You get a phone call from her telling you to Vote for Hillary 2020

Your response?

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im with her!

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> Read Siege and kill your mailman

I ask what her routine is and if she would like to come over for a bowl of eggs.

she looks like Anna Nicole Smith

>My vote for Hillary is in my cock and I'm no fap. How else can we get the vote out?

OK, only if she divulges her workout routine and supplements.

Are we just posting pics of random sand niggers now?

Fuck off kike

"Why didn't that mexican like you?"

>"lol fuck off you ugly jew cunt"
>*hang up and go back to reading loki*

Why not, eh? Here's a random Asian.

Attached: CommieKillingFinn.jpg (1280x960, 319K)

post feet

absolutely. it was her turn. we'll get em' this time.

I don't have any 6 toed Latvians in my folders.

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If I was a Burger citizen, and she offered to become my personal sex slave for one year, I'd think about maybe considering to not vote Trump (and instead write in Rand Paul).
Shillary is not happening tho.

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I'm Canadian. You're asking me, who is not an American citizen, to vote in the American election? Is this correct?
I am recording this call and now have proof of voter fraud. Thank you for disqualifying your candidate.

Have a (you) on me, here's a random German.

Attached: somalian-man.jpg (600x800, 54K)

I seem to have a lot of Asians in my folders.

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No, everything Hillary Clinton says is a lie, like the Holocaust

I must smell your cunt

ave maria purisima, dios mio, la goblina.

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Who the fuck is that uggo

laugh, then hang up

Do you like pizza with walnut sauce?

It looks like her teeth never left the Kick Ass stage LOL

>yes I'd certainly consider it, but I'm not very politically active. Mam, would you mind telling me what Hillary promises to do for a middle class, heteronormative male like myself?

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Let’s discuss over dinner.

will vote for sex. my place or yours?