I'm not so knowledgeable about this, but this is my understanding of European peoples right now.
As for the French, I remember my history teacher used to say Franks were a Germanic tribe (and how they deny it, just like how the original "Rus" were scandinavian), so I arbirtarily drew a line to divide the Latin French from the Germanic French. Could be 100% wrong though.
How accurate is this map?
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Sorta right, very simplified though. Slavs aren't just a singe big tribe, also a part of France is also Celtic-ish, there's multiple groups in the Pirenean peninsula, Hungary is Ugro-Finnish, not sure about Romania, I'd say they're wannabe Latin (language) but they don't qualify because they're more like Turks...
This is now an opinion map thread
Not even vaguely, it's very bad
Look at haplotype maps
Estonians, Finns and Hungarians are Finno-Ugric, not Baltic.
Oh yeah forgot about the Spanish subgroups.
I heard haplotype-based race assignment is a meme
>changes the topic
>posts the most generic looking borders as homeland
>meme flag so we cant know where his homeland is
Fucking kys
Are they Indo-European? When did they start a civilisation?
>Romanians are Latins wannabe
>tfw ???
They aren't Indo-European. As for civilization, I don't know.
Czechs are slavic faggot
Cachau bant.
shetland and the orkneys should point here
they are anglos in language only, forced upon them might I add. They used to speak a faroe like language til quite recent called norn, which the bongs cracked severely down on
they spoke it in katanes too, but I doubt the whole population did that there though, unlike the islands
Not accurate at all atall
>for example the Shetland motto, which is Með lögum skal land byggja ("with law shall land be built")
huh we use the same thing here, iceland too
the entire thing goes
>að lögum skal land byggja en með ólögum eyða
with laws shall the land be build, and not with injustice laid barren
Anglo-Saxons are Germans.... UK is a mix between Celts and Germans with a very few Latins on the top.
For anyone wondering it's Zimbabwe.
Very innaccurate. It’s borderline retarded. Scotland is more Anglo-Saxon than Gaelic. Wales is Brittonic.
Here, friendo.
I know, I know... its a map of languages, but it pretty much sums up european "tribes" as you put it.
Czech rep. should be red, and Kosovo should be grey like Albania at this point.
lol but no way he's posting from Zimbabew. Prolly a quintessential brit.
Gaelic are French and southern Irish.
All Britain mainland and Northern Ireland is Anglo/Celt but the top of Scotland (a sliver of islands, the south east of England and the southern third of Wales are Celt.
Just drink lots of OJ until you have explosive diarrhoea, lay the map out on the floor beneath you and squeeze,
You'll have a detailed heads up on the EU's plans for our immediate future.
>turks being greeks
are you retarded? they are kebab.
are you retarded or simply know nothing about north wales
Her is the accurate map.
To the Baltics part - your map would be true prior to 1939 only, as the Finland was counted as part of Baltics too back then, but since we officailly cesed existing as of Molotov-Ribbentrop pact Finland got absorbed into the Nordics as it could not exist an independent entity (group) of it's own. So now they are part of the Nordic sphere while the resurgent Baltics are in a peculiar situation as we don't have a strong enough group of our own, and all others around as have already formed.
Now we are doomed to be permanent periphery to other groups, never being a thing of our own again.
Well culturally and genetically Latvians and Estonians are Ugric... Language doesn't mean genetics. Estonians and Lithuanians genetically are very similar, only language differs.
Meanwhile Hungarians and Estonians have similar language, genetically and culturally not very related.
Are you an Amerimutt on vacation? Because that's what this map looks like.
Language means little to nothing.
Latvians, Estonians and Lithuanians, also Finns to so me extent , culturally and genetically are very close.
Estonia is Nords too.
They beat corruption and are richer than anyone.
>Meanwhile Hungarians and Estonians have similar language
A major overstatement.
>Latvians are Ugric
>Estonians and Lithuanians are similar
why am i a question mark?
You are not Slavs apparently
Nut sure in which group to put you probably, your country overlaps with multiple spheres.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I though that you didn't have a term for fatherland, you only had patria - which is non-denominational.
finns are not nordics.
No it's not. Structurally the languages are very similar and only the vocabulary has diverged considerably, since the Finno-Ugric languages tend to easily pick up loanwords from neighboring languages.
Czechs are Slavs. East Germans and Austrians are Slavs larping as Germans if you are talking genetics. If you are going with genetics, you might want to cut out everything east of Croatia from Slav though.
That's Rhodesia, you dunce. And people say Americans are bad at geography!
kys Pierre
kek I love the -oid ending almost sounds like an insult. Nordoid Whitoid negroid mongoloid finnoid mediterranoid