Does anybody else feel that modern civilization is just too complicated and unnatural

Does anybody else feel that modern civilization is just too complicated and unnatural.
Seems like modern civilization brings out the worst in humanity, their no natural order.

Is destroying civilization the ultimate red pill ?
Is it even possible to destroyed the modern civilization since humanity is already in many ways become a global civilization.

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Have you read Ted K, Mr Poo?

Read my manifesto if you haven't already.

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Life in India is similar as life in Europe 300 years ago (and not just talking about street shitting)

Your life is very uncomplicated compared to life in most western countries.

I live with the same question dangling around.

Overpopulation it's enough of a problem on it's own.

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it's just concrete. no less natural than a bird nest or an and colony

also low IQs cannot cope with change and progress.

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It will destroy itself, it is inevitable. Every empire in history has collapsed, history always repeats itself. It's best to take your family and get as far from major urban areas as possible. Land can provide everything you need if you work hard at it; in 100 years everyone who still tries to rely on grocery stores and insurance will be dead and the strong will live on in harmony with nature.



It's the amount of people clumped together that is unnatural.

>1 post by this ID

not today, honey

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what about ants

>Is destroying civilization the ultimate red pill ?

yes, by not taking part in it, what Jow Forums refers to as "redpilling the normies", the sjw of the right. Jow Forums is entertainment but will never win at anything because muh normies etc etc.

Fascinating manifesto thnx

yes the people in the village still lead a very simple peaceful life
But unfortunately in live Mumbai

humanity as a whole seems to be on the decline
even high IQ society collapse

They aren't people m8

Today civilisation has many flaws. But it will be improved with time. At least we are living in peaceful times.

No one can cope with it, you can't make people accept such a drastic change in life style.

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whenever you think something is going towards entropy, you can always find order on a higher resolution

Le epic meme

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>Does anybody else feel that modern civilization is just too complicated and unnatural.
I have woken up to that fact

>Is destroying civilization the ultimate red pill
I abandon it


the only thing that will improve with time is the degree of exploitation.

The problem isn't modernity.

The problem is refusal of the truths of the past and that what happened before can't possibly happen again because everyone from 50 years ago was a big stupid dummy.

That and we got complacent. We think other people are responsible for our personal security, for example. Preposterous.

And it'll keep happening. It's kind of like the Reapers from Mass Effect tbqh.

so a prepper lifestyle
Not gonna lie, i have been dreaming of just going in the woods and build a comfy cabin in the woods
away from all this madness

> But it will be improved with time
But how, like i said modern civilization brings out the worst in humanity

>At least we are living in peaceful times.
True, but is peace making us weak ?

eugenics might help, but the current political climate wont allow it

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You're right. Take the Unabomber pill. Ambition and hubris will be the end of us all. It is unnatural to God too, so good riddance to humanity.

Why do you say complicated? I feel like life nowadays is easy mode all the way. No struggle at all if you have a halfway decent job.

How would you define how much is the right amount of "artificial" anyway? Is agriculture natural?


>Is agriculture natural?
is there any doubt to it?

living off the earth and the work of your own two hands is probably the most grounding and sobering experience you can make in an age where we live in a bubble with no connection to the origin of things. Everything we get is just handed to us on a silver platter in markets.

wasnt mzab a strongold of medieval isis

It's not really over population. China and India are over populated. Africa will soon be overpopulated in that the nations there are not suited to handle their population or any population for that matter. Parts of Europe and North America are overpopulated but on the whole we're okay.

All human behaviour is natural. a man builds an engine, a bird builds a nest. one day it will be proven to have genetic basis, that most actions and activities have specific brain regions and neuron clusters associated with them, guided by natural selection and not through any semblance of intellect.

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think of the abstractions life has taken on thanks to our decoupling with nature and reality. Those abstractions are hiding layers of extreme complexity.

go take a shit

Things that will improve:
Birth control: less people, less pollution, less resources consumed.
Health: cure for cancer, for infectious disease, better vaccinations.
Automation: robots will take dangerous and boring works, automatic cars will avoid accidents.
It will be a beautiful future.

So where do we stop? Is electricity ok? Plumbing?
I don't agree that people should all go back to agriculture. Having one person feed 100 is more efficient than having each person feed himself (due to scaling).
I actually like all the comforts we have at present. Most of it would be gone if you went back to subsistence farming.

I prefer ZillaKami

Our brains and DNA do not have the blueprints for combustion engines in them. We only have intuition and skills that make it so we can program and analyze those patterns in our brains after birth.


truth, there is no true free will. you're guided by animal instinct even if you put on clothes an live in a plaster box

some good news, china population's in decline and India's population has already stabilized and starting to decline

most of our population growth is because of increase in the lifespan of old people

We stop when we are in spiritual equilibrium and harmony with our environment

Absolutely. We're clinging to the shadows of a premodern world which we can't really know.


>Does anybody else feel that modern civilization is just too complicated and unnatural.
uhhh not really just pointless
There's no higher purpose but backbreaking labor with no future. It's the same everywhere in the West unless you're extremely wealthy.

Though on the bright side, people are getting retarded so naturally even a total moron will be able to hold a job though still not have anything worthwhile to accomplish or a future to secure

As far as I am concerned I have lost confidence that the direction we are going is right

I personally draw the line at electricity because that was the line historically, between a bearable way of life and the cancerous way of life we live today

India needs a population reduction as does China. Africa had AIDS to slow it down but now that's mostly been corrected.

>no higher purpose

you have to make your own purpose IE secure a stable future for your children. This is what being a human is about

>Not gonna lie, i have been dreaming of just going in the woods and build a comfy cabin

>cabin has electricity and houseware

Go full caveman mode or stop talking shit about muh civilization.

Internet ruined everything, too much information way too fast. Even at my job I'm on my phone a lot. I do not think the human mind is made to get information so fast. I look at people who live primitive lives and you can see their mind is at ease, they just live day to day not worrying about next week or 5 years from now. I want to unplug from the matrix and return to innocence but its too late.


you mean jewish debt-slavery?

>you have to make your own purpose
You completely miss the point. You can't "make your own" higher purpose or order.


Any city with more than 2 million people it's overpopulated.

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>Seems like modern civilization brings out the worst in humanity

India hasn't reach "modern civilization" so no.

You're just reaching the feeble upper limits of your brown, third world IQ, Pajunder.

It's ok. Relax. Go take a nice dump on the street. Maybe rape someone. It's more your natural speed.

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yes you can, you are god

Yeah I'd imagine mumbai would be pretty unpleasant. But, people make the move to cities all over the world and have for hundreds of years- must be for a reason

> total moron will be able to hold a job
interesting POV but wouldn't automation affect the job market

see thats just a generic pic dumbass

Tell that to the cops before they beat your ass


take mushrooms and have an iq over 85 and you will understand

hows Germany and canda's future working out ?
how is mass migration and replacement of your people coming along ?
you morons dont have it any better, to be honest India still has time but you two wont even last two decade
so shut your yappering.

have you tried ayahuasca ?

Here is what humanity's closest relative, the chimpanzee, does:

If we didn't have civilization, we would be tearing each other to pieces, too. But thankfully we have laws, courts, etc., which wall us off from chaos - and unimaginable horrors lurk there.

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>but wouldn't automation affect the job market
Some people are already no different than robots. So why bother? It's cheaper for now. Though I'm not some big-wig CEO of a multi-million company to make those decisions.

>the "personal equation" and the specific zone on which drugs, here including alcohol, act, lead the individual toward alienation and a passive opening to states that give him the illusion of a higher freedom, an intoxication and an unfamiliar intensity of sensation, but that in reality have a character of dissolution that by no means "takes him beyond." In order to expect a different result from these experiences, he would have to have at his command an exceptional degree of spiritual activity, and his attitude would be the opposite of those who seek and need drugs to escape from tensions, traumatic events, neuroses, and feelings of emptiness and absurdity.

You do not have at your command an exceptional degree of spiritual activity, that's obvious because that's what you sought to change.

That shit still happens with humanity though in different form. e.g economic warfare

>Does anybody else feel that modern civilization is just too complicated and unnatural.
>Is destroying civilization the ultimate red pill ?

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I'd say its less civilization, but the governments and companies raping the people into desperation
The ultimate redpill is anarchy

I think you have a non realistic view of how life was before. Most people did backbreaking labor day in and day out. If you got a random disease you were fucked.
By all means, you can go live like that if you want. Just doubt you'll find it as fun after 1 year.

all mushrooms do is make it impossible to run away from your fears, we used it for tracking/hunting large game because it makes you fearless

fear is the only thing preventing you from being your own part of god

that's why they put the fear of parents/god in you from a young age; to keep you scared so that you run from your problems and can't do anything of your own volition

I agree. But if that population were spread out, it would be fine.

What are you trying to tell me?

no matter how much we advance in technology and efficiency the majority are always struggling to make ends meet. always a continual struggle for resources preoccupying the masses. rlly makes u think.

ALL civilization is unnatural. We didn't evolve to live like this. With civilization comes mental and physical illness.

>The ultimate redpill is anarchy
Anarchy only makes groups of people more easily conquerable because human nature interferes.

Besides eventually the anarchistic society will devolve into a socialistic one, or something close to that if nobody knew what socialism was, mainly because it would be hard as balls to compete against non-anarchistic societies.

Anarchism only works for the individual, not the people. You can't have more than one anarchist because freedom cannot be shared

What a fucking retarded statement

I hope to, some day... I would probably want to go down to central America and get the whole experience

poo in loo

Good point. Der Ewige Mann. The video's description of alpha male hierarchy reminds me of Trump, actually. But economic warfare is our natural aggression being channeled into more productive work. We can't change our nature, but we can put it to work.

>The ultimate redpill is anarchy
But aren't we humans tribal, so we will naturally form tribes and hierarchy ?

Oops sorry, tagged the wrong post, i was telling that china population's in decline and India's population has already stabilized and starting to decline.
most of our population growth is because of increase in the lifespan of old people.

>With civilization comes mental and physical illness.
that explains all the madness like gender fluid and pronouns and wolfkins and otherkins

Ancom is the evolution of that idea, not to mention that historically anarchists formed fairly strong communes with militias

anarchy = just pushing the reset button
eventually it would come full circle again
I agree though, fwiw

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You can form coalitions and communes through anarchy, and even popular militias and social groups. However in no situation is anyone placed in a position above others

Right, but the decline isn't enough. It's the fact that you could replace everyone in Europe with a Chinese person and still have Chinese people left over.

How do you hold those coalitions and communes though, if not through money and human greed?

>Making grand declarations about civilization
>He has no civilization to call his own
>He quite literally defecates in the streets, eschewing the use of a toilet, a white invention deemed "too complicated and unnatural" by Pajeet

I kindof agree though
I think the only way to stop that would be a VERY basic code of law enforcable by public will

Ant Lives Matter

Ideally just through teamwork
Anyone who doesn't pull his weight doesn't get help

Mushrooms don’t make people fearless, that’s PCP, mushrooms can put you into a depression or even take you to hell

Everything is natural, user. The cities humans create are just as natural as a flower in the forest.

>humanity as a whole seems to be on the decline
>even high IQ society collapse
things turned downhill in ww2, the wrong side won and we're living the consecuences

>Is destroying civilization the ultimate red pill ?
Abandoning humanity and becoming posthuman is the ultimate red pill.

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>Seems like modern civilization brings out the worst in humanity, their no natural order.
Yes sure. The more rats you put in a cage the more fights you will have.
Our species has the potential to be above animal actions and reaction but any number of which choose not to or can't.
I know my pic is of nigs nigging but hey they are of our species right?

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interesting thread desu

wait wtf are roman ruins in africa honestly that well preserved? how?

I think capitalistic voluntary exchanges for services, goods through money would be a structure one could depend on in the anarchy.
Communism is noble in it's premise, but falls short on implementation because it doesn't factor in human greed.

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They just found evidence of ancient half million strong settlement areas in the Amazon jungle, overturning standard theory that it was only small villages.

Probably preserved under sand. There are a few.

they take you to hell because you can't run from what frightens you

bad trips are the best for self-improvment because they show you how truly overpowering your fear is

For what its worth India bro, I've not met an Indian I didn't like on an individual basis. Doesn't mean we don't have too many of your people (and others) flooding white nations, but I respect the Indian man.