>Fox News host Laura Ingraham apologized Thursday over a critical tweet she sent out the day before about a Parkland, Fla., shooting survivor, in which she mocked him over college rejections.
Kneel before Hogg
She shouldn't have to apologize for telling the truth. That kid is acting like the worst faggot. All he does is whine and moan, attack anything conservative, then kick back and cry again if anybody defends themselves against CNN's favorite sock puppet.
Never fucking apologize
This. Now they'll go after her even harder.
How is he a survivor if he wasn't even at the school at the time? He said he was at home
Oh man A pressure cooker of peace would be ideal there
She shouldn't have apologized
If you put yourself in the public eye standing on the corpses of your classmates pushing an agendayou are fair game for criticism and mockery
Harvard won't accept him because he's too goy
He’s just too powerful.
Why do they keep cucking to these kids? Call hogg a fucking weird stickman and the skinhead lesbian as a skinhead lesbian and fucking stand behind it. Compromising your beliefs and apologizing to these animals is not going to give you any points with them, it just makes you look weak.
Cuckservatives Ftl
>How is he a survivor if he wasn't even at the school at the time? He said he was at home
we are all survivors of the shooting. none of us are dead, after all.
lest we forget jews run FOXNEWS too.
Ingraham is weak and gets pushed around by her guests regularly, not surprising.
Hahahaha faux "news" and conservacucks BTFOd by a couple high schoolers. One who couldn't even get into college lmao. What a bunch of literal retards lol
hogg wins again
I took this to heart from watching Trump and it really does help. Once somebody realizes that you're not going to just cuck out for offending them they usually fuck off or play nice really quick.
Boycotting the stupes' and rubes' herolets works
>apologizing to the left
this is how they win, by apologizing you are admitting defeat. never apologize for having a controversial opinion, it shows that you have conviction
hogg wins again
>muh muffins
She is awkward & geeky, had high hopes for her but despite being slightly off kilter her show is a disappointment
Why the fuck should she apologise? Hogg has been rude as fuck, calling Rubio & NRA murderers
Tucker & Hanity wouldn't apologise, Laura needs to grow some balls
Get out of here with your bitch ass Hogg posting
And hanging up on POTUS.
Which he bragged about, fuck this rude little shit
She’s a dribbling idiot and as you can see not useful