Name the 5 countries you hate the most

And say why.

1) Algeria : no history country(created by france in 1830), parasites, shitskins, they literally fuck up everything, they're the biggest pile of human garbage, niggers are white compared to algeri*ns.

2) Morocco : same as Algeria but at least they have minimum of history. Still these cunts are everywhere in Europe, they never get attacked by a terrorist attack but somehow every terrorist in Europe comes from this country.

3) Israel : needless to say why

4) Turkey : low iq arabs in denial + extremly chauvinistic

5) China : they're not people

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1) france
2) france
3) france
4) france
5) france



my own

kys Pierre, France is an arab country, we will make sure with my moroccan brothers that your children eat halal at school.

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1. America
2. America
3. America
4. America
5. America

Speaks for itself


back to the fields pedro

Lol, merdoccan can t do shit.
Every time there is a fight they take the cellphone and try to call friends and reinforcement...guess what I am quicker than vodafone.
What are you gonna do when they will put you in a mass grave? Who are you gonna call?
The current state of France is amazing the president literally hates you, and he is a moderate

>and say why
>Israel: needless to say why
if you start a thread with rules and directions that you set forth, then follow them.

Canada for sure

1) Germany
2) Austria
3) Lienchenstein
4) Belgium
5) Switzerland

If only you knew how bad things really are

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wtf? what is wrong with you?

I despise a lot of countries and hate none

>moroccan brothers

Moroccans aren't our bros retard, they are nigger mutts

Because they censor free speech and try to hide everything to stay political correct. Also their smugness while everything sinks.

more or less the same reason. However they make good weapons.

>every country south of the equator
Should be nuked, serves no purpose, is a failure in general.

Always prioritize their own interest, even if it fucks over eveyerone else.
However, so much good comes out of these countries, I cant really fully hate them. They are like the big brother doing drugs, you love them, but you hate what they're doing to themselves(and others.)

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1. China, insectoids that are fucking up my nation
2. Israel, jewish mindcontrol HQ
3. Brazil, peak degeneracy
4. Mexico, for browning America and for the drugs
5. Somalia, for having Somalians

Bonus: The U.S.A. for being a jewish attack dog and creating rap.

1) Isreal
2) Isreal
3) Isreal
4) Isreal
5) Isreal

I could just throw darts at Africa.

>Morocco and Algeria have no history

5) Every muslim country: No need to explain, but would team up with them if that meant defeating the others on the list, as long as they fuck of after ofc.
4)UK: Inbred imperiaalistic cunts
3)Sweden: Cucked faggots
2)America: dumb and fat, also warmongers
1)Germany: the eternal kraut, enemy of the white race, entitled, gullible sheep folk only good as obidient work force. self declared "übermensch" lost every war it ever started.

>1) Algeria
Butthurt cause you lost a colony tbhq.

Also Berbers are whiter than you, muhmad

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Elaborate please

What happened to this girl? Is she still dating her ugly paki boyfriend?

Fucking Moroccans man. We were attacked by a group of these fuckers in puerta del sol Madrid. Pulled knives on us.

The first foreigners are always the jews. Once you let them in your fucked.


Im surprise to not see britain?? Theyve killed over a 150 million innocent people, Can be argued that theyre the reason for ww1 n ww2 n also the reason israel is in the middle of the middle east causing problems

Gotta agree w the rap it’s shit.

Pedro is the reason I hate this country

britain - their whore elite and kikes in collusion to destroy the world to make themselves eternal overlords

Good point. Dresden comes to mind.

The UK for allow this to happen

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1,2,3,4,5)France: The laughing stock of history, Charlemagne was German and Napoleon was Italian. They won WW1 thanks of North African soldiers and their army is composed mostly of Norrth Africans and Blacks.

Be polite when you talk about your fathers!


not so soon ^

All countries that mass export subhumans


1) Israel
Pretty obvious.
2) USA
It is a shame that my country has been turned into a perfect (((lapdog))) half of the whites are mutts, half of the people aren’t white, half of the conservatives are neocons, half of the “leftists” are neolibs, it just goes on.
3) United Kingdom
The U.K., just like Israel, continues to use Americans as lapdogs in their wars, such as Iraq and Syria.
4) China
China is the world’s communist superpower, SINA DELENDA EST!
5) Mexico
Mexico has failed their citizens so much that they have to run up here, and make us into le 56% face.

He's either a turk or a troll.

2) China
3) Germany
4) Turkey
5) UK

We know, Schlomo.

yes same here: the UK and Germany plus France and Bulgaria

Algeria and Morrocco could have been nice, why don't you take care of these countries? you can only blame yourselves.

Lusitania should come to your mind more! False flag to killed innocent americans to get america into the world war

All canada except quebec
New Zealand

1. [The entirety of Africa]

2. [The whole Middle East]

3. USA

4. Russia

5. China

Is not our fault gringos love easy pussy

kek ... the cringe is real

>implying French aren't a mix of German and Romans

And who saved North Africans and Blacks from French colonialists ?

1. Israel
2. Saudi Arabia
3. China
4. Turkey
5. Nigeria

The U.S
>Once the gratest economy of the world
>The first White ethnostate
>Was conservative
But then
>Kikes arrive and fucked the things
>Now every college is libtard
>Full of """""minorities""""" and soyboys
The country is now a joke.
France, Germany, and England
>Once great civilizations
>Once had a homogeneous society
>Conquered a ton of parts of the world
>Kikes arrived and fucked up things
>Now every college is full of libtard ideas
>They put you in jail ¡if you criticize shitslam
>Full of """""minorities""""" and soyboys
>Trying to be a U.S wannabe in a lot of things
>Full of chairos (SJW) in college campuses
>Wanting socialshitsm besides all the shit it provoques
Meh, at least it´s still homogeneous and is still mostly conservative (but not so much if colleges still making up shit people)

in no particular order


all fucking scum

You’re in Mexico?
Or better yet, turn Canada into le 56% face.

>Implying Canada isn´t CHINAda

Attached: canadian.png (500x338, 254K)

5/Vatican City
Top 3 have visited 4&5 on principle

Attached: Image 16.jpg (700x533, 56K)

Either way, stop making us 56%.
We’ll even help you remove zapatistas and narcos if you stay on your side of the Rio Grande.

1) China
because they eat dogs and we consider dogs sacred... even tho we have a stray dog population problem here

2)South-America (includes central-america)
Because the world confuses them with Mexicans

That place is like After Earth movie with Will "el negro" smith

4) U.S.A
because they think they have the God given right of being the only racists in this continent... not anymore

5) every muslim country

Redouane proving he can't read

If I were president of Mexico, I would annex all of South America and cite my reason as the amount of Amerimutts who think South America IS Mexico.
“Well, the Americans agree with my stance that all land from Monterrey to Tierra Del Fuego is Mexico”

why do you think racism is acceptable. do you think we cant backtrace you?

who is the girl?

>uses amerimutts
>has an American flag

The absolute state of Mexican-Americans.

1. america
A soulless judeo-protestant country that feasts on the blood of the innocent
2. Germany
Has terrorized the continent of europe continuingly since its making
3. England
Always profits from europe but backs off to their shitty island when things go bad
4. Turkey
Completely genocided anything they conquer, turkey is now filled with mongoloids and arabs.
5. Indonesia
disgusting slave race that produces nothing but filth. only good for their natural recourses

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All those country have too many people.

>Always profits from europe but backs off to their shitty island when things go bad

says the dutch, you fuckers started this.

1) USA : home to two vile subjects

New York, the seat of power to the International Jew (who has no home, so the moment NYC is glazed, it will infest some other financial capital)

California state, princeps inter the doers of the IJ's bidding

2) Pakistan : of all Muslims I have met in my life, it were Pakis who said European women (not only my prostitute countrymen... country... women?, but French girls, Belgians, Austrians, Hungarians, Croats) don't count if they fuck them extra-maritally and they amount to less than a goat in this regard

3) Sweden : made a negress the Minister deciding the question of preserving Swedish history

4) Germany : they pervert the reputations of the relatively southern German-speaking nations and mercilessly rape Europe, deny us our right to reproduction, and import diseased 3rd-worlders to replace us.

5) England : home to the first caliphate in Europe

do qt french algerian qts exist frenchbro


saudi arabia

we contribute more to europe than we take (sadly).
were the opposite of evil

>hates America, Germany, and England.
>Posts Varg.
>is shit country

there is more catholics in America than the Netherlands. We are 29% Catholic.

1) usa
2) saudi arabia
3) israel
4) germany
5) france

>is muslim

flag checks out

uuhm okay, christianity is fucking shit, enjoy your neo-judaism

this is not about religion you cuckold sharting american

You guys were literally the jews of europe since the 13th century to the 19th century.


You know what you did Shlomo

1. Israel - jews
2. Turkey - muh constantinople
3. China - no fucking morals
4. Saudi Arabia - jewbacked terribleness.
5. canada - degenerate and le 53% face. sold out to the chinaman

if you cant win by force then try it another way.
portugal were "jews" too if you think about it.
we couldve meant something if we kept belgium

In no particular order

Sends all their trash north. Government is basically run by the cartels.
Literally zero redeeming qualities, fucking kikes.
Actively ruining Europe as we speak.
Subhuman trash.
No explanation needed.

You have no right hating on the English when you guys did the same. I would have included France in my list for fucking up my country, anglo-saxon england, germany, spain, italy and etc. Don't forget the french were behind the genocide of the Irish, Northern English, Saxon(german) pagans.

1. Israël
2. China
3. Germany
4. Sweden
5. Canada

1) Israel, they are Jews
2) Germany, they are autistic sociopaths
3) Netherlands, they are white jews
4) England, they are 56% jews
5) Sweden, they are faggots

turkish auto makes you a shitstain, fucking roach die


oh fuck off

1. Turkey 2. Israel 3. Saudi arabia 4. Pakistan 5. Indonesia

the anglos genocided the irish and other celts.
I wont forgive any country for trying to exterminate another european race

fuk off back to shitstain turkey u fucking asshole

This triggers me so much bros. I'm not even white.

>the whole middle east

Explain sven

hate is superficial.
sage the d&c thread.
hate no cultures, but attempts on your own.

1. Sweden - their cuckery knows no bounds.

2. Russia - terror of the east. A giant of corruption and spreader of misery.

3. Africa. Fuck it all.

4. Middle east. Same.

5. Germany for all the shit they pull.


Haiti - gay as fuck flag i mean for fucks sake nice cropping shithole faggots

Belgium - pretty much a non country

Turkey - Literally the source of all the evil in the world (excluding (((them))))

Niger - stole India's flag and sold the rim fucking CUNTS

Romania - Murder is a violation of the NAP unless you're killing g*psies

>the anglos genocided the irish and other celts.

It was the Norman French who did it. The Anglo-saxons would have protected the celts. Also the never was a genocide against the Welsh or Scots, dumbass.

>I wont forgive any country for trying to exterminate another european race

Well clearly you do since France is not on your list

1) Sweden - For allowing itself to become a fucked up third world backwater shithole
2) Canada - For being the faggot version of America
3) America - For spending its days propogating gay memes instead of doing shit that matters.
4) Nigeria - For letting fucking somalis make fun of you
5)Pakistan - For being a country full of nigger terrorists that try to pretend they're arab with the wealth and brains of a somali.

1) Israel: needs no explanation.

2) USA: slaves to Israel.

3)UK: slaves to Israel.

4) Haiti: subhuman troglodyte cannibals.

5) Saudi Arabia: Slaves to Israel.

Both continents?