A picture is worth a thousand words

Every user ever on Jow Forums

Not only does it explain everything, but in great detail.

- Jow Forums anons hate lesbians because of it
- Jow Forums anons hate blacks because of it
- Jow Forums anons hate womens rights because of it
- Jow Forums anons hate liberals because of it

Not sure why Jow Forums anons hate Jews and the Left, but I'm sure it's in there somewhere.

Proof: Give Jow Forums user a free prostitute for the night, he won't hesitate long enough to find out whether the prostitute is a dyke, kike, black and/or liberal. 99.9% chance Jow Forums user would even do her bareback and not regret anything.

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you are soooo right

Post pics of Bulgarian women. We all know Jow Forums wanna see. Because Jow Forums ain't but a bunch of wankers.

look at this jew shill and his psyop thread. keep makin the frogs gay ya pedophile space-vampire.
i'm so lonely i just want to be held

How to sum Jow Forums up in a few words

OP's picture made me laugh. It btfo of Jow Forums too much lool

what levels of projection are we on?

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true story

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>Maybe if I attempt to offend users who hold national socialist views they will change them

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>Not becoming a wizard

Fool... The universal force has given you the keys to the kingdom and you toss them aside for a pittance.

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i hated all those people when I had a hot gf too. you're full of shit, just like the kike who made pic related

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>he thinks i want a degenerate human

Come on you stupid faggot, don't bitch out halfway through your theory; why do we hate jews and leftists?

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TL;DR version of your bullshit, fingol:
>something happening because of god

Is it because Jews created the Leftist ideas and these leftist ideas are the basis of modern liberal values? Before that happened even ugly morons like you had 1% chance to get laid?

>everyone on Jow Forums is a nawt-zee

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it's rather leftists that embrace feminism causes as they can't get laid.

>not waiting till married to have sex
OP probably fucked fat bottom of the barrel Becky and he thinks he's part of the cool kids club now.

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Homos are shit, niggers are shit, feminists are shit, and liberal is just the label on that fruit basket. Neo liberals only care about freedom when it applies to the groups mentioned.

I don't do requests

don't you have any arguments other than ad hominems?

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It's not about what you want, it's about what would really happen if you were given a free prostitute. Given for free because you're a broke loser. You would fuck her bareback in a heartbeat because that would be your only slim chance to reproduce your sorry ass.

Did I hit the nerve here? Seems like thread is escalating rather quickly. I'm sorry if I hurt your feels.

>be raised republicunt
>gf breaks up with me
>Jow Forums gives me comfort
>the dream of being a perfect white man is planted
>thousand year reich and perfect kike free state idealized
>the frustration of being a hopeless faggot wears off after a year
>realize our problems transcend the nazi idea
>adopt flag related as my final solution
I still love the more level headed alt right fags and Jow Forumstards though. Jews and niggers still aren't innocent and at least they're breaking the status quo

What was the ad hominem here? I was simply stating a fact. I went to a nazi party once. There was but one woman, very old and obviously had all the STDs known to men and probably more. It's sad but we should still discuss about it. We can tell this thread hit a nerve.

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>mate, that is not how it works.

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Four sour posts from you. It sure didn't hit a nerve...

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6 sour posts from you. it sure did hit a nerve on your side.

>that pic

So true.

just wait another year you faggot

10/10 pic

i have 2 kids and slept around in college

i just want to stop the decline of the west,nothing to do with anger toward women,i know thats what you wish to think to sleep better at night but its simply not true.

if we wanted to get laid we would type gender fluid into our social media bio's and virtue signal like the cucks do.


>Just another idiot trying to generalize a bunch of anons.
The only thing you can safely assume about this board is that it is mostly white men. That's it.

literally no one her is natsoc. they just think the skull hats are cool and they hate niggers

>pol is mostly white
said the 56%er, as he let a blue Sharpie sink into his pupil

I'm sure there are some virgins, neets, autists, and other undesirables on here... but how would it make you feel if a bunch of us were that average looking white guy in your office? Lmao. I think there are more of us around you than you think.

>please leave me alone, thanks.
>continues to use roads, postal service, various different social welfare programs
>has a garden so he thinks he's a pioneer

>A picture is worth a thousand words
>only 9 words can be found in the picture
i thought scandinavia had free college?

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>I'm a retard
The post

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56%er calling me a 56%er... those europoors got you trained up good, nigger.

1/10 bait shillo kowalainnen
You created this strawman bc u cant stand someone not agreeing with your libtarded views.

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How can we possibly survive as a species if we do not have our government masters provide us with means to travel? We will surely be stuck in the same place forever if we do not give 1/3 of our paycheck to our masters. God bless our dear leaders for the gift of road. We are forever in your debt. Sincerely, public school graduate.

Mostly Angry Gun Advocates or MAGA.

It has something to do with small penises, being white and not getting laid.

I'm sorry it turned out this way for you guys, but it's evolution. You cannot fight evolution. Hitler tried and failed big time. Don't repeat that mistake. Don't pretend you are God and you can change how things will go. There are too many variables for you to control. It won't work, I'm sorry. Try to waste your life in a more meaningful way. I'd hate to see you fight like the original Nazis and get humiliated. No, it won't go different this time either. Most of the planet are not white. Keep that in mind.

>read half of that post
See ya tomorrow newfag

lets blow this popsicle stand and go rape some white women. we'll probably get the nobel peace prize

That's besides the point. You can't live within a nation and utilize all the infrastructure that has been established by the citizenry for the citizenry then get assmad when we ask that you contribute in tax

i can't get laid and i wanna be the opposite of a national socialism. i wanna fuck different races of women starting with pic-related

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I was there to create the internet as you know it, junior. I'm lmao here knowing you have no idea what httpd is or linux for that matter.

We are all related actually. We are all fucking really distant cousins and some of them have adopted to different environments because our planet is huge.

Jow Forums anons try to say that is wrong.

Well excuse me while I rightfully continue to fuck my distant cousins and leave the internet, plastic and rubber material for /pöl/

You do not live forever, go fuck your cousin now.

>taking anything a cousin-fucker says seriously

your trolling only works on the virgins of our group. some of us have had sex and are natsoc for other reasons. even then some of the virgins are remaining pure for their future wives who they expect to be pure as well. sage in all these fields.

don't you get tired of being a useless piece of cancer?

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What other reason do you have? You know Hitler married his cousin right? He wasn't the only original Nazi to do so.

>The only reason he supports something is because it might help him get laid

Uhhh yeah, pretty much. What's your point?

Didn’t you make this thread already? Basically the whole time you never gave an argument and just told everyone they were virgins

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>nazi party
Like was there music and stuff?

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But... I got laid ages ago...

Thank you.

>haha wow you had to climb mount everest four times to post that
as if typing away on the computer isnt one of the lowest effort actions you could do. you're not 12 anymore. getting responses to your autism isnt some marker of your value.

first and foremost in my opinion it is the only way to ensure the survival of my race. thats why im a natsoc. im sure others have different reasons. if hitler fucked his cousin im assuming you have evidence of this claim. if so, would you please present it? even so that has nothing to do with natsoc politics. you seem very upset, why is that? of course if you dont mind me asking. props for not just shouting virgin though troll, ill give you that one. still a lot of sage in these fields.

But you forgot to post the pics. I know every virgin here makes the same mistake.

The funny thing about this is that it is actually true.

Do you expect to have a class of men that don't get laid or reproduce to contribute positively to society?

This is why we HAD marriage and laws that enforced the contract for both men and women.

Now we have a shit birthrate, lots of sluts and loads of single mums with niglet children. Hurray for us.

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Seems to be working though.

This. But let them continue to underestimate our numbers, our fervor, and our charisma.

If that's true then why don't the jews give us government-issued gfs to keep us complacent?

>Projection: the post
Why are you so insecure?

what's working? you're so pathetic your self worth elevates from being replied to? that's fucking pathetic lmao.

You believe in that illusion of a race? Have people here never done psychedelics or have they done them too much?

They did. Computers and porn.

They need to step up their game if they want to tame Jow Forums, then.

They just missed the fact computers/the internet would enable us to bypass the propaganda.

Not really. Have you not been involved in any of the flame wars in the early 90s?

Or maybe you just don't know how to search gay porn or animal porn.

Or not. Who runs the internet? Oh shit yea.

Stinks like kike in this thread.

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i used to sell LSD by the vial. funny you would ask that specifically. ive done more acid in one sitting than youve probably done your whole life. race isnt an illusion... i mean you can see the difference between them with your own eyes. sage. would you be willing to answer my questions? probably not though.

They are trying to sensor now but you have got to admit it's not exactly going thier way.

Be real dude. You are censored. White people are going to fucking prison in your country over tweets and slices of bacon.

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this is a really sad post, considering i already told you that you arent 12 anymore. makes you sound really poor, that you value pretending to be retarded on the internet over getting outside.

We user's hate faggots from Finland too , where the national sport is suicide REEEEEEEEEE !! Drivel on faggot you lesbo loving na nuk from the north , go chew some whale blubber off your mother .

What the fuck I'm a SJW now

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No, you're just dumb dumb.
Too many shills here nowadays.
None of them with any good arguments.

Fuck right off, pls.

Why would you have views that no one else has? Maybe the reason nobody is a nazi is because Nazism is ducking retardedly insane.

Yeah, of course you are right. I'm not trying to say things are not censored.

But the problem with social media is that they are forced to sensor retrospectively.

It's not perfect but it's all we have.

Wrong. Everything you said was wrong. If you had any real experience with psychedelics then you would not be spewing shit like that. Don't pretend with me. Acid is mild where as mushrooms and DMT are not. You can however get similar experiences but I think you have been sold something else. Try 5mg dried mushrooms and look up Terence McKenna.

Also when someone is sent down for expressing an opinion people start to notice.

In the past things just never got said because the censors stopped it first.

This Jow Forums is corrupt and you should know if you knew real psychedelics. In the 90's people had the balls to flame using their real name and location.

This place is nothing but bunch of cowards and school kids who know nothing about nothing.

I have lost my faith. Internet was a stupid idea. Well at least my generation tried hard.

you're such a faggot you're reminiscing about the good times you had 20 years ago back in the glory days of making fun of people on the internet

If your problem is censorship then rally about that. Why you make it a race issue? Jews and Negros have been censored. Why are white people crying about censor now? Because now the censorship hits the white? Fuck me.

terence mckenna is a hack. stop trolling faggot. stop wasting hours being a faggot on Jow Forums. jesus fucking christ

That's what the internet is all about you dunce.

Fuck you. You do it first homo.