Well, if you can‘t keep up with aircrafts, you gotta invest in AA...
Poland bought Patriot missiles from US
got anymore failed patriot missiles videos? hundreds off these are launched every year
no you always ally with the americans (or brits) to fuck over germany (germany), to be fucked over by the americans (or brits) a couple of years later
you are a bunch of shortsighted cleptomaniac pseudoslav bastards with 10% jew admixture.
we even gave you sovereigniy in 1917, by 1918 you had buddied up with the russians to fuck us over, just to be fucked over by the russian a couple of years later.
the only thing going for you is catholitcism, I'll give you that.
In general the US military stuff is not for show.
maybe poland will be the new homeland of the Jews and all the rich kikes flee Israel to Poland and let it turn into a warzone?
I gotta side with tavarish here.
All autistic children shit on their missile defense systems because muh superior burger technology.
Little do they know that rocket defeses were/are one of key components of Ruski military doctrine. Americunts focused on naval power and planes, and are better at that, Soviets focused more on rocket systems and land artillery and are superior in those dept.
Anyone who says otherwise is a fucking retard.
Fucking jews man
War will be a fact before Europe has had enough time to rearm itself fully.
Sweden is buying the patriot system for 3,2 billion dollars.
unfortunately in the event the US can't penetrate an AA defense, they will resort to orbital strikes
I addressed your shitty incorrect point by pointing out the katyn masscre. I went a step further to say your "muh fighting off the Muslim hoard" angle is shit
>Every single polish intellectual was killed off by Jewish commisars
>And yet here you are