To be quite honest most of American “cultural” items are things that come from black slaves...

To be quite honest most of American “cultural” items are things that come from black slaves, from culinary cuisine to the ones you mentioned including BBQ, to musical traditions such as jazz, R&B, blues, hip-hop, rap, and rock n roll. Black Americans are generally also the main demographic that provides entertainment whether it be in music as previously mentioned, or in sports such as baseball, basketball and American football. (As well as in icehockey and association football as well. Black American athlete Sydney LeRoux was crucial in winning the 2015 FIFA women’s World Cup for the US), television and film, and comedy. Dave Chapelle is one of the most famous modern American comedians and is a black American.

I don’t want to say that black Americans are the only demographic responsible for American culture, but they are definitely responsible for most of it and do not get the respect that they deserve for what they have done.

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How come australia has all that shit but the black people had to be imported years later? Maybe "culture" isn't owned by dna




you go to the zoo, you see monkeys throwing shit ath each other, you're entertained, i dont see the problem

how about not committing crimes

All those things were invented by white people and black people just do them.

Also nigger culture is destroying America. Not making it great. Now all they are is Media pawns.

they wuz for sure

but niggers are unironically responsible for kickstarting every stereotypically american phenomenon, thus every major modern global pop-cultural trend

in that, they iz kangz indeed

Why are blacks so obsessed with pleasing whitey?

I only listen to white music and watch films with straight white male leads

Nice African language you're speaking with nigger.

dave chappelle got MKUltra'd into a liberal and sports are rigged.


Evola wrote about this theme long ago.

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So did Jung.

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Tbqh the US would be even shittier than Canada if it weren’t for black culture

Wow it’s almost like America doesn’t really have any culture!
Plus, it won’t be slaves drone bombing you from the sky faggot

>t. Tashawndo Gonzalez

There have been whites living in New England since 1620 and have spawned unique culture ranging from Puritanism and Congregationalism in religion to the Mayflower compact, the cradle of the American Revolution, Shaker furnature and the Hudson River School of Art, Let us not forget the Transdentalist School of Philiosophy under thoreau and Emerson, the Poetry of Walt Whitman, and so on.

And that's just the Northeast. The south has great writers from Mak Twai to Tennessee Williams; in other parts of the country there are the Amish, the traditins that arouse out of the covered wagon era, and so on.

You will have to dig for this unformatuately because it has been mostly eclipsed by muh blaq culture and hollywood trash sugguesting the US began in 1945 and everything distinctive related to America is post-WWII.. But the 1600s-1900s gave us over 300 years of painters, poets, thinkers, writers, scientists, cratftsmen, and so on. Visit some dusty library shelves before they burn them.

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>Marxists using fake science to demoralize white men
Imagine moi shock

Rooted in Irish Jass
>R&B, Blues
Rooted in Scottish gospel music and Scottish folk; blacks studying music actually admit this
>hiphop, rap
Rap originated in two separate places; Denmark and Japan. See Flyting. Also the first two instances of rapping recorded for everybody to hear are white.
>rock n roll
An evolution of the blues.

African-American music is white music played by niggers, nothing in Africa resembles any of the genres above, but there's distinct roots and resemblances to plenty of styles of traditional music from the British isles.

bbq is white, rap was stolen from rednecks like most of your culture.

>colored man is no slacker
>Nostalgia Negro
Pic of Wakandan's headed for Call of Duty?

i hate how lbj destroyed the black family.


Kangarooz n sheeeiiiit

Niggers weren't performing Jazz and cooking Soul Food in Africa. All of these "contributions" are trivial and pale in comparison to the greater social infrastructure created by Europeans that was required for this culture to even exist. Americans would still have music, food, football, and basketball and all of these cultural elements without niggers, they would just exist in another form.

Without Western society the nigger would be living in a mud hut like an animal in the savanna. It's fucking sad that blacks have to emphasize such trivial contributions in order to validate their existence on the planet.

BBQ came from the Indian tribes in South Carolina.

Rock and roll came from rockabilly,
Rockabilly came from white dudes.
rockabilly was influenced by R&B, which led to rock and roll, so if you want to be technical, both black and white culture created rock and roll.

Pretty much this. None of these black "innovations" would exist without the blacks being raised in white culture.

Prior to Jazz black people just played rudimentary drum rhythms and danced. It wasn't until white and mulattoes mixed with blacks in post Civil War New Orleans that Jazz music became a thing. You had a bunch of Negros who were taught marching band music and they then used these white instruments to create their own form of music. Early jazz was dominated by mulattoes, many of whom were more than 50% white. Blues came from Jazz and then Rock n Roll from blues. The white man took rock and roll music and played it better than any black person did with the arguable exception of Jimmy Hendrix, who spent more of his life and career in the pacific northwest (extremely white at the time) and then London which was also extremely white.

Buddy Holly was killed by the mob but he was arguably one of the greatest rock n roll songwriters and he would've been bigger than the beatles had he not died.

If anything, these cultural contributions are a result of fusion between cultures, which until the post 1965 years existed in an 85-90% white country. Since the age of rapid diversification, there have been no other significant artistic developments from blacks or any other minority in the USA. It only worked when blacks were a small minority.

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