Poland bought Patriot missiles from US

So our gov just signed contract on Patriot missiles in face of increasing threat from Russia. Romania also bought them but less and older version. Funny fact is that our gov plan on buying more of them in the future and modernize them by adding lasers that are still in prototype version in US. Your thoughts? Great deal for defending against Russia or jewish trick

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We had this thread several times already man. Why put this so much under the spotlight? Are you a russian troll or what?

Well it was just speculations so far but now they signed a deal so its no more speculations but reality

What's truly mind boggling is why country of this size and capabilities doesn't get its shit together and work on developing its own defense systems.

Thanks for making my Raytheon stock go up 1.88% while buying a system that has little success in Saudi Arabia.

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This is a russian board now full of useful misinformation.

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Because it'd require increasing the military spending by an order of magnitude to get anything decent within acceptable timeframe. This stuff just takes time to develop. Also last time (WW2) we focused on stuff like that, it didn't really help much. We had our own airplanes, tanks, anti-tank weaponry and so on. It's better to be cost efficent and buy more of existing stuff.

Well those are probably from the 70s, so hope you enjoy fixing them constantly.

old tech

You're talking about a country that only exists out of spite, not of polish spite but of OTHER nations, known as the Allies and triple Entente.

>Operational by 2024
Nigga we won't make it past 2018

Except it really is not cost efficient to buy a few batteries of not that great of a system for $5 billion.
In WWII what hurt Poland was lack of full mobilization until literally minutes before attack, and complete shit for brains commanders.

Well ye many politicians here says we are paying for junk but our current gov are US lovers and full fuck Russia mode so they will do anything for US

Yes nation that resisted 123 years of cultural onslaught without loosing as much as drop of itself exists out of spite.

>Great deal for defending against Russia or jewish trick

I am pretty sure they cannot protect you against a nuclear attack. Not even the US can protect its territory against a rogue North Korean ICBM, so how should Poland protect itself from a Russia attack?

The Patriot system is good A. to shoot down some stray jet which violates your airspace, B. to shoot down a rogue terror missile (with a low success rate due to the suprise factor) or C. shoot dowm some crude Iranian ballistic missile.

You badically wasted 5 billion in perfectly good dollars.

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>Except it really is not cost efficient to buy a few batteries of not that great of a system for $5 billion.
Except we get a few working batteries, and starting from a scratch you probably couldn't get even a single working prototype for that money.

>In WWII what hurt Poland was lack of full mobilization until literally minutes before attack
Yes but it'd only put away the inevitable by maybe two weeks or so. We were basically surrounded and outnumbered. But...

>and complete shit for brains commanders.
That is unfortunately correct, if they didn't try to protect the long-as-fuck borders and from the start concentrated the defense deeper in the country, it could be a whole different story.

WW3 is imminent. And the king is returning!!


Yes fighting off skrimishes of sand niggers is really something.
Gee idk I seem to remember something where Bolshevik Jews massacred upper class polish, intellectuals, and officers in an attempt to take control of it

>Yes fighting off skrimishes of sand niggers is really something.
Ladies and Gentlemen, American education.
I love when 'Murricans try to sound smart about matters they have literally zero knowledge of.

Sweden is in the same situation. It looks like we're buying them, even though the french SAMP/T looks a lot better. A system that is not 30 years old and a lot cheaper.

My only problem with this is that they made us pay for them. Not even a discount.
If we are to be on the frontlines of this Cold War America and the West should consider arming us after all we'll be taking the first hit in the case of a war.

>Yes fighting off skrimishes of sand niggers is really something.
That's not what I was referring to at all.
If you were historically literate you'd just be able to tell from number 123 what I am getting at.
But you are a typical burger.
Also, treating major wars as border skirmishes further proves my point.
So how about you fuck off to read Clifford The Big Red Dog, or something else on your level and let big boys, discuss big boy topics?

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Fucking mutts are bleeding us dry they're selling us their junk at inflated prices. If you think this obsolete tech can deter Russia you're retarded. If Russia wants to they're in Paris in a month. Enough with the fucking brotherly wars, haven't you had enough?

If I was handed French equipment in war, I'd use it to beat the enemy to death and take his equipment. Anything is better than French weapons (except British).

Romania bro, we know none of this shit can help a single central-european contry defeat Russia, it's meant to help us hold on long enough until enough NATO countries get their shit together to take any action, which I'd imagine would take a while.

Ah, the MLRS Patriot. I want to post those videos from Saudi Arabia, but am to it's too late to search for them.

t. Retard sucking putin's dick

The system has had a lot of upgrades.

Poland and America greatest allies

NATO is just a club where Americans get to peddle their outdated shit and make a buck instead of letting it rust in the Nevada desert or pay money out of their own pockets to recycle or have it dismantled. If you don't get this then everything westerners say about Romania's IQ is true. Americans are not our friends, this is strictly business. They're gonna pump us and dump us. I hope you're proud being the sacrificial lamb.

patriot lol. russians got nukes in kaliningrad.

And questionable abm systems of their own.

Russians have everything in Kaliningrad that is aimed at our cities and perform military training near our borders that imitate full out war with us so that the reason our gov want anti aircraft/ballistic system

No offence, but you're clearly biased and patriot hasn't had a good track record as of lately. The french system might be new and untested, but I'd rather have a european military alliance than depend you guys, no offence.

Still a 30+ year old system with some considerable draw backs. Especially for us, which is very low on manpower. The SAMP/T requires a lot less personel to operate.

It's the most advanced version of patriots only 3 countries using them.

>patriot hasn't had a good track record as of lately
It has the only track record outside of controlled tests.

The American fucks you in the ass, but pays good money. The Russian on the other hand rapes you and your family and proceeds to enslave you for half a century.
Romania and Poland are surrounded by fucking idiots in the West and subhumans in the East. I‘m sick of this shit. INTERMARIUM NOW!

Pretty much this. Poland will never be able to create major politician power by itself so we either ally with west letting them own us economically but live in normal conditions or let Russia take over us and live like animals in poverty

t. Retard who regards Rusia as our "brother"

I know very well that countries dont have friends only inetrests.

Our interest right now is to stay armed and ready in a strong wester alliance to defend ourselves from those imperialistic barbarians in the east.

Puck up a history book and stop sucking putin's dick just because the trolls on /sg/ told you its the right thing to do.

Don't worry bro, this "strong wester alliance" will put a weapon in your hand and march you straight to the front lines and then you'll see with your own eyes how "strong" and how much of an "alliance"it really is.
Fucking retard.

This. Ive been thinking about this alot lately. I even did some of the math.
A federation or confederation of central european states would be an economic and military force to be reckoned with. If V4 united and got all our neighbors together, (aside from the russians and germans of course), it would be an absolute powerhouse. Over 100 million people. Sustaining a million man army, with a gdp surpassing that of any western european nation (france, uk, germany) by a longshot.
Why should politicians in brussels and berlin make choices for us?
Why should we rely on nato and big daddy USA for protection?
Why should we be forced to endure cancerous western culture?
Why should we wear what everyones wearing in paris and london?
Why cant the world wear what theyre wearing in Prague and Krakow instead?
Why do we need to take in outsiders and be "multicutural" when our fair states are some of the most diverse in the world?
A united central europe would call the shots, and be on equal footing with russia and the west.
Too bad for that reason theyre probably playing us to keep us apart. They always have been. The powers that be dont want others to lift themselves up. If anyone tries to, they just get their gas cut off, sanctioned, and if need be invaded. Is it any wonder that the countries that prohibit the construction of nuclear weapons are the countries that already posses them?

Goddamnit. Every time I bring up the idea of intermarium I get the cold shoulder.

Intermarium will only work if we develop a nuclear program.


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Well, Ceausescu had some ambitions in the 80‘s... en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romania_and_weapons_of_mass_destruction
I am sure that Romania and Poland have the resources and know-how to build ballistic missiles, we could even cooperate with Ukraine since they already built thousands.
Either Uncle Sam closes one eye or we do it like Iran.

This is just a diversion for our lazer tanks.

You seem to ignore the fact that they actually shot down incoming missile but anti aircraft system shoot 2 rockets for 1 target to increase chance so when first patriot shoot missile down the second patriot seemed to be broken when it couldn't spot the target that was already shot down be the first one so technically it worked

Shhhh, be quiet tovarăș. Why you tell them our secret?

>bla bla bla

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>all 7 rockets intercepted with 14 antirockets (1 malfunction)
>xaxaxa america btfo

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Yes, Romania even has stockpiles of heavy water, its doable. OK who do I vote for to have this become a reality? Wait... the Jews control the political scene in all our countries. What a bummer.

>US makes Poland pay for its military occupation.

Man US propaganda is good.

You don‘t vote. You drive to Serbia and buy some AK‘s, take a suicide vest and do a Breivik at the parliament. Capiche?
I‘ll probably join you, but I‘m not ready to die like a martyr for now.

2 rockets, one exploded in the air, another flew into a house and killed people,before this was a lot of setbacks, Saudis save their cities only by the fact that they are spamed anti-missiles and those missiles that fly on them the legacy of the necro-technologies of the USSR. Against our modern missiles this shit does not work effectively.

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Russian propaganda are telling me Patriot is no good. Actually, they say all of US anti-missile defense is no good actually, it's all shit from Aegis to THAAD - but at the same time they say countries like Poland and Romania shouldn't have them and putting them there is an act of aggression on poor Russia, even though they are all ineffective and shit. I'm confused.

Maybe you should buy S-400?

Considering that Poland didn't just get the launchers, but the entire system, technology transfers and local production, it's actually a great deal. They managed to get the price down from 10 billion to 5 billion + everything I just mentioned so that means that all the money will be coming back to Polish companies. Actually kinda impressive.

russia strong lol

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but can it catch mach 20 ?

Show s-400 or s-500 stats ivan or fuck off. And can your wonder weapons stop f-22‘s or b2‘s?

>even caption on screenshot tells that it is fictional film wich got uploaded to public hosting.

This is a prototype, you are a dumb asshole, when I worked as a graduate student and I worked in the laboratory, we made prototypes laser installations literally from shit and sticks.

There is no real country between Germany and Russia.

Thread song btw:

>we made prototypes laser installations literally from shit and sticks.
no doubt

Even NATO analysts say that it surpasses Patriot, even upgraded versions of the C300 are better than your shit.

Pretty much this with adding that Patriot is good shooting downs 60s Scud tier missilles. Nothing late era soviet or modern Ruskie stuff isnt stopped by it.

Well, if you can‘t keep up with aircrafts, you gotta invest in AA...

got anymore failed patriot missiles videos? hundreds off these are launched every year

no you always ally with the americans (or brits) to fuck over germany (germany), to be fucked over by the americans (or brits) a couple of years later

you are a bunch of shortsighted cleptomaniac pseudoslav bastards with 10% jew admixture.

we even gave you sovereigniy in 1917, by 1918 you had buddied up with the russians to fuck us over, just to be fucked over by the russian a couple of years later.

the only thing going for you is catholitcism, I'll give you that.

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In general the US military stuff is not for show.

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maybe poland will be the new homeland of the Jews and all the rich kikes flee Israel to Poland and let it turn into a warzone?

I gotta side with tavarish here.
All autistic children shit on their missile defense systems because muh superior burger technology.
Little do they know that rocket defeses were/are one of key components of Ruski military doctrine. Americunts focused on naval power and planes, and are better at that, Soviets focused more on rocket systems and land artillery and are superior in those dept.
Anyone who says otherwise is a fucking retard.

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Fucking jews man

War will be a fact before Europe has had enough time to rearm itself fully.
Sweden is buying the patriot system for 3,2 billion dollars.

unfortunately in the event the US can't penetrate an AA defense, they will resort to orbital strikes

I addressed your shitty incorrect point by pointing out the katyn masscre. I went a step further to say your "muh fighting off the Muslim hoard" angle is shit
>Every single polish intellectual was killed off by Jewish commisars
>And yet here you are

Well maybe Russian ones are better but Poland is fully sided with US so what do you expect other than buying weapons from them. Also the important part is that our gov clearly said they will modernize this system with anything US will come up with including lasers

Fuck off Mahmud, Germany needs to be castrated once and for all so they don‘t ruin Europe for the third time.

>naval power
here I agree, they have an advantage.
>orbital strikes

>we even gave you sovereigniy in 1917, by 1918 you had buddied up with the russians to fuck us over,

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Germany isn't a real country either.

this is exactly what I meant

You didn't address shit. Get out.

It's all irrelevant my polish friend though. Next war will be also waged in cyber space. Russia will simply disable Poland, and the roll over in matter of 3 days.

And because that Soviet and Russians focused so much on anti-ship missiles which are actually one generation head of western missiles.

is a bad track record better than none?

you done goofed polan

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Actually, you didn't. You brought up the only cute little talking point you already had. It's all your argument consisted of "muh 123 years"
You didn't actually address my point, how ironic you sit here pretending to even have an argument at all.

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>Implying Poland is not one of the most anti-russian nato members
Nigger, we don't have to do anything with propaganda, Poland hates Russia for the Iron Curtain, among other things.

>Great deal for defending against Russia or jewish trick
these missiles are literally killing the people they're supposed to protect. furthermore it looks like you're buying the older version with single missile per canister

Lol the meme of the Persian gulf war
>laughing George bushes

Try four

>furthermore it looks like you're buying the older version with single missile per canister
pac3 mse

it's more cost effective, therefore a better strategy

those shitty patriots aren't our most powerful weapon

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