>be me
>Go to school runned by Henry Ford Motors it’s a high school I have senses this has a lot of Jew undertones
>School is going to host a walk out event to protest guns
>Teacher offered us extra credit for attending March for our lives
>School expelled my friend for making a racist joke
>Last year they participated in a day without a woman
>Today in class they got mad at me for saying that people should intergrate into society
>There is a huge pic of Malala in our cafiteria
>Also pictures of Stalin
>School is causing me to want to kill my self
Be me
Go, get the extra credit. School means nothing.
K-12 is a continuation of the Prussian style of education. You are being turned into an obedient meat puppet for the state. Commies infected America's institutions and promote their worldview using it. A ruling class runs America and they see most people as genetic dead ends who should be worked to death.
learn math, graduate, live life
>kill my self
don't forget to shoot up your school first
>runned by Henry Ford
are you sure it's not a kindergarten?
>Henry Ford Motors it’s a high school I have senses this has a lot of Jew undertones
Wasn't Ford extremely anti-semitic?
New ford is run by kikes and old Ford was a bit of a kike himself.
Ah something like Disney then?
Poor Henry Ford would be rolling in his grave if he could see what the Kikes have done to his company.
>Bit of a kike
Nigga he funded the wermacht and kicked the Dodge brothers out for being Jewish
stop embarrassing us
the current CEO Bill Ford Jr. is a literal jew. His mother is Martha Firestone (Feuerstein)
>>Also pictures of Stalin
>doesn't post a pic of this
Fuck off underage b&. No one cares about your bullshit story.
> I have senses this has a lot of Jew undertones
You are using a proxy you are not American this is a bait thread. sage
do the thing
and then kill yourself
Funny you say that I walked out on the final 2 years of school here and taught my self then went back to Tafe/college for a couple of years
Walked out on sorry day too what a joke
Yes he hated kikes, but he was also a slave driver himself. He'd turn America into a giant meat grinder if he could've. Lenin actually sought to emulate Taylor and Ford's system using Marxist theories.
>sorry day
i just looked this up, jesus christ I cant believe this is actually a thing
this is some leaf tier shit
Is that in Fenton, Michigan?
>Get extra credit for not going to class
Do it OP, it does literally nothing but show that a bunch of kids with no life experience are scared of the real world and you get a higher grade for standing for a little while. You're a retard if you dont do it
Fucked isn't it.
We've been bluepilled since the 70s
What a fucking waste of an opportunity that you're letting them get to you. God, I wish I was in your shoes. Just they fucking try to expel me for stating my opinions, which I have the legal right to do.
Ford Motor Company and the Ford Foundation are two different, unrelated entities. One makes vehicles, one is a political institution that supports Democrat candidates and has been separate from the Ford Motor Company of Henry Ford since the 60s. Do your research retards.
K-12 extends you childhood and dumbs you down. Then you're forced to be gullible prole for the rest of your life. You're better off doing your own thing.
Do you live in Dearborn? I live there and work for ford. I can't imagine going to school with those animals, the gym is bad enough
Get a t shirt printed with: I don't agree with any of this. You can reuse it later too. If a bitch teacher comes up to you just say its about the 2nd amendment.
More people need to know this.
>>Unrelated entities
>>Created by Henry and Edsel Ford in 1936.
Nigger they are related.
Wow! Macomb has changed since I lived there! Sad!
Henry Ford is probably the most effective anti-semite to have ever lived
I was only in the school system for 3 years total(homeschooled) it redpilled me so much I never went to uni fuck having that debt over my head
10 years later I'm a neet but at least their programming didn't work on me.
All I know is I never want to send my kids to public education when I have them let alone private.
Uni is their choice but I am going to advise very strongly against it and insist they teach themselves
I went out and checked the local uni and it literally had lgbtiq+ safe space stickers. I noped the fuck out of there after a day when the middle aged psych teacher started playing kumbiah my lord (female singer) at max volume in its entirety over the pa system for (gender studies) intro that wasn't a elective
Everyone was visibly embarrassed and there was only 3 men in the class
The course framework was dated 10 years ago and the based main old Greek teacher told me unless you make the right friends and start your own practice or get work experience at mates you're fucked less than 1/10th even find work in the field and you can bet you're ass their gonna pick the pretty female psych with daddy issues over me
I believe he means Sterling Heights
There is literally nothing wrong with Taylorism.
You have to be over 18 to post here, checkmate.
didnt henry ford write "the internation jew"?
also dont kill yourself thats how the jews win
they rip out your spine and make you think suicide is the answer
keep on struggling your tears will be rewarded in the end
Ford was based, but now the Ford corporation is literally owned by a Jew.
They did the same thing to Walt Disney. They both spoke-out against Jewish bullshit, so when they died, the Jews swooped-in to take control of their corporations.
Oh I'm not far from there :^)
Ford created an entire newspaper to combat the jew's ownership of the media.
That newspaper posted a series of articles grouped together as "the international jew: the worlds most foremost problem"
Good guy
It turns nightmarish when the employer uses H1B/contract work schemes instead of fair pay. Also the K-12 dumbing down of perfectly good people equals human sacrifice in the work place. Taylorism only works when it is 100% implemented, like le global communism meme. Up until then you're getting fucked every which way.