How do real Greeks (white Greeks Living in Greece) feel about this

How do real Greeks (white Greeks Living in Greece) feel about this


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literally every painting of achilles shows him white
and he never had a wide nose
so it's basically blatant marxist tier revisionism

I hate it, and it only fuels my hatred for Niggers and their ilk.

It's usain bolt?

Interesting I was just asking because this was made by BBC and I was wondering how real Greeks felt about being portrayed this way about foreigners

#by foreigners

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Don't think so

Like I said, I hate it. I hated Nigs already, but this just makes me angrier. They're literally nothing more than mosquitos in """human""" form. They must be exterminated, for they offer nothing of value.

Yeah I get it,what did blue pill normie Greeks think about this,like what was the reaction in your country/media é.t.c?

I literally don't give a shit, it's like the we wuz kangz memes, let them embarrass themselves and steal european history all they want.

we ought to start a hellenic branch of the KKK and start lynching c00ns

Wait, that shit might take hold

and what was your reaction to being portrayed by a anglo-celtic?

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Achilles was literally blonde in The Iliad you illiterate retard.

This is how ancient greeks looked like

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no one said he wasn't you fucking retarded cunt

no. they were darker than that.

It should fuel your hatred for kikes...

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He was also a fag and got cucked both by his elder officer and by a fucking arrow to the heel.

Look at levantine and iranian leadership, you're wrong.

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I don't think anyone really gave a shit about the series besides a couple cucks in Britain and spergs on Jow Forums


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We're not really bluepilled. I overheard a bunch of gals my age on the bus last month, talking about how fags are degenerate and shouldn't be near children. The lefties at Unis go and print stuff like "I'm bi and I like it", and then others go and erase the mottos. The current government is socialist, but they operatelike any other government, really. We don't have racemixing propagandas and the like. But nobody even knows this exists.

Nah, too high profile. Just make sure that you grind and climb the ladder. That's where real power is. And once you have power, well, you can do lots of things. On a grand scale...

Pretty good. I like Pitt and he looked the part. Why would I be angry? My dad's a ginger with grey eyes, so this whole "Turk Rapebabies" meme isn't true. We're more likely to look more similar to another European, Northener or not, than a shitskin.

I unironically thought that was Canada's PM dressing up again until I read the filename

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you're not even the same as the original greeks tho you're literally a turk/arab

Eh, I've only ever known one Jewish family, and they're been kind and helpful. I get your point, but Niggers are the only ones I truly hate.

Greeks are greeks

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Be more angry at the jews funding these production.

no it wont

>today greeks
>having anything to do with achille

looks like my dad

Sure thing buddy boy. Suuure thing.

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idk m8 if you go to athens you'll see a lot of arabized greeks..

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am i wrong tho? i love greeks and greek food but you guys look more like us than europeans that's just from personal experience

>Eh, I've only ever known one Jewish family, and they're been kind and helpful. I get your point, but Niggers are the only ones I truly hate.

Oh wow, you sound really ignorant, little Greek boy.

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isn't that good? isn't achilles considered a "bad guy" nowadays since he was part of the agressors?

Well, yeah. What you see are sunburned farmers and workers.

Achmed strikes again

I sure hope they know why Achilles got fucking destroyed. Because this is some serious accidental racism waiting to happen, all things considered.
>Cast super hero as black
>Paris shows up at the end
>Paris is white and fucks the nigger up 6 ways from sunday
>Giganigga superhero gets punked out by bitch ass soyboy Paris.
Though this is assuming they even get to that part and don't just end it all with Achilles highest points.

idk it seems like you are insecure about greeks

should be called fall of a continent

they were good people and thought I was greek but you guys do hate niggers. I got served food before an american nigger couple and they were ahead of me xD i think it's because they thought i was greek

they're good ppl i like them but it would be cool to call them my brothers :D



>the jews funding these production.

It's the BBC.
So it's mostly white Brits who pay for this through TV licenses.

All middle easterners used to be way whiter before you brought in the african slave labor that completely fucked up your genes.

The Quebecois mutt speaks again. I'll be in Montreal during the summer so get to hiding you fucking mongrel. I will literally bash your fucking skull in if I find you

wearing sandals and a dress separates enough

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Trips tell truth. TTT

O yea and just to be clear; I'll fight JF-Gariepy (Guy who fucks land whales and literal retards) any fucking time. Fist to fist and I guarantee you'll be dumber than the retarded bitch you fucked you degenerate piece of mutt trash.

t. perso-somaloturk

remember what happened the last time muslims acted all pally with you?
kantakouzenos remembers. causing division among the kuffar is a part of gaza, and a means of dawah.
i understand that we're shit and so on but for the gods' sake polydoros don't make the same mistake twice.

muslims think they are the 'weak link' because they aren't lily white.
they think they can exploit greek antipathy towards the eu/germany/the west to weaken their resolve and eventually bring them back under the thumb of muslims.
of course, they are only friendly so long as greeks never, ever talk back.

>rising fire
>crawling around the 5% line
mmhhhh. maybe next decade



>muslims think they are the 'weak link' because they aren't lily white.
they think they can exploit greek antipathy towards the eu/germany/the west to weaken their resolve and eventually bring them back under the thumb of muslims.
of course, they are only friendly so long as greeks never, ever talk back.

antifa/communist degenerates are to blame for this

>The Quebecois mutt speaks again.

Pur laine de descendance normande, James l'anglo cuck, n'oublie jamais

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"The Turks of Greece left few traces. They disappeared suddenly and finally in the spring of 1821 unmourned and unnoticed by the rest of the world....It was hard to believe then that Greece once contained a large population of Turkish descent, living in small communities all over the country, prosperous farmers, merchants, and officials, whose families had known no other home for hundreds of years...They were killed deliberately, without qualm or scruple, and there was no regrets either then or later."

na na na na
na na na na
hey hey



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Action : Whenever you see an article / tweet / post on normie media that makes you want to sperg out, but you can't act for fear of revealing your power level, simply reply with the following statement :

>"Thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."

If they try to start an argument, simply keep repeating :
>"As I said, thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."
to whatever arguments they try to make.
Whenever you see the comment, upvote / like it.

Goals :
- Demoralization. Make them realize that every action they take is counterproductive.
- Subtly imply to bystanders that 'ordinary' people are already right wing. Remember, the major social currency among normies is conformity. If they believe that everybody else is moving right, so will they.
- Point out that the rise of the right is a consequence of the actions & voices of the left.
- Show 'the left' and the normies that we are everywhere, and that we are watching. Again, this plays into the normie desire to 'fit in'.
- Embolden those who are already on the right but are kept silent by fear of social repercussions (see previous point).
- The comment is polite and violates no 'guidelines'. They can't shut it down.
- Short comments are more likely to be read, often more so than the actual article / post / story.
- Create an atmosphere that discourages leftists to post in the first place.

This is solid enough that you could even post it on real accounts. If you ever have to walk it back just say “I AM a leftist myself. It was sarcasm. I meant that stuff like that damages OUR cause.” Even then, the statement has value as a divide and conquer strategy (ie. “a real leftist doesn’t believe that stuff”).

It doesn't matter whether you believe any of the above or not - the purpose is to make *them* believe it.

Ignore divide & conquer shills and demoralization shills (anybody who ‘dismisses’ the plan without providing genuine criticism is a shill.)

I wouldn't even know about it if it wasn't for Jow Forums and we generaly take nigger WEWUZing as e joke. It's not such a big deal when we have literal nation WEWUZing us.

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Cultural apropriation !!

wow dickhead.


wtf is that? LOOOOOL it made me crack up .

>white Greeks

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many austrians look like turks




Not even Greek, retard

its an albanian in france

he changed the file name for some reason
they are not the brightest people

Many Greeks actually are turk or turkish rapebabies

Arabs>snowniggers anytime
Just another bootlicker, le 3% German cocksucker Greek cuck type

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and there comes another albanian rat

analbanian rodent detected

t. Mutt Albanian diaspora historian
Have you actually ever seen a true Turk?
10.000 Turks invaded Anatolia, that had at the time at least a 1.000.000 population.
Do the math mutt
Turks are just islamized Greeks/Armenians/Assyrians/Kurds
You on the other hand.... 56% and a bastard race from Caucasus at the same time

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cheked and keked

it was 300k turks
and Anatolia had a population of 3 million

To be fair, nigger here are very few and generally well behaved. The Greeks who chimpout here about them are trying to earn Jow Forums points from you guys.

Fucking retard, do you know absolutely nothing about how television is made? We was kangz? You dumb fuck niggers literally have nothing to do with this. XD

they shouldnt roleplay ancient people anyway

this world becomes more retarded with each new nigger on earth

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εισαι χαζος

An interesting point some Greeks made when they were back at Anatolia most people shit stop going out in the sun you are turning black and you start looking like a Turk. Although they lived peacefully nobody wanted race mixing

Gott strafe England

Στο kεντρο ειναι πολλοι ,γενιkοτερα ομως δεν ειναι παρα πολλοι σε ολοι την Ελλαδα

Offended. And angry.

i still respect you greece,its why we have half of your country in our museums lol

cheers for building the foundation stone for western civilization and the british empire.

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this is for the commonwealth's abroad desu in the caribbean.nigs dont pay attention unless they see blacks in it and those countries pay millions to view our shows on their channels.

its called cultural export lad.

how is Jow Forums not blocked in saudi arabia? I had to VPN when I was in the gulf

I follow a homosexual on twitter and I saw him make a post today that he started the show, saw Achilles being black, and turned it off.

He's a 'normie' otherwise, like most other homo Greeks I follow on Twitter.

Another thing I've noticed among my friends, all the left-wing Greeks are living in other countries now.
The ones left behind are no longer left wing, because of this government people are either ashamed of saying they're left wing, or they changed their minds.

People living in the UK, Germany etc are happy to say they're socialists and wish Greece would have a communist government.

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