys I turn 21 on April 11th. I was thinking about buying a Beretta 92fs compact for my first handgun.

do it, but if you want to use it as a carry gun get something smaller. the only real downside is it is a large handgun.

Country of origin? Are you becoming a citizen?

Yeah I wasn't planning on carrying it.

No one's answered the question - is this still a proposal, or complete yet?


>Pennsylvania about to be btfo

This has about as much chance of passing as the EU unanimously kicking out all Muslims. It's just fontana signalling to the dnc that he's a good boy.

Why do you take pleasure in the struggle of others? Your state could be next, maybe not at the state level but when Elizabeth Warren becomes president....

It is a bill, and has been referred to the Senate judiciary committee. The bill number is Senate Bill 17.

I'm optimistic since it's "bipartisan support" is an (R) from central philly, but I'll be damn sure to write my senator on lunch break.

PA confirmed for cuck state you can tell a lot about a states direction by looking at the road construction waste, which PA is the fucking king of

If you can't answer this yourself by opening the link and reading the first page, you're too retarded to buy guns anyway.

don't bully pennsylvania posters!

My state is already cucked and Jow Forums pretended it didn't happen. Watching this board's deluded mental gymnastics on what's coming for gun laws makes me kek every time.
That's what Florida and Vermont said too

>Florida is a swing state filled with retired boomer fudds and Illegals, and has had 3 high profile massacres since 2015
>Vermont has always been strong liberal democrat, the writing was always on the wall.

PA is quite a bit different than those two.

Jow Forums loves PA.

No it isnt. It was all but assured in Vermont's case because of dem supermajorities in both houses + a rino gov. PA has republican majorities in both houses and half the dems are too scared to even speak about gun control.

Florida got fucked because that's where the shooting happened, but only so far as age limits, meme stocks, and waiting periods. I wouldnt be surprised if most or all of these rules are quietly done away with later.

Not everyone sits by and giggles when a state that isn't theirs capitulates. Its always an unnerving thing to watch for me. Wherever you are I hope it gets better.



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Unlikely to pass, but still a good idea to let them know we are here.


Quick email takes about a minute to fill out. Might as well.

I think our states gun laws are pretty good. Pick out whatever you want, wait 5 minutes for a backround check, leave with new gun. Too bad theres just not a lot of legal places to shoot. Gotta know someone with land or have your own. Im lucky, Grandpa has a 50 yard range. Too close to other buildings to shoot anything big though.

I'm not giggling, I'm full on lmao'ing, but I'm saving the biggest LMAO for when Texas becomes irreversibly blue/brown.

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What state are you in? You sound like a bean in Cali

Too based to fall

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>Land of the free
Literally no reason to live there now. You've got all the basics of a shit economy and crime statistics; all capped off with no freedumbs

Nah, originally WI master race, now an IL fag


Cucked states mad they cant live in Basedannia

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You are literally a child. Stay in school.

>too dumb to know the difference between a bill and a law

Like I said before, yurop will be completely brown before this becomes law.

Won't pass. Unlike Vermont PA government is R controlled.

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Correct, he released a memo a month ago signalling his intention to introduce exactly this.


Be doubly sure to write your senator if there on the judiciary committee. It's best if it does before it even makes it to the floor.

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>yurop will be completely brown before this becomes law.
What a consolation, that'll really help us out (I don't live in Europe faggot) we're following Europe to the brown grave.

Senate bill 501 is the firearms confiscation one
17 is the general ban

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>Implying I live in europe
>Implying that will actually happen
again; topkek

You deserve everything that happens to you. Get out.

What happened to Nevada?

>im in fontanas district
Still emailed that faggot

Then fuck off shitskin.

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Good, let them know they're at risk for being voted out if they continue introducing shit like that

Mexicans happened.

I will in a year, but it doesn't really matter. We're getting overrun state by state. Whites under 18 are a minority. No states win when the country is Brazil.


Motherfucker, this'll be the 6th email I've had to compose just this quarter.
>at least I have templates

There's also a hi cap (11+) ban in the house judiciary committee as HB 2112 if you're interested in keeping an eye on things, it hasn't gone anywhere (been in there for a month or so, drafted back in 2017), but always good to know when the shit might start flying.

NZ. i think my residency is 10 years. i had planned to file for that but my situation has changed drastically financially for the time being, and i'll have to reassess once things are stable again.


Yeah, I contacted Pashinski about that already
When your rep isn't co-sponsored


get the fuck out my state

No u

PA has fallen, abandon ship!

Philly is shit and I hate everybody from there
The 'burgh is beautiful and I love it
Full of fucking liberals

Lol, what?

I told that faggot the truth:
My family is strongly considering moving out of PA and taking my small hvac business and dozen jobs with me to WVa.
Flat out told him i dont vote for marxists who ignore their own consituents and get their marching orders from capitol hill

Cocksuckers who don't represent the interests of the people they represent don't deserve to be in office

PA is just an annex of NJ, won't be long now unfortunately

That AWB or assault weapons ban, just listed all semi automatic weapons are assault weapons. Plus the liscence you need to own those weapons is timed, and expires, to which you have to pay a $15 fee to keep the right to own those weapons. This also acts as a defacto registry since you have to describe the weapons you own which are considered assault weapons.

You must be from Philly. That city certainly is.

Philly, Pitt, Harrisburg, Allentown, Scranton, that shit is spreading dude

I escaped NJ to own guns in PA and now PA is going to do exactly what NJ did, even though NJ hasn't had a decrease in crime and trenton nj last year had its worst murder year of all time. We have to fight this. We have to fight this. We have to fight this. I'm okay with increasing the age to purchase to 21 but all that other bullshit has got to go. 10round mag limit, "Permit" to own assault weapons, cannot sell privately anymore. All that bullshit has got to go.

That's why we must fight back. I'm sick and tired of conceding ground to this invasion.

I wish right wingers would start acting like the subversives and fight back.

don't forget Eerie and Upper Darby, the fucking shitholes

Here's a link from the pa.gov website to help you find your senator. From there you should be able to use the senators page to contact them. Reference Senate Bill 17 when you write them to oppose this shit.


My birthday is April 11 too user

It is worse. PA is a blue state.

I hate pennslvania anyway. It’s full of boomer meth heads, papi cholos taking over comfy towns and dying industry. It’s mad depressing. I’d get out asap if I lived there.

I unironically hope you lose your rights too

Just saw that my senator is on the Senate judiciary committee.

>(R) Vietnam vet and NRA member
>glimmer of hope he'll help make sure it dies in committee

Are you a Catholic/Orthodox?
May have a solution for you...

I already lost my rights guy. Although it’s sad when any state becomes cucked, there’s something mildly satisfying seeing people who ripped on your state nonstop finally get cucked. Oh and besides the funs freedom, your state is marginally worse than mine.
t. New York

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Already lost plenty senpai

Feelsgoodman, we're never going to get anywhere until coping "free" states start to feel the cucking

>just leave, lol

Wont pass. Pa state legislature is red as fuck. A few dems are only pushing it because it's an election year

I hope so lad, I hope so.

I don’t know man. It makes me upset when Vermont and Florida lose their funs but I really hate Pennsylvanians and Ohioans with their attitudes. I don’t feel as bad over it.

Don't get cucked PA! I'm gonna be going there for school

>states keep falling
>republicans caving harder on gun control than Reagan
>”it will never happen to my state”

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I've been all over PA and NY and can't see how NY is better in any way. Every town in the southern tier looks like it's been abandoned to the zone.


They have nicer land up there.


Stop saying this bullshit, you are trying to subvert us and make us apathetic. This shit passed in vermont, then it could pass anywhere. Everyone should write an email or call, they are trying to sneak this into law illegally if OP is right. Once it becomes law, it'll take a lengthy court battle to undo, and even then it may not get fully repealed.

Think about it:
What Republican is gonna vote for this to pass during an election year and risk alienating a large part of their voter base?

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Fuck off, retard.

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>All fall before Virginia
Biggest surprise of the year.

>even with literal Trannies in government NOVA scum, and the general changing demographics Virginia still has held out longer on gun laws

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The Adirondacks are very nice for sure, but I think PA has lots of good parks and woodlands as well. I was impressed with Presque Island when I stopped there a while back, didn't know we had a place like that in PA

Listen fuckface, I'm not saying don't contact your rep and express your displeasure an opposition to this bill. I'm saying its political posturing and not likely to advance beyond committee

Genuine question here. What attitude traits do we have that angered you ?

>I'm saying its political posturing and not likely to advance beyond committee
No seriously, fuck off. You come in here to assuage people that it cannot possibly, ever never, ever NEVER happen, as Gun Friendly states fall left and right. PA has always had to battle for its gun rights, if you even owned any gun in the last 15years you would already know this, but you don't since you don't own any fucking guns faggot. Being apathetic is just as bad as promoting this shit, so suck my dick faggot.

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