Statistically, blacks make up a disproportionately large percent of the prison population. Jow Forums fails to realize the reason for this. Blacks come from broken homes and are raised in a violent culture. Poverty leads to violence, and blacks are among the poorest Americans. Their environment and culture is responsible, race is a social construct. Institutional racism does not help, we are too busy trying to lock them all up to worry about giving them a good education so they can be successful. We make more money off prisons than off educating blacks so this is why things are the way they are. But keep hiding behind your faulty science and abused statistics.
The REAL reason blacks aren't successful
Blacks commit a majority of all crime
What about blacks who get college degrees in prison
What about blacks that get "college degrees" (sportsball)
And then commit crimes?
>poverty leads to violence
[Citation needed]
Man you commies are shit at this
Action : Whenever you see an article / tweet / post on normie media that makes you want to sperg out, but you can't act for fear of revealing your power level, simply reply with the following statement :
>"Thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."
If they try to start an argument, simply keep repeating :
>"As I said, thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."
to whatever arguments they try to make.
Whenever you see the comment, upvote / like it.
Goals :
- Demoralization. Make them realize that every action they take is counterproductive.
- Subtly imply to bystanders that 'ordinary' people are already right wing. Remember, the major social currency among normies is conformity. If they believe that everybody else is moving right, so will they.
- Point out that the rise of the right is a consequence of the actions & voices of the left.
- Show 'the left' and the normies that we are everywhere, and that we are watching. Again, this plays into the normie desire to 'fit in'.
- Embolden those who are already on the right but are kept silent by fear of social repercussions (see previous point).
- The comment is polite and violates no 'guidelines'. They can't shut it down.
- Short comments are more likely to be read, often more so than the actual article / post / story.
- Create an atmosphere that discourages leftists to post in the first place.
This is solid enough that you could even post it on real accounts. If you ever have to walk it back just say “I AM a leftist myself. It was sarcasm. I meant that stuff like that damages OUR cause.” Even then, the statement has value as a divide and conquer strategy (ie. “a real leftist doesn’t believe that stuff”).
It doesn't matter whether you believe any of the above or not - the purpose is to make *them* believe it.
Ignore divide & conquer shills and demoralization shills (anybody who ‘dismisses’ the plan without providing genuine criticism is a shill.)
name another western country with a concentration of Africans on par with America. its a fucking magic trick we function at all.
Just call them niggers, you fucking nigger lover
They don't they commit the same amount as all other races the only difference is institutionalize racism because cops target them more. Think about how much innocent black people get pulled over for proof of what I just said
Why is having the highest prison population considered to be such a bad thing? Just means you're catching more of the cunts.
White people with college degrees commit crimes too
Name one successful black country.
You can't make a pig read.
This bullshit again.. nobody gives them a chance right? Move into the ghetto then get back to me.
>race is a social construct
This is honestly where the bait fell apart. If you'd stuck to the socio-economic script, it would have gone better.
> race is a social construct
It is more fruitful to bash the living shit out them to the point when they no longer which point I usually masturbate to the thought they commited suicide thanks to my bullying.
im white, iv been pulled over at least 5 times.
All available data disagrees with you. Racial profiling has no impact on CVS.
>proof? just think about what i said
real strong argument there pal
Niggers commit 53% of all violent crime, explain this nigger lover
you're a bad driver
At a much lower rate, which is consistent with the norm.
So what you're saying is that the nuclear family unit is important in order for a child to not grow up to be a filthy fucking degenerate?
I bet you drive a Nissan and listen to nigger music
You don’t even realize the chicken-egg nature of the problem. They don’t happen to go to “bad schools”. Schools are neutral, blacks disrupting them and cutting class and beating the shit out of younger kids and stealing school supplies is what MAKES a bad school. There is no such thing as a “good school” that is majority black. The closest thing would be a prison.
Despite whatever moralfaggottry you may believe in, Jim Crow and segregation were white coping mechanisms and cultural defenses AGAINST the modern situation with blacks. By every societal metric and quality of life metric blacks were happier and more successful before white society bent over backwards to make them out equals. Trillions of dollars later the problem is worse with no signs of improvement.
What is bred in the bone cannot be corrected by the transfer of resources.
What if blacks go to prison TO get a free college degree.
My personal choices are somebody else’s fault!!!
Compare Appalachia with the likes of Chicago, Los Angeles or Detroit. Hell Atlanta or any Dixie hub as far as violence goes. Where would you rather be dropped off in lost?
Nigger lover lying, kill yourself unironically
OP is obviously a faggot. Come to Africa and have a conversation with a rich nigger, and you'll see that socio economic standing means fuck all.
Blacks are dumber and more prone to violence. If you believe otherwise, you are wrong.
Even allowing your bait, and pretending to believe in it I still wonder why blacks are the bottom of the barrel in every single country, not just the states.
It’s an unfalsifiable world wide conspiracy. I bet even the first contact aliens will be biased against blacks!
>there's lots of niggers in prison because prisons cost so much
You're getting the cause and effect confused here.
When you compare them to other races with similar backgrounds like poverty, growing up in a broken home etc. blacks still do far worse. They are a shit race honestly. The people have fovored degenerate ideologies for tens of thousands of years. Of course they'd be shit
>Poverty leads to violence
Then why does crime go down during rescissions and depressions when poverty increases.
>Commit 50% of murders
>Be 40% of prison population
You're right, that is disproportionate.
They commit violent crimes in far beyond their proportion to their population.
Young black men don’t fear Hispanics and whites, they are fearful of other young black men.
T college statistics paper on exactly this subject. Black male professor. A+
This, no matter the shade of the nigger, the number one predictor if its going to be a nigger?
Single moms.
Sure some two parent examples are there but MOST of those that commit crimes never had a father figure.
From what I've seen they do it to themselves. When I got locked up for refusing to pay for my disorderly conduct charge I had obtained by separating my group of friends from another group of drunk dudes as to avoid any kind of conflict while waiting for a taxi the three black dudes where all in for violation of parole. There where a couple fights all between groids.
The current system provides just enough help for everyone to be able to crawl from poverty and achieve something. Its perfectly made for people with great ideas to become filthy rich too. The issue is they are dumb niggers that are too lazy to reach out to the helping hand the system throws them. Compare 1950s blacks to 1970s blacks and to todays blacks. The first two were ok and could work and provide the rest are shit tier monkeys.
Poverty leads to lack of education and uneducated people act with more primal instincts. Thats why hillbillies act first without thinking of the consequence when someone with some education knows that there will be consequences and thinks twice before acting.
The REAL reason blacks aren't successful is the same reason you can read a news story and depending on the degeneracy/horror level you can then with %99.99 accuracy correctly assume the race of the perpetrators.
+10 edge points awarded
I was just going to post that
What happens to prisoners who don't want to work for a buck an hour anyway?
Nah. You can take a monkey out of the jungle, but you cant take the jungle out of the monkey.
No amount of education will stop niggers from being niggers
Tyler Perry proves this theory wrong.
You can work hard in school in the hood and still become something, it’s just easier to be lazy and sell drugs and guns.
Maybe instead of the big old bad cops and murican government they should look into their own damn communities where they’re picking each other off like flies.
Literally no one can cause more damage to their race then they do to each other.
Nobody denied that. The reality is that blacks can't stop being flamboyant about it. Take pot dealers for instance. A white dealer is friendly and a professional. A black dealer is going to have other violent and property crimes committed around him drawing attention. I mean everything is illegal in this day and age. The blacks bitched about police accountability now dashcams and chest cams are racist.
ive never understood this, how are prisons actually profitable?
As I said: compare them to those older 2 generations and see that they changed for the worse.
It being easier isn't the problem, it's expected. Paying attention in class and getting good grades in black school is like standing up for bullied kids in a white school. You will be outcast so no one does it.
There were 150 murders in my city, a good 130 were black victims and the suspects were negro aswell. Amerieuros arent commiting as many murders ameuros arent commiting violent offense at the same clip. Theres a violent rot in the ameriafro population, fundamentally.
Black privileges lead to black problem.
Prisoners make things for cheap that stores then sell. Shit like pots and pans. They also work for about 50¢ per hour.
>commit a crime
>go to jail
>this is racism
School systems are federally funded. There is no disparity in education. Only disparity in nigger brains vs. human brains.
There's definitely racism in the justice system, you can't be that fucking daft. I'm not saying they don't all belong there, but an equal if not more amount of white people belong there too, but they just buy their way out.
Do you know the person or people who conceived this plan?
How do these poor white people keep getting away with this? Are they poor because they spend all their money getting out of jail?
Are they buying their way out of the crime statistics showing that blacks are far more violent?
He's not saying racism doesn't exist, he's pointing out that blacks often perceive racism when any interaction with law enforcement, regardless of their own culpability, ends poorly. Ref. Alton Sterling. They think it's "racist" that a black guy and a white guy shot a black guy going for a gun. They're saying shit like "why din dey tases him? is rayciss!"
Abolish da po-lice rofl
It was a Thai flag three days ago, havent seen since.
But I approve.
>/threading yourself
"We" don't make any money as whites. "We" have our tax dollars mass allocated at the expense of our own safety, schooling, roads and parks to imprison blacks.
"We" don't flood their neighborhoods with illicit drugs via private plane.
I can keep going but point is... until blacks stop collecting plantation welfare and taking schlomos dope off his hands their conditions will never improve.
Dope dealing pays more than being a doctor. Why is jamal going to spend 10 years in school when he can be a dope dealer?
Stop blaming whites who largely don't give two fucks about black neighborhoods d or their plight.
When did I say the poor were buying out? You can walk in any white populated town in the US and see a 7 page mugshot paper full of poor drug shooting wife beating white people. It's people like the heir of dupont who can anally rape their 3 year old daughter and not spend a day in jail left out of the statistic that creates the problem. Black people can do it too obviously, R kelly, OJ, etc., but there are far fewer well to do black people.
Sounds like a money issue, not a race issue.
disparity exists in the form of some schools from some districts get more funding because they are closer to the party that governs or has the power in that region. But that only affects the school as a building point of view maybe staff too but not in a way to actually feel a difference. Except someone really hates that district and cuts 90% of funding.
If would be far more cost-effective to just execute blacks for robbery instead of jailing them, which means more money could be used to help educate smart people regardless of race.
>their enviroment and culture is responsible
And who is responsible for violent gangsta culture and dirty poor ghettos?
>Statistically, blacks make up a disproportionately large percent of the prison population
That'll happen when you disproportionately commit crime.
Unless you want to go prove a few hundred thousand cases of false conviction I suggest you fuck off.
Yeah I wonder why some people seem to think this is an actual argument kek, it's like saying that whites are unfairly paying too much taxes because le ebil guberment just arbitrarily taxes them more and it's not based on income.
every thing stems from the broken home. Blacks dont grow up in the best environment
>Blacks commit a majority of all crime
well yea, poor economic circumstances, lack of role models (ie fathers), poor nutrition and health will cause that.
Time and time again the state can correct the poverty issue 10 times over. Yet that never fixes the problem because the real root issue is mongrels who impoverish themselves, and perpetuate poverty through their future generations. Poverty is an easy fix; niggardly, myopic natures cannot be fixed.
Instead of subsidizing terrible decisions with welfare of all forms, free education, and exaggerated incarnation sentences just let all this trash die off in our society (and it will). Such people are self-destructive by nature. Don't feel empathy, don't sympathize. You can't help those who can't help themselves.
So even though their circumstances in terms of economy, nutrition, and health, are hundreds of times better than those of white Europeans hundreds of years ago, who still managed to build the greatest empires on Earth, that's still the problem?
>lack of role models (ie fathers)
How is this anyone's fault but their own? Did white Europeans just have good role models just fall from the sky to teach them? Or did they man the fuck up and do it themselves? Kill yourself.
>White people with college degrees commit crimes too
>im white, iv been pulled over at least 5 times.
but you dont have cops thinking you have a gun or drugs when they pull you over, thus they tend to be more polite to you and dont have a gun drawn on you.
>White people with degrees commit crimes
Schools don't teach how to rape and rob people. Do we need to add those courses for black males?
But then how come its a shithole everywhere they are?
Even in majority black countries?
Niggers dont get guns pulled on them either for a simple traffic stop, unless they act like niggers, or have previously.
>Statistically, blacks make up a disproportionately large percent of the prison population
This is because they commit a disproportionately amount of crime.
And what’s this about being black?
I thought you communist faggots said race doesn’t exist?
Oh that’s right, it only exists when it fits your narrative. Suck a fucking dick.
Only when it fits their narrative.
many of those athletes don't earn a degree, they get drafted before they graduate, but besides that many of them get pushed through HS and College because of their athletic abilities. It's just another version of blacksploitation. Some get lucky because some jew feels sorry for them and invests their money properly, many others just get turned out to be another "house nigga" then thrown away.
>Schools don't teach how to rape
and the single mother statistic is....
then stop commiting crime then! poverty is an excuse!!! the poorest white areas dont have this crime problem!
being poor isnt an exucse to rape and murder! its their low iq
You spot on named one of my good friends who managed to get out of a felony for having shrooms and selling bud
I love him but hes a nigger
According to your infographic, it looks like California is the problem
Maybe it's time we either let them go or just nuke it from orbit
Well, of course, that nig might have produced more nigs.
But the key difference between those cases?
The chad had no witnesses, he admitted to it, and apologized.
He pled down.
The nigger had video evidence of him raping the girl.
He dindu nuthin
Fuck that bitch
>then stop commiting crime then!
hahahaha I love this comment, because its such bs, white people commit just as much crime they just dont get caught because they are largely ignored by law enforcement. At one point in life you've broken the law, either you didnt get caught or you didnt know you were breaking the law. Do you know there is shit on the books that can land you in a local jail for 24 hrs and up paying and access of fines more than average person makes in a year? Yea, they are largely not enforced but at the end of the month cops need to meet a quota so they go after blacks and other minorities because they are easy targets. Read what "policing for profit" is
>Statistically, blacks make up a disproportionately large percent of the prison population.
This is the dumbest line of thinking I've ever seen in my life
>We must have equal representation of the races in prison!
So should we just throw a bunch of innocent non niggers in prison to make niggers feel better about being more criminal than everyone. Please don't pretend they aren't criminal, there is a reason every other race in the USA avoids living around them.
nigger behavior is genetic
not so fast. Rich blacks commit more crime than poor whites