Why is her hair all messed up?
Why is her hair all messed up?
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How come she gets a kiss goodbye but nobody else?
What about poor Rex?
Stop it
Pretty humid out today.
hope is the superior political sex slave
For all the virgins on Jow Forums, her hair is messy because that's the look of a woman who's just been sexed up. Donald has been plowing her field on the Resolute desk in the Oval Office. Imagine having a wipe up that smelly presidential goo afterward.
So what you're saying is that she swallows.
Sometimes probably. But I imagine Donald baptizing her in his goo, spraying it everywhere like Silly String.
Why are those window panes white?
Gonna need feet pics to affirm this.
>>Oval office
Oral office
*his hair
Hope Hicks is a transgendered man...
..you useless fucking autist retards.
Because they just FUCKED.
>from the window
>to the trump taj mahal
>till the sweat drips off don's BAAAAALLLLS
> Disney star
You're hired!
Awwwwwlll Don's bitches howl
Scandis in general and swedes in particular have a bbc cuckhold fetish ingrained in their dna, it is genetic. Minnesota, the state in the USA with the highest percentage of swedes, has a similar dynamic playing out.
You guys are defective because you are too nice/gullible/easily fooled, something is wrong with you. Seriously, the jews found the button on you to make you destroy yourselves and pressed it.
She just got done sucking Trumps nuts
Mother of
Quick tussle before she bounces.
that thing on the right doesn't even look human to be perfectly honest family
Maybe her butt hurts
She looks like if Lindsay Lohan never went down the cocaine timeline
Getting railed by a massive nine inch hog will do that to you.
It used to be an outrage 20 years ago, but AMERICA has reached such levels of freedom, the President can just casually have a sex slave around
Well Huma served a very different role for Hillary, didn't she? Hope Hicks has to suck the dick. Huma has to muff dive.
Also wasn't there a rumor that Hillary smelled weird? Like she would walk into a room and you would know that she was there? We never got word on what kind of smell it was, but I think we can put two and two together. Anyway, Huma had to deal with that.
Thanks, I thought she looked familiar
Linking to jewtube, idgaf
Dicked by my boy Don "Key Kong Dong" Trump