They want the guzs so bad

Pic related is what they are going for. If you own a gun, and won't turn it in, they'll try to get us to the point where it's a door to door confiscation.
If you own a gun, and don't turn it in, they consider you a crazed lunatic.
Do they not see how bad that could turn out?

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Other urls found in this thread:

You just know this retard has an I'm with her sign in his front yard.

The nice thing about libtards is they are obsessed with telling people that they're libtards.

I would happily ventilate this cockroach in a self defense situation.

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The rest of the tweet.
pic related.

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>Wants to murder half the country in their sleep over a statistically insignificant problem
>I'm the one fighting evil here
>No-knock SWAT raid
I keep 3 full mags of XM855 on my nightstand, and my (always locked) bedroom door has a clear line of sight to the front entrance. Sure, I'm not making it out alive, but I'm gonna take at least a couple little piggies with me.

This will end badly for everyone

If there ever was a door to door confiscation, and I don't think there will be, there would eventually be a Waco or Ruby Ridge type incident.
Then things could get very ugly indeed.

Well, the psychotic liberals at least.

You and a few million other Americans.
Personally, I don't think it will get to that point, although history says it could.
But if it did get to that point, those doing the confiscation would have to watch out for the targets neighbors.
These people are just trying to cover for their failures where Nickolas C. is concerned.
The kid was literally telling everyone he was going to go on a shooting spree.

Want to know how to run out of cops?
This is how you run out of cops.

Attached: cop fear.jpg (608x609, 104K)

The confiscators are likely gun owners themselves. Defection and non compliance would be standard.

You think swat members are going to risk their lives day in and day out for this nonsense?

You would need a genetically raised army or a un force to attempt and fail to force compliance. Even then.... people have caches would catch wind and organise and make more caches.

This piece of shit fails to recognise the mass casualties of a sustained operation... major cities have very minimally trained swat members and at most an apc or 2. It takes them 60 cops to raid one house to hopefully prevent casualties with 1 guy.

Even the military couldn't complete an operation of this magnitude.

The only other option would be to conscript a soy boy army. The thing about guns is they are equalizers... and soy boys can certainly learn how to aim and pull a trigger. The problem is they would have to do a forced draft to conscript and organise but somehow do this 100% in secret without gun owners, right wingers, and the military taking notice.

This moron should lead the left and march them to their deaths. The very worst outcome for the right would be eliminating vast numbers of cultural Marxists and gaining more freedom as a result. The best outcome would be complete and utter annihilation of the left.

>The confiscators are likely gun owners themselves. Defection and non compliance would be standard.

lol.. u still don't know about what's going on all over the country...

this is how it works...

person nogun calls in person progun....
"omg progun threatened me i am in fear of my life, omg, progun is a shooter! do something!"
:::woooo wooooo:::::
cops show up...

they hand you restrain and abuse prevention orders....

they sieze conceal carry, fid, guns,ammo
0 due process... if you dispute while it's happening ITS A CROIME MATE!

wait 2 weeks to go see a judge to get your shit back.... entirely up to judge and you to prove...
no constitutional law.... all admirility...

and it's ramping up the passed 30 days...

you libs want the guns?
just call the cops on everyone you know that has a gun, they have to take them...
you're welcome.

welcome to the psyop....

not a larp or troll either.
100% true situation in USA.

My snapchat feed. They're pushing it to kids

Attached: Screenshot_20180329-143003_Snapchat.jpg (1440x2960, 1.71M)

Sounds like a good way to get your house burned down.

you'll never guess how i know about it..
(((((it happened to me 4 days after parkland))))

>We hate gunz
>gonna send paramilitary forces door to door to get your gunz
This is why the anti's are not anti gun. They're pro tyranny.

NRA types don't gun down people.
Democrat types gun down people.

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>if we want a safe America
>kill them all

I agree. Muh mental health is the biggest threat.

>make rather "sensible" mental health laws...aka people who suffer from schizophrenia.
>doesn't work.. mass shooting. "Clearly this isn't enough regulation" start regulating ownership to a broader category.
>uh oh it happened again. Begin using more objective traits and risk factors and plug your name in to muh algorithm. Think traffic tickets.. social media scores.. zip code.. etc
>since no one is armed by this point throw on the rubber stamp and outright ban weapons for all but the few chosen

Do not support any mental health screening in anyway. The mental health screening should be limited to... if the person is obviously crazy enough to not be trusted with a weapon they should be institutionalized.

I would love to see what TX reaction will be to anything involving the repeal of the 2A federally.

If they start forced confiscation you'll see a ruby ridge happen several times a week

>One of millions of retarded Americans on social media
Stop giving stupid people your time. A firearms ban will never happen, so relax, and never forget Seth Rich.

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Then you need to quietly join, or better yet, form you own small militia.

This guy has no grasp on the logistics of this. You need to have people willing to do these extremely dangerous raids on millions of households. Would he be willing to be a part of a task force which every day goes out to a gun owner's house and attacks them?

Attached: sethRich.jpg (1024x1022, 135K)

you aint taking out nobody pussy, you would piss your pants if you heard a knock at your door at night never mind SWAT smashing your door in.

Real talk, do you think an actual civil war will start over this? Their original plan of slowboiling the frog is obviously not fast enough for them, and they're very stubborn this time. I don't know a single gun owner who's said that they will comply with a confiscation.

If you hillbillies are ok with dieing over the right to have guns so you and Jim bob can shoot beer cans of your car your life isn't really worth that much anyway and you are a detriment to the evolution of society.

Hush Nigel, I was talking to the adults.

>projection: the post

civil war is better than a boiling frog. for the love of god don't give up your 2nd amendment. after that they ALWAYS come for your speech.

don't end up like the uk. the colonies are fast following her down the road to orwellian dystopia. jesus christ i need to get out of this place and move to the us.

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quit projecting and bin that knife, white boi

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Reported for hate speech. Enjoy your prison sentence, cunt.


The US is so vast that there are terrain types of any kind. You could live in/by the mountains, swamps, prairies, lakes, rainforest, beaches, desert, etc.

America is awesome, it’s just some of the people that makes this place suck sometimes.

Its the truth Jamal
the truth hurts
pic related is america
black on white cuck porn is a billion dollar business in the US of Gay


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Reported again for anti-homosexual comments. May Allah have mercy on your soul.

Who said anything about homosexuality? Interesting, when an American hears black on white cuck porn first thing that comes to mind for them is a black guy fucking a white guy. Makes sense

> US of Gay
You're insinuating homosexuals are bad. This is hate speech. Better hire a lawyer, you're fucked.

Mate you are an idiot I can say what I want and not get arrested, fuck niggers and I hope kikes get mur......asfasfafbh

Why not just execute gun homocide culprits? It would also have the benefit of cutting your welfare strain and nigglet population.

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can't wait for the first reports of Jow Forums hatespeech convictions in the uk. such pathetic maggots. did that jersey isis poster from Jow Forums end up getting convicted of anything?

The left completely ignores the prohibition era and the war on drugs. Hell, they ignore their own argument that abortions would still take place even if illegal.

The optics of actual gun takebacks would be so bad that gun control would be repealed in a matter of months. Two or three Waco incidents and public opinion would completely turn. Very few Americans would have the stomach for it.

170 SE 3RD NO9 33441

Brian Garvey, you might wanna take your time and slow down before you start advocating for culling half the country. Brian keep fucking around and you are a dead man.

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that's a real big think user

>If you rice farmers are okay with dying over the right to have your own country so you and Dinh Nang can catch catfish out of your sampan your life isn't really worth that much anyway and you are a detriment to the evolution of society.

>Confiscation by the numbers in the US is impossible. If you think it is you're insane.
Just some simple round nunbers
First let's establish a base line. Surveys range from 200 something million to 310,000,000 guns in America.
A little research will tell you that's bullshit. Those numbers have been floated since the 90s. Just from NICS background checks 2015 to 2017 over 75 million guns sold.
Let's just keep it at 300 million for ease of calculations though that number is probably closer to 500 million no real way of knowing. I know I lie on every survey.
CA has put out some numbers. Looks like it's costing roughly $2,921 per gun they are confiscating. Mind you this is for people that shouldn't have guns. I don't see that number being very different in a downward direction if anything it would be higher. This does not count cost of

>300,000,000 X 2,921 = 876.3 billion
This does not count disposal or the fact many will resist and shoot cops. Not to mention the cost of incarceration of those that refuse to comply. How much did those FEMA camps cost again. All in all you're looking at Trillions of dollars in direct cost alone. Not counting the loss of business and Tax revenue. Long story short even a half ass attempt would bankrupt the US.

>TL;DR door to door confiscation will never happen.

The left. Always eager to send government employees to do their dirty work.
Retarded cops will do it too, their pension is THAT good, until they see significant fallout among their fellow nigs.

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>He thinks there is any way on Gods green earth that cops and swat teams can be convinced to commit no knock raids on known gun owning civilian homes over and over and over again.
Not only are most cops pro 2a but, just assume you somehow get them to comply with the order to just murder gun owners. Now assume that ONLY one out of every ten homes you kick the door in on, someone puts up a legitimate fight and gets into a gun battle with the cops. Numbers alone put this war of attrition on the side of the citizens without even factoring in the ABSOULTE 0% there is of this even happening to begin with.
This dude is completely delusional or just a shitty troll.

Is there someone we can report this guy too? He is a little nuts.

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>kill tens of millions to save thousands

Attached: pepe.jpg (250x200, 6K)

Ur dumb

says the brit who got MKUltra'd into turning in all their firearms.
Leave this place.

Now thats what I call delusional

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>First let's establish a base line. Surveys range from 200 something million to 310,000,000 guns in America.
Those numbers have been pushed around for 10 years. Each year another 10-15 million is added. We're way north of 400M guns.

Democrat vote control central for Broward?

Someone should ask that retard if he'd be OK killing black gangster gun owners.
Call him racist too.

Diversity throughout history has always been the death of nations.

I can feel the estrogen emanating from that post

If you had said white on black then i would've understood it was a white guy fucking a black guy. I guess the order matters?

If they ban guns, they won't go about it that way. They'll take the approach previous gun restrictions took. They'll grandfather in existing guns while banning (or severely restricting) new sales.

Snapchat has been pushing gun control HARD

It's certainly not his address, that would be against the rules.

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this is why no one takes right wingers seriously

>Not beheading their wives and fucking their goats
I guess I am a pussy by British standards, Mohammed.

Oh I think it's even more than that. Probably somewhere in the 600+ million range. Being a gun owner in CA I will never say yes I have guns on a survey. If you look at some of the graphs from the question of gunownership you see a decline in numbers % wise but record gun sales. Can we not admit faith in govt is declining and most won't answer the survey honestly.

it'll happen at the state level.
anti-gun jews have figured out it only costs a few $$ thousand to bribe state level politicians vs hundreds of thousands for federal.
I've seen no recourse at all in any state. No one has fought back.

The war starts before that. They have until May 21st to repeal all gun laws or we go to war and millions die.

It is listed as 3bed/1 bath, with 60 current residents.

>They have until May 21st to repeal all gun laws or we go to war and millions die.

Lack of self awareness and delusion. The building blocks of liberal insanity. They just don't get it, we have guns/ammo/food for these reasons exactly

States may chip at it incrementally over the years.
No resistance yet. Some non compliance, but no push back.

That's the end of the 90 day notice I gave them

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Looks like some run down shitty studio apt flop house

Report this guy to the FBI. He said it himself, he wants half the country dead

Any state trying this will bankrupt itself. With the cost of confiscation probably close to 5 or 10k a gun. They can try to go through the legal route with taxes or door to door. The former being even more expensive in the long run.

With 60 registered voters? Isn't that the database that's used for residential addresses?

Uhh, 90%+ non-compliance rate with the SAFE act in NY. Same in CT. They are crying about it. They know they are absolutely BTFO no matter what they put on paper.

This coming from some fag in the UK?
You faggots are so cucked it's almost unbelievable.
Shouldn't you be watching Muhammad rape your wife and daughters?

I'm sure SWAT teams all over the country can't wait to take away their own 2nd amendment rights and kill their friends, family and neighbors. And when SWAT says no, what are they going to do? Send a bunch of angry liberals door to door?

Just another bongoloid that forgot we won in 1776 and their opinion is therefore absolutely irrelevant on the matter.

>hurr you wont be figthing a opressive government you rednecks
>hey guys lets use the government to kill them all!

Ever read The Turner Diaries??? Some DNC nigger goon squad. Niggers would love that shit.

TX just allowed open carry literally everywhere in the state.

Those "piggies" are mostly on your side, bub. The same goes for the military.

Attached: 2ndAmendmentCops.png (307x320, 6K)

>3 mags
Opsec so I’m not going to give any clues as to just how much ammo I have.. but anything less than 400 rounds ready to rock at any given time is what I would consider as being out of ammo.

One in the mag well, one on the buttstock, a pile that can be grabbed and thrown in pockets, and a loaded for bear lbv. And all ‘extra’ ammo should be in a bag ready to be picked up. It is well past the time to be considering yourself a modern minuteman, and if you have your shit so that you would need to stand around with your finger up your nose trying to think where you put something or what bag it needs to go in... no good.

You don’t need to be a paranoid retard but get your shit in order. You check the oil on your car right? Make sure the tires and filters are good?

Well then you can make sure you are ready to rock at any moments notice.

The only way to do it is the way it's being done now.
Little by little pass laws prohibiting this or that magazine, then another little "resonable" law, then another.
Plus, the leftists have control of the school system, and have been teaching students "gunz bad".
Student grows up, Granddad passes away, turn in grandaddys gunz.
Actually...that still might not work, the issue is in doubt.

>most cops pro 2a

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False, this enmass would cripple the justice system with back log plus the amount of time and resources this would take is insane. Use logic, each call will now consume more than 200 man hours per. 20-40 hours in court, police department admin 40 hours, 8 swat 4 hours each.

That shit is real.
Or, you really believe the CIA about Iraq having Yellow Cake, one example.

Never heard of the Unabomber apparently.

Half the gun grab nonsense is pushed by arms manufacuters to bolster numbers. Just the threat of it gives the 6-10 pts on margin.