Why (((they))) fear Classical Antiquity so much?

>Its not the Samurai
>Its not the National Socialist
>Its not some Jow Forumstard Trump shills
Is the fucking Classical Antiquity, they will smear, distort and falsify everything and anything they can
When the West actually got a glimse of the GrecoRoman light, Jewish pogroms became the norm. So if you want to get rid of the Jewish plague, start with some Pythagoras, Cicero, Aeschylus, Thucydides, Montaigne etc

This is Jew Shekelinos latest (((conservative))) show, where he claims that Grecoroman myths have no moral value. The same kike keeps propagandizing about (((Judeo)))-Christian values

He tries to convince the retarded Mutts that barbaric kikes like Habakkuk, Malachias and Onan had something to do with the western world while demonizing at the same time the beautiful and highly didactic GrecoRoman myths like the ones of Orpheus, Prometheus, Pandora.

If you truly want to fight the KIKE and you are not just ''Kekistani'' Larping faggots, start the only fire needed, learn and spread the locked knowledge, end the cyber middle ages of humanity

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they motivate to become a better man
>to think
>take actions

Look how many jews are in the antiques business, I've always wondere how much they stole off their own in ww2

They're trying to erase our history and rewrite it by pushing the 'we were all immigrants' meme onto Europe, in an attempt to invalidate the argument for the preservation of said history and culture.

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The left fears any kind of movement that is exclusive.
They are commies. Every movement where people are excluded because of race, religion, gender, etc. they will hunt down.
They are essentially about breaking down any and all barriers.

>Its not the Samurai
>Its not the National Socialist
>its Classical antiquity
Samurai is basically the classical antique analog for Japan and natsoc a move towards classical values so I'd say the jews fear all three of these things.

You're right though they definitely don't fear maga fags.

Only when whites do it.When are we gonna tell these brown shits to fuck off and mind their own business...

It’s even worse than that. jews have falsified history. They’ve constructed their own narratives that are not historical and who knows how bad they’ve really distorted it.

For example, jews invented the dark ages in the 18th century. Petrarch did not create the concept, the jews just attribute it to him so that people don’t realize the concept is new and 100% jewish. There were no dark ages. Even the Greek dark age is an invention of historians and false chronology

Because man is god.

I have not really thought about it much but off the cuff I would say it is because the ancient Greeks and Romans demand the best of us. They had an idea of what man ought to be and it was often required of men and women to strive towards that ideal. It took work and commitment to do it. There are no short cuts, the lazy would fail utterly and be left behind by those that had ambition and discipline. It is a slap in the face to their all encompassing ideas of inclusion as it would not permit those who did not want to work to be a part of it. There was a cultural system of shame for those who were lazy and the lazy don't like being called out on their laziness. So instead of doing the work to improve themselves, take responsibility for one success and failure, they work to disparage the idea of something to work for in the first place.

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NatSoc is modern Reich, which is larping as romans germans, italy was fapping on Rome, Moscow try to be Byzantium. Samurai is asian antic.


Where can I read about there ideals, philosophy and way of life.

Is Oedepis a cooler Jesus?

Start with Homer, Sophocles, then Plato, you absolute faggot.

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You don't have classical latin in spanish schools?

You can also read Schopenhauer or Nietzsche. Both have one thing in common:

>knowing what classical antiquity is

How is it exclusive tho? anyone could walk up to it and feel invigoration from watching it



This, so much.

I thought of something else as well. You can see the cultural reflection of this in art. Take Modern art for example. It is often disjointed, vague, and disorderly. It does not reflect any of the order or symmetry of nature. While chaos is natural it is not something as humans we want. Art expresses values and what ought to be, or what can and should be. Ancient greco-roman art glorifies the human form they show them lean and strong standing upright prepared and ready for danger or challenges. It says there is an order, and were there is not, man is strong enough to face it. Modern art depicts a realm of oozing forms with out solid foundations or form. It wants to live in the gray were there is no ought to be or even in some case there is not even a solid reality at all. If you can convince people through art or argument that we cannot know reality then we cannot control it either and if we cannot define or control it then we are helpless. They then tell us that certain people are capable of knowing the truth of reality and we should just do what they say.

Eh, Plato is crap after a bit of thought, faggot

You can’t understand Nietzsche without first having a thorough understanding of the classics.

Found the kike.


Jews fear the Romans.
That's why they went nuts against the Nazi's, to them it was the Romans coming back again.

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Jews are mostly incapable of being fit, therefore they try to distort what the goys find beautiful. In other words, they make the ugly beautiful and the beautiful ugly. The ashkenazi/wandering jew has never had to work in his life. For hundreds of years jews have had the privilege of working in purely mental fields such as, finance, banking, science, academia, etc... This is partially due to IQ and partially due to nepotism. Most goy yanks don't even realize who is jew and who is non-jew.

t. a part jew.

I love how white peasants try to find a way to bait the remaining white warriors into idealistic action with pics like OP. Your desperation shows because of how you went from "muh peaceful christian world" to "muh classical antiquity". The white warriors know how white peasants, white women, and jews all ganked up and mindraped the white warriors into killing each other during ww1. Never again apocalypse or nothing.


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The left condones a whole lot of ethnoconscious, supremacist movements because they are low on the oppression scale.
It is all intersectional but nothing new.

I have been thinking about this a lot. What is happening currently is actually the best route possible. We are not yet in the real world, organized but a lot of people are getting red-pilled online.

>When are we gonna tell these brown shits to fuck off and mind their own business...

There is a good possibility for eventual segregation but only if we manage to make the majority of white people racially aware.

Basically, any attempt to resurrect or continue the Roman legacy has been violently opposed


solid analysis

spot on

Especially this. They act like white people just appeared one day out of thin air, with no culture and no history and nothing to claim. Not land, not language, not tradition, not legacy. ANYTHING to keep people from looking back and realizing what was taken from us.

Have you ever noticed how women want to infiltrate any space that is male dominated?

They are pol, expecting the patriarchy to fuck them over everywhere, where some here suspect a jewish conspiracy
Blacks and everybody else has white supremacy

Ah hello fellow tribesman.
Do you realize that your actions are fucking our entire group over? Once, Whitey is gone we lose the ability to blend in. The brown niggas are just going to slaughter us.

I was watching a youtube series by Invicta about the seige of Jerusalem recently, pretty awesome. the kikes never forgave the Romans and still have monuments to the kikes killed back then. It's considered anudda shoah. The people here don't cry for the Britons killed in the Boudicca rebellion ffs. Crying about persecution is Jewish culture.

I don't think this is trying to bait people into action against others. I love classical art it gives me motivation to study and to work out. I look at an ancient greek statue and I am inspired to emulate it. It is not asking us to go to war with others. It is saying to you, this is what you can be. I think it is a call to war, but with yourself, your doubt and insecurities to become the hero of myth in your own way. To slay your own dragons. It is saying that you have the capacity for greatness. You become great when you can take on your personal flaws and deal with them. You don't have to become Caesar.

>Implying I consider you my group
You need me under your control. I dont need you at all.

Several ancient sources mention Sophocles' homosexuality or bisexuality. Athenaios reported that Sophocles loved boys like Euripides loved women. The poet Ion of Chios relates an anecdote involving Sophocles seducing a serving boy at a symposium, and Athenaios one in which Sophocles is tricked by a hustler.

What’s your point?

Oy vey
You need me to do your science and banking goy. You're not smart enough to do it yourself.

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I dont need your science or your banking. These are stuff you need and try and convinse me that I need them too.

Fixed it for ya

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Also how much they've erased...

>To know where you are going, you must know where you are.
>To know where you are, you must know where you came from.

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False dillenma. Only true nobility under the nobility system were the knight errants. Aka medieval white warriors.

The last time there was a serious threat to the survival of the Jews was when the Babylonians were still alive.

Jews have no 'fear' of Western civilization, quite simply because we one of the fronts of Western civilization. Unlike most of the people who visit this site.