Are right-wing girls a rarity nowadays? Seems like a woman's default affiliation is in line with left-wing values

Are right-wing girls a rarity nowadays? Seems like a woman's default affiliation is in line with left-wing values.

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Yes: The few you will meet are insane Christians that are saving themselves for marriage.

Don't expect to even get to first base until date 5. They're bad in bed too.

women are incapable of being right wing

pretty much this, the only conservative ones are top tier jew worshipers

Depends where you live. You can even find conservative females in Cali if you look in the right places.

I went to a few meetings on my campus for turning point and believe it or not there were some qt's in there. Two black girls even! But idk how tf to meet those girls outside of a group like that. They slip right back into the darkness once the meeting is over.

>conservative women
>in California

>Christian girls saving themselves for marriage
>they're bad in bed too
Sounds like they didn't save themselves for marriage.

Depends on where you live.

Women are incapable of thought.

I would imagine the more rural area's away from the big cities or cities in general would yield come results.

Why wouldn't most wonen be left wing? The entire left wing ideology is targeted at their nature. It some how meets up being fair to everyone and completely selfish at the same time.

Because men give them the motivation, reason and mentoring for *most* of what represents conservative values.

Now they run free with degenerates for years and the better part are corrupted and irreparably psychologically harmed.

>implying there will be any kissing before marriage

What did this degenerate mean by this?

All humans are incapable of thought compared to the AI masters who have secretly taken over the world.

i really don't understand why everyone on Jow Forums believes 100% of cityfolk are degenerate pieces of shit
you know millions of people live in the city from many diverse backgrounds
i live in a city and there are less sluts here than in a somewhat rural suburb a few miles away

No, right wing are the norm I find.
They just go with the flow but behind closed doors the truth comes out.
It's like the nice proper girl in school, so sweet and innocent, then you get her home and she fucks like a filthy animal.
I'd guess 90% of women are like this.
Same with women who claim to be lesbians, I become friends with them, they learn I can keep secrets and don't kiss and tell, they secretly love the cock and and the secrecy of it all. Note; I have never tried it with diesel dykes, they are just to fucking nasty.

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>caring about the sex

So long as she isn't a roastie I'd be happy to wait until marriage

Nice joke

Honestly I’m 26 just met my girlfriend lasy year. She’s 22, sexy, conservative, and was a virgin. Catch is she’s actually from the Balkans. Just have to find someone with a strong culture. That’s why money are religious, but you can still find many in the Midwest, small towns, non-degenerate European countries, wealthy areas, and the occasional urban right winger. Don’t lose hope, but you know, you actually have to meet traditional male ideals to pull them. Don’t lose faith. Workout, make money, grow up, avoid degenerate whores and if you find a good one, breed them like crazy.

Orange County and San Diego are both about 50/50 split between conservative and liberal women. Cooincidentally, these are also the whitest parts of Southern California.
If you’re going to a bar in Long Beach and they’re playing nigger music and all the women look like the Amerimutt meme, chances are they’re lefties.

Where can I find women like this? It's not a dealbreaker but I'd definitely prefer to marry a virgin.

Yesterday I went on a school trip (through university, I'm doing a post-masters teaching degree), most of the girls in my class are ugly nerdy girls but to my surprise during the lunch break I could hear them talking about their one night stands and about how they can't imagine developing a relationship with a man before hooking up with him. "The relationship just grows from that", "how can you want to be in a relationship with someone if you don't know what the sex is like". And this coming from women that are nothing like the usual kylie jenner wannabe club thots. Fucking disgusting, ruined my appetite.

And don't say shit like "just go to church", that may be true for North America but definitely not for Western Europe. The only people that go to church here are old people and the odd 40+ couple with their young children (12 or younger). The latter is already an extremely rare sight, let alone a woman between the age of 18 and 25.

Damn, now I wish I were a Native American woman

Sounds perfect.

My girlfriend is very left wing, but she is young.

We're moving in together soon so I can hopefully start to redpill her.

>left wing "women"

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depends on what man they want, if they want a right wing man they will be right wing

They also the nicest and cleanest parts.

God I need to leave LA

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Most bullshit statement I ever see...

Women do not get good in bed, 90% just starfish and at best follow your directions.

"good in bed" is roastie talk for taken miles and miles of dick...

Get a non slut, train her, better then getting jamal's super herpes.

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Yeah I wonder why the half of the species that instinctively wants to be provided for supports the party of free handouts, while the half of the species that instinctively wants to work and provide supports the party that encourages personal accountability.

>then you give them the right to vote
well fucking done, anglo

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Also it’s very true that women are more egalitarian. It’s just a natural result of nurturing feminine instincts. You can’t blame them. The flip side is that they are also more conformist. A man will ALWAYS make his woman more right wing. Most don’t know enough and just conform to common culture. If you are firm and a leader, she will adopt your views provided she’s not already too far brainwashed. I wouldn’t worry about her political/economic views. Worry about whether she exhibits any traditionalism/conservative tendencies or is purely liberal by default. This will be the deciding factor.

Dunno, got one at home...

I want to know as well desu. The people in my church are all old. (They're really nice and knowledgeable though)

Women truly have no loyalty.

Girl ive been with for 6 months now is a Conservative. She truly is an amazing woman. So yes they are out there. Make sure you find a girl that does not have daddy issues.

Bullshit, there's plenty of women that are right wing have good political views even if they are strippers.

I wonder if people who have fled from communist governments want communism in their new countries?

pro tip: if a woman is bad in bed it means you are bad in bed because as a man you have to lead her.

I wish this was true. Just replace AI with bankers however and then your statement is correct.

Oh look, more anecdotal Jow Forums bullshit.

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Yes, it's objective fact

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You come across offended. Are you a woman?

they do, but you need to make sure of it, don't let her worship someone or something else, she is all yours and she needs to fucking know it

Are you?

if you live in a big city, its gonna be tough to find conservative women.
but everywhere else its very common.

Ive already accepted here that I will not find a conservative white woman unless she is eastern european. British white girls are fucking stupid with no values anymore, they have all been jewed by social media.

>saving themselves for marriage.

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Typical. You wish

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I'm Native American so I get it for a quarter bitches

Holy fuck! I wrote that!

OP spoke of "right wing values", not "right wing politics".
Sure I would certainly prefer a woman that is politically right wing, but her political positions (what % should taxes be, which wars should the US be involved in if any, which statute should the children of illegal immigrants have, etc) are much less important than her values. This means her basic life philosophy. The relation between men and women, the role and importance of family, her appreciation or lack thereof of European culture, her racial identity, her understanding of the responsability she has to take for her actions and decisions.
None of these are strictly speaking in the realm of politics (though a significant part of politics is informed by the values of the voters, no doubt).

The right wing voting stripper does not embody right wing values.
Values > politics. Ideally your woman should have matching values AND politics to yours, but if you can only find a woman that has one, go for the right wing values.

>Yes: The few you will meet are insane Christians that are saving themselves for marriage.
There's actually some truth to this. I'm on christianmingle. There are actually these insane christians on that site. Virgins, even as old as 34 years old, who have their dads oversee their courtship. My comments to them are always "doesn't the bible say 'wait upon the Lord'?" "If so, then why are you online looking for a husband? Don't you realize that traditional, biblical courtships took place with daughters who were 14-18 years old?" The absolute delusion of these fundamentalists is mind numbing.

Gf comes from a normie family that was mildly conservative, being a female she was generally more liberal socially and didnt know anything about government.

After 4 years she is redpilled pretty nicely, and will shut up the roastie single mothers that she works with at her job at the local hospital when they spout degeneracy.

I’m a med student and I’m hoping to get a residency match in salt lake city. Mormons might have retarded beliefs but they also seem to spawn traditional and beautiful women. Correct me if I’m wrong

really? damn, proud of you.

Women don't deserve the vote but the woman problem is massively overexaggerated and race more important. White women are the least likely race and gender combination to race mix and they have never come anywhere close to betraying white men politically. You're being played against your own people.


Conservative Mormon girls, the ones you should look for, want a devoutly religious Mormon husband. That means they want someone who went on the 1 year missionary trip. You're not going to find a wife-tier girl unless you go all the way.

>Don't expect to even get to first base until date 5.
This is okay for me since I'm autistic as fuck when it comes to women.

My gf is more racist than I am
She isn't rly right wing, shes basically apolitical except she hates arabs and wants zero immigration

>They're bad in bed too.
That is my fetish

there are also autistic women

When election time comes around take up a voter registration job. Go to campuses and the few girls who register republican(very few especially is you're in Cali) hit them up. You'll thank me later.

>White women are the least likely race and gender combination to race mix
You're delusional as fuck. Sure, the non-white migrants who move to western countries are more likely to race mix, but that's only because they aren't as loyal as other people in their tribe, meaning the people who stayed behind in their shitshole countries to preserve their culture and customs.

You don't see this level of race mixing among browns in actual non-white countries founded by non-whites. With that in mind, white women are the least loyal.

You are the insane one

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>i identify as a native American woman
>take all of them for free or start autistic screechin

I want a conservative gf, but I'm a mutt so I probably can't get one.

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Leftism is a naturally feminine ideology obsessed with fairness and equality, which are things that only women care about.

Moreover Leftism requires that you subordinate reason to emotionalism entirely. No sensible person defines Value the way Leftists do, whereas any person with an ounce of economic sense would define it in the Right-wing manner.

The Right: Value is what you can sell a good/service for. (Market Theory of Value)

The Left: Value is whatever you sold a good/service for, plus all of the profit made by whoever you sold it to, and whoever he sold it to, etc. (Labor Theory of Value)

Since the former one is empirical and does not require one to be able to see the future or arbitrarily change the value of labor post-facto if a good/service proves unprofitable, it is objectively superior to the latter. Women, however, are masters of post-facto reasoning and retroactive incrimination, and so of course they favor left-wing ideas.

This is all well and good if the woman is coupled with a strong right-wing man, but when you allow women to raise children by themselves or, God help us all, women to raise children together, it creates weakness, a lack of culture, and mental illness.

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No such thing. The left, and feminism gives them amazing goodies, and allows them to behave however they want at the cost of their future, and as the shortsighted gender, they take it all . Conservative women are mostly women over the age of 60 whove taken advantage of the lifestyle the left has given them, and are now jealous younger women who are exploiting the state and men.

Trips of truth. Let us no longer be burdened by the female question. Only the best way of life is what we shall pursue. The rest will follow.

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>that pic
Look up the False Hydra.

>they’re saving themselves for marriage
>dont expect to get them into bed till date 5

>want a wholesome virgin girl
>want wholesome girl to put out for you

You people are pathetic. Why dont you go to degenerate r9k.

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Right wing woman here. So we exist i guess but just about all of the other women i know are left. It makes it difficult to establish and continue friendships. I have to make an active point to not engage with them when they're discussing politics and keep my opinions to myself. Otherwise I'm gangbanged with shit arguments about why I should give up my guns or passive aggressive "discussions" implying I'm anti-feminist and racist and shit. I've just learned there's no winning with those people, especially when they're surrounded by others with the same opinions.

>inb4 tits or gtfo

>first base is sex
retarded motherfucker

It's the rationalization mobius circle. Anytime you hear it you can be assured the person is a failure at life and not to be listened to. They are all excuses and no honesty.

>Otherwise I'm gangbanged

fuck off faggot

it's usu either ppl like you, those brought up on the news and right-wingedness, or autismos that are conservative

you have the dick here, sista

>Drive 60 mins East of Berkeley
>Do something fun like a shooting range or outdoorsy things
>Find conservative wimmins
Wow, that was hard

women dont care about politics unless they're old, everything else is virtue signalling what the media and instagram tells them to do

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>qt black girls

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>Are right-wing girls a rarity nowadays
in big cities and around campus, sure.

Alt right bitch here! Fuck off. Yeah, i know, left right paradigm, both wings belong to same bird, world is ran by luciferians, point is my values are "right" ead

>be me
>live in California
>engaged to a qt3.14
>she hates niggers
>she loves when I call her an Aryan Fertility Goddess
>she hates the nonwhites at her school

what's the matter Jow Forums? why can't you find a sexy right-wing babe?
I knew she was the one when she gave me a copy of Mein Kampf.
We started dating shortly after that.

tfw too smart for a gf

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>i really don't understand why everyone on Jow Forums believes 100% of cityfolk are degenerate pieces of shit
the more crowded an area is, the more likely for group think to occur.

Seems like I need to get a sex change and become a woman to get profit.

how did you meet?

Hello whore.

>Seems like a woman's default affiliation is in line with left-wing values.

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LOL. Nothing says “good mom” like a chick who’s picky about the guy she marries, but isn’t picky at all about the dude who impregnates her.

>Don't expect to even get to first base until date 5
its a test to see if you just want pussy, or a partner.

if shes actually female, do u think a girl on Jow Forums is gonna be irtue signalling and lsitening to the media/instagram?

all women are opportunistic. the best case for a woman that is good looking and smart is to act right leaning to attract right leaning men. If a woman is smart but unattractive she finds the left gives her a better chance. Hot dumb girls can do what they want. If she is ugly and dumb, she is a feminist.
Schools are churning out morons and cheap food is making people fatter.
That is why right leaning women are getting rarer.

I just love when retards that haven't been around women except their moms & sisters spew their bs opinion about women lmfao u all r fkn retarded just stfu baka ur clueless

>Group consists solely of hateful rednecks and incels
>Geez why can't I get a gf?

It's a mystery

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>I'm not the same girl I was before I got saved


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I registered voters in 2016. I found about 3 same age as me on campuses(20). Didn't get numbers though. Got some fat chick in the end. Jeez what a fagot I was...