> At sisters wedding.
> hate conversation and being in public
> play mario kart 8 the entire time till I can leave which keeps people from bothering me
> Some old guy keeps speaking to me about some bullshit while I try to finish a tournament.
Why are old people so rude? I am 36 and at my age I know never to bother people
At sisters wedding
How do we stop millennials?
>Why are old people so rude?
I always assume it's some kind of heavy metal or pesticide poisoning, because it's too much of a coincidence that an entire generation is made of yelling assholes.
Plz kys
Dude its rude to speak to someone who is gaming. If you were readibg a book and I keep jostling you then yoi woild tell me to fuck off. Its the same thing and assuming I want to speak to someone is very rude.
I dare you to specifically tell me why I am in the wrong. I didnt want to be there I barely know my sister and was only a groomsmen because she needed an extra man. I didnt even speak to the other groomsmen
>36 year old playing video games at a social gathering.
I hope you are never allowed to have a gun, you are a mass shooter in the making. Kill yourself before you harm others.
I agree. Most people are fucking boring and I for one dont enjoy social interaction. I play my switch in public and wear headphones to block out people and I still have others bothering me.
They should go fuck off because face to face interaction is an outdated concept
Can’t tell if this is bait, but if it isn’t: go fuck yourself. You’re an adult at your sisters wedding. Put the fucking game away and at least pretend for 6 hours to not be a piece of shit.
Not an argument. I didbt know those people and I will never see them again so why give a fuck?
A little self reflection could go a long way kiddo. Perhaps you are the boring one on accounts of you only playing video games and jerking it to cartoon characters.
>not an argument
You are an anti-social piece of shit and will die a virgin. Never come back to Jow Forums you freak.
She literally didnt care if I was there.I speak to her maybe 2 a year even though we live in the same town whichus also true for my other sisters and their kids. My family doesnt reallylove each other.
Should have claimed your sister before she got married and asserted yourself as the alpha male in the family, dumbass American.
Then why bother me? It is frankly cruel to force social interaction on people. The fact you seem to think I have an obligation to speak to others shows how entitled you are
You are the one brothering people you freak.
Feels like a /b/
Then why didn’t you go to the wedding? That’s the only question you need to ask yourself before you started this thread. I’m seriously want to know, why did you go to the wedding?
I have 2 kids that I am raising geek and non religious which is something else that pissed me off as they had the ceremony in a church. My father just kept going on and on about god and sanctity of marriage which is a horrible experience for the non religious. Marriage should be a civil institution. Keep God out of it
Sorry, why DID you go to the wedding?
you are 36 and play mario cart 8 at a wedding?
If you hate human beings so much you should unironically kys.
> At sisters wedding.
> play mario kart 8 the entire time
>I am 36 and at my age I know never to bother people
bravo user I wish all bait threads were this funny
My parents wanted my kids to be in it and paid for my tux. Also they gave me $75 to show up and I needed to buy Breathof the wild.
How is a person sitting alonemakingno noise bothering anyone?i dodnt talk to one person the entire time
>retarded piece of shit announces that he has reproduced already.
>happens all the time
>detrimental to my mental health
God I hate this fucking place. I need to find the strength to never return.
Jesus you should have mentioned breath of the wild in the beginning. Have you played it yet?
Yea I am playing now at my kids doctor appointment. I love gamingin publicand have no idea why anyone would look down on it
Low energy bait
>Sister’s wedding
Couldn’t you have at least played something interesting to onlookers, you worthless faggot? Like Bayonetta?
Pleas kys immediately.
Whats wrong with that? People have hobbies loke golf and what have you and lets be honest the nintendo switch is amazing
LARP harder virgin
very nice concern trolling faggot
Kill yourself tard. You will never have sex
Even if I know that it's a fake, WHY does fit so well.
Some tries to be nice and just have a chat and you act like a autist and bury your face in your switch in a paddy.
If your 36 then act like it
>at social event
>brings your Nintendo Switch
Fuck I though that was just a meme,
You're a manchild. Act like an adult ffs!! You cant even man the fuck up for your own sisters wedding? Fucking pathetic.
Dude at your age you should never be playing video games in public. Maybe a little xBox at night or a PC game on the weekend for fun, but dude youre 36.
>you will never have sex
He just said he had kids user. Please don’t disrespect his wife’s son
Btw, I’ve seen millennial dads with the Switch. This one faggot was married to this blue-haired whale. Instead of playing with his kid, he was hogging it all to himself.
I have a wife and 2 kids thats nothing special. Every man games nowadays and social interaction is a real pain in the ass.
My family games together I even gave my son my old NES for his first system loke when people used to pass down bibles or whatever
Nah I dont really give a fuck about my ssiters. I dont even speak to my nieces or nephews.
I dont hate them I just dont care or feel anything
Why should anyone conform to your standards?I am 33 and game for hours. In fact Saturday will be a big day because a new vanilla wow server is launching. I took time off work to get server first
> Do what I say
Looks like you are the one who needs to grow up
You claim you feel nothing but you clearly do by making such a statement with your actions. You are in fact the rude one here. Imagine going to your daughters play our something she is really excited about or a movie and gaming the whole time. No normal person would do this.
You're intentionally alienating yourself at what is a known social function that involves socializing. You are the one being rude. If this is not obvious to you seek immediate therapy or commit yourself to a hospital. You have serious problems.
He got paid 75 to show up. Thats not a bad deal.
Regardless you cant tell people what to do. The idea thatbecause it is a social situation ypu are required to socialize is ridiculous.
Honestly I personally have no idea how to be social anymore either. Its just more trouble than it is worth
>raising geek
In America geek is an identity. Its like raising catholic but not a bunch of bullshit about God and watching marvel movies
No you can't tell people what to do. Anyone can act like a dick at their sisters wedding. But it's insane to call everyone who says hello to you at a fucking wedding the rude ones. It's not that hard to look in a cage of animals that are all playing together and socializing and see the one that is fucked up. It's the one brooding in the corner playing with its own shit.
Actually people who socialize are the fucked up ones. Theyneed the approval of others and have to keep interacting. Its frankly weird in modern times to see people talking face to face
He's not the one initiating an interaction though. He just wants to be left alone.
Well fuck!
U got aspergers or autism dont ya
>burying your head in a mobile device at a social gathering
Im 31 have a wife and still play video games. I also have mutliple guns what are you going to do about it you piece of shit?
Thats fucking bullshit how old are you?
was everyone else playing golf at your sisters wedding?
t. Babby's first shit post
There is absolutely nothing wrong with owning and enjoying a nintendo switch as an adult male.
Umm sweetie why do you need a gun if you not a ex marine.
Nintendo consoles are the only ones I give a shit about, since all the big XBONE and PS4 titles are also available on PC and those that aren't are usually not worth it.