March For Our Lives is going to be great for gun rights

The “no one is coming for your guns” meme is officially dead. “Reasonable compromise” meme is dead. When gun control groups and the legacy media are calling for widespread repeals of the 2nd all pretenses are dropped. This is a massive miscalculation on their part. Their position has become expectionally more unobtainable and difficult to argue for. They played themselves and don’t realize it. It sucks Vermont, NJ, and Florida cucked themselves but most of those aren’t a surprise and we’re going to bring out the knives primarying the fuck out of 2A traitors.

Prove me wrong. Protip: you cant

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Other urls found in this thread:

>it sucks that we have lost our rights but he is how losing our rights will save our rights

Texan fag here
>inb4 austin

I've seen a metric fuck ton of fudds sporting these March for Our Lives shirts in public.
Shit pisses me off, 24 months ago these are the same people who would have screaming how no gun should be illegal, with Trump in office they have begun to placate themselves with all 2A matters. Fuck them.

Never been so glad to be a GAfag. The south is not about this bullshit.

I can't see Vermont staying blue after this.

Wear NRA stuff

>Prove me wrong.
The jew has been openly lying about their agenda for the last 70 years. Nothing will change. The lying kikes will say one thing to your face, then deny everything when you call them on it while calling all of your evidence a conspiracy theory. Basic jew gaslighting.

>And that's a good thing!

>oi vey, gun laws have nothing to do with guns
>delete this

Vermont is lost. Most vermonters left the state becuase there are no jobs and taxes are high. New Yorkers and Massholes took their place. Vermonters nt isn’t what it used to be.

Fuck. You.

>Guns are not related to weapons

You will never be made a mod.

This post just makes me laugh at this point.

Florida is a bellweather for the nation, and it's worrying VT is talking gun control, considering seven people are shot there annually. SEVEN.

Worried about the mid terms because I know we will oust a lot of people that stabbed us in the back, but there is a good chance they will be replaced with Blue Suits. Hoping for 2020 results.

Или нaхyй

Just a bunch of butthurt Democrats and RINOs.

They cut their nose off to spite their face. This was everything they had, their battle of the bulge. They thought the Overton window shifted and they were wrong. 2 cucked states and one purple one passed some gun control laws. They’ve backed themselves into a corner advocating a 2A repeal. It’s all or nothing now.

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So when is Wisconsin going to get that Cuban invasion and cocaine cities?

Report avatar posts and move on to constructive discussion. Stop feeding him the (you)s he craves.

Sadly, gun owners do better against the ropes. We got nothing from Trump in his first year but lazy. Now that they can't say it's not about banning guns, we will start fighting again.

> tfw fudd father attended the march
I guess I'll have to go to the pro gun march in April to even it out

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lol, shark nigger

For now.

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>The second amendment is bot related to guns


>“Reasonable compromise” meme is dead.

Funny that, you keep going on and on and on about never accepting compromising, ever, and just like that the other side doesn't seem all that keen on working to find the compromise you've already said you have no interest in. Strange, isn't it?


European Style Socialists drank their own kool-aid, they started beleiving they had more traction than they do inside their shitlib cosmopolitan bubbles and overplayed their hand this time.

Make no mistake, they'll recover and try again until they get what they want. Apathy is what is killing gun rights, if every gun owner wrote their representatives, maybe they'd stop cucking.

Get fucked kike.

Do you like your yellow hall monitor sash that much, user?

>Democrats are importing illegals in order to outright ban guns and make the U.S. easier to control

>races from countries with big governments come to Whities country and demand big government
>big government takes away everyones rights to appease the slaves
>minorities move to next country to burn it to the ground

Funny that the other side was lying about their intentions the entire time they were asking for a compromise, isn't it?

Anyone voting for stronger 2A guys in the GOP primaries?

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I don’t even understand the argument. If the subject of this forum is made illegal the forum will arguably cease to exist or be markedly changed. How is that NOT relevant?

Put him in a shit nursing home

Jow Forums tries its best to keep politics off its board, despite it recognizing that guns and military discussions are inherently politically even at the most basic levels.

That being said, Jow Forums discussions need to be limited only to right now. the most extreme case of tyranny against gun owners is set to begin.

You’re a dumb nigger. I never wanted compromise. I just called bullshit on Domesticated Americans saying they want reasonable compromises. I’m going to use this march to shut down this talking point for the rest of my life.

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Fucking mods

Which faggot board did this come from?

Who ripped La Goblina's jeans that badly?

Haven't been paying attention. Are they ACTUALLY really calling for repeal of 2nd Amendment? Like for real?

Jow Forums forbids gun control discussion on it because the mods are fucking retarded

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Just go back to sleep

Fuck that cunt nugget, we should just keep making a GC containment thread every time they move it. Only one of them, many of us.

Where the fuck have you been?

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