Pope Francis says: "There is no hell"


>In another interview with his longtime atheist friend, Eugenio Scalfari, Pope Francis claims that Hell does not exist and that condemned souls just "disappear."

Pope confirmed Annihilationist.

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When are people going to figure out the Vatican was taken over by Mossad in the 70's?

lol bump

Now that you mentioned...

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Surely it was taken over by the (((jesuits))) centuries before.

christianity was dead the moment they gave a jew the pope hat

>ghosthunters and all the hunting movie BTFO

also if there is no hell he wont mind the italians storming his house and gutting him like the kike he is. god forgives all and if theres no hell theres no punishment for being a cunt

What the hell.

dude when are we going to get rid of that guy

He's not wrong. There is no heaven, either.

>Mark 9:43-48 King James Version (KJV)

43 And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:

44 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.

45 And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter halt into life, than having two feet to be cast into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:

46 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.

47 And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire:

48 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.

>Pope Francis
He's not really the pope.

>people here actually believe there is a magical place bad people go to suffer after they die

>the black pope starts remodeling Catholicism to suit his needs.
And people are surprised? Sedevacantism is the only true path forward.

Pope assassination attempt when?

49 And if thine foreskin offend thee, lob it off: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with a mutilated penis, than having a smooth intact cock to be cast into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:
50 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.

Jesus Mark! We get the idea!

>just the 70's


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How can a pope be such a cuck?

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I think he is just fucking with you guys half the time.

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Of course, it's a human flaw. It's difficult for people to accept that the most greedy or that rapists can get away with their actions here. So here we are with fantasies dreamt up of how there is eventual justice from a higher power. Understandable, but sad.

Saint Paul referred to Jews as dogs who insist on cutting the flesh.

>Philippians 3:1-3

The True Righteousness
3 In conclusion, my friends, be joyful in your union with the Lord. I don't mind repeating what I have written before, and you will be safer if I do so. 2 Watch out for those who do evil things, those dogs, those who insist on cutting the body. 3 It is we, not they, who have received the true circumcision, for we worship God by means of his Spirit and rejoice in our life in union with Christ Jesus. We do not put any trust in external ceremonies.

It really is the end of times.

the heresy of the roman church never ends.

There is no Pope Francis he is lizard jew

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It's time for a new anti-Pope to rise. The degeneracy of Rome has truly reached new pinnacles.


Hey look another thread about a place that never existed.

>people here actually believe there is a magical place bad people go to suffer after they die

Jokes on you guise, there is no hell, cuz we’ve been living in it the whole time.

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>popes went from starting wars to licking their invaders' feet
What a time to be alive

Because killing people is wrong. It's literally in the 10 commandments.

Feel-Good New-Age Pope™ strikes again

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Hey I found someone I can finally agree with.

He'll kiss the feet of an African but I guarantee he won't beat the shit out of the money lenders... fucking joke you Catholics are.

Why would he best the shit out of anyone? He's the fucking pope dumbass

a shame, someone fucking kill him already

>TFW living in a timeline where a pope slowly becomes atheist
This is as funny as it is terrifying

Are you saying that: if you kill your enemies, they win?

10 commandments. Thou shall not commit murder. Are you saying someone should break God's law?

JP2 was our last hope.

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It's not about god you fucking mutt but christianity values and our culture

I mean in a sense yea. I know that's hard to understand who thinks that we still live in the crusades. But the pope is a symbol of peace, you offer to crush peace and replace it as war. Are you so bold to claim that is God's will?

Isn't this considered blasphemy and heresy?
During Middle Ages they burnt heretics at stake

So your values and culture are more important then God?!

It ain't murder to destroy an enemy of God.

>literal CIA stooge

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Yes, now go fuck yourself kike, our race, culture and country are more important than being nice to primitive shitskin

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I would go to my local Catholic mass and complain but last time I went it was 95% Latinos and the priest literally said Israel is our greatest ally so no.

who are you to decide who and who isn't an enemy of God? The pope is God's right hand and you go as far as to say he is God's enemy? You sound like a blasphemer to me and I hope God punishes you for your sin

Can a Catholic explain how they justify revering the clergies' word as as important as the bible's when it is clearly fallible? If you would contest that it's the Church's word that's infallible, who but these fallible men decide what is the Church's word?

I never decided Francis was an enemy of God. He decided that himself.

Tbh, heaven sounds worse than hell anyway.
>Dude, pleasure all the fucking time for all eternity
>No escape goyim, take your mega dose of constant dopamine

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I'm not convinced the Vatican actually killed John Paul I because they allow Francis to live
Unless the Vatican's lost its nerve in these last 40 years

Wow. I hope God punishes you blasphemer. You put God will beneath your own and for that you induce God's wrath upon yourself. Youre not a Christian you're a demon on earth.

lol how is this guy even the Pope

Catholics aren't saved. All popes burn in hell.

Fake news, he never said it. Scalfari made it up.

He is a demented man in andropause, they keep him there because he owns the journal

NO you're deciding it you imbecile. Youre The one claiming the vatican isn't fit and that the pope is the enemy. You're wishing God's punishment on yourself.

>a magical place
No. There is a place where people stupid enough to justify their reasoning with laughter go to suffer after they die.

i can see your nose from here

you faggots got fake news'd. the pope would never contradict catholic dogma. this is a jew psyop and the author is a lying cocksucker.
you heathens are all still going to hell, like you deserve. the only ones that will be saved will be Catholics and those in communion with the true church. have fun in the lake of fire, faggots.
oh, and have a blessed day!


To call one of God's children such a name. You will lose your place in heaven my son. You will never see the eternal paradise of heaven.

>he actually believes there is no afterlife
you poor thing

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>decide to go with an affirmative action hire
>turns out hes the anti_christ

fallacy of the single cause. Kill yourself and find out what I mean.

Fuck off, heretic. You'll be burning in hell in the end, be quiet until you do.

he'll get the "depart, i never knew ye", no worries

Like it’s written straight up in the Bible
Kys pope

It's also the biggest leftist journal in Italy, so you're looking very silly right now

Are you God? You feel you're fit to pass judgement. No human is fit to pass judgement my son, you will stand in front of God's gates of heaven and you will be cast down for your sin. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. ... For with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with whatever measure you measure, it will be measured to you. -matthew 7:2

lugenpresse strikes again!

Fkn antichrist or false prophet...Catholicism is a cult anyway, not real Christians, they do everything God/Jesus said NOT to do.

Orthodoxy is the last based Christianity

ITT: reliigioncucks and those that are unable to cope with their own mortality

No my son I will not burn. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. ... For with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with whatever measure you measure, it will be measured to you. Matthew 7:2. You will never be fit to pass judgement

and how is that "peace" working out for you?

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there isn't. you just reincarnate as something else and continue perceiving things in first person

>considering heaven in materialist terms
Imagine the perfect existence devoid of any gotchas or draw backs; that's heaven.

For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. ... For with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with whatever measure you measure, it will be measured to you. Matthew 7:2
You are not fit to judge. You never will be, you're a human of sin.

>unable to cope with their own mortality
The irony is you're an atheist not because you're stronk enough to "cope," but because you're too weak to accept there are consequences.

The hate in your heart will see you cast out of heaven.

this is less retarded than nothingless, but still retarded.

I mean the Bible doesn't ever talk about hell and if the reward for being a believer is supposed to be life eternal in heaven, then just vanishing would be a pretty harsh punishment.

I understand. Instruments of Satan and his work, humans are of sin and impure.

>just allow the anti-pope to continue to transform the church into a satanic cult, you're not allowed to notice things about his heresies!

You're the reason the church has been taken over by cucks and heretics.

I think the universe is just a feedback loop of consciousness and perception. It can't exist if you don't see it.

You do realize with no struggles at all, you'd get bored of existence quite fast.

Jesus only talks about there being a hell more than anyone else, other than that, sure the Pope knows what he’s talking about...

Yes it does talk about it, quite a lot in certain places

Jesus talks about hell multiple times

Keep quiet sinner. The hate in your heart will see you cast out of heaven.

Boredom wouldn't exist, you fucking moron.

This is why I can't stand Christcucks.

My nigga

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>there is no hell
so why does his job exist again?