After watching silent hill and reading about how the dark ages came to be...

After watching silent hill and reading about how the dark ages came to be. I fucking hate Christians and their self righteous fucking judgemental mentalities and the fact they still exist is fucking disgusting! How can we remove their presence in the firearm community and remove their access to firearms? How do we permanently remove Christianity forever?

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>let's see if we can drive a wedge between whiet xtians and gun owners in general
could you BE any more obvious? sage the options field

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Blind following, christcuck, incest loving, science hating, assbackwards fucks detected

Start with a little thing called kys

you can't, you won't, and tread lightly faggot.

Lmao he actually believes the "Dark Ages" and "Christains are and were anti-science" meme.

I hope you get super gonorrhea shill.

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ur cute

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Watch the movie Hard to be a God if you want to experiemce the dark ages.

Three hours of shit, piss, and blood.

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where it is hate is love too
God will forgive your wrath

>after watching a fictional movie I'm now upset like a woman

Op you should just stop being alive bro

Ok sure go on ahead and continue eith your lynchings, killing people because you think they are witch, going against stem cell research because "muh god and soul", judgemental burning people at stake motherfuckers, sadistic fucks.

>some christians are intolerant
>no other religion ever displays intolerance
shit premise

ok we will.

Where the fuck do you live that Christians do any of that? Angola?

B8 harder faggot.

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Hes b8ing m80.

Silent hill? Like, the horror movie based on the video game? What does that have to do with anything?

The dark ages are returning upon us

yeah you're right

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what is he trying to convey?
>hey i'm a total faggot

The only reasons there isn't anymore "witch" burnings, lynchings and killing people for having any silence knowledge and believe in Darwin's theory is because the fucking government had to step in and inforced laws just so fucks like you can't get away with your bullshit all the time. If it wasn't for Christianity, we still have Rome, never have the dark ages which would likely out us ahead in technology and evolution! Fucking hitler saw the shit that was fucking up everything and making men weak and shit which was Christianity and he did his damndest to remove it but of course you fucks had to go against him on that. Fuck Christianity and your self righteous fucking mentality and fuck your pope.

>After being propagandized by a shitty film, I developed X unoriginal opinion.
>How can we force X down everyone's throats without reserve or consideration?

you are so stupid.

Poor b8 m8, I r8 0/8.

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Your god is dead

You talk like a retard, and your shit’s all fucked up.

>much dark ages
>mug ebil Christians ruined the world

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Shill begonne.

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Okay, can you give me a reason why Christianity should continue and why Christianity should influence people? Why do we need it? Why?

nope sorry friend, God is alive and well. it's your pagan gods that are dead, he killed them all.

Hes going all out boys.

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You're annoyed because islam blocked the silk road? And ruined classical antiquity?

Goddamn it Nigel learn to spot a shill you dumb limey bastard.

Funny how you won't give me a reason and why we need Christianity except throw insults and laugh at me. Just like how your ancestors did when they were faced with science and evolution and everything that they can't understand and still to this day and age you still follow their ways by just throwing insults and pretending your religion is only thing you need to function. Give me reason and proof why we need Christianity in this day and age and what good has it ever done for us?

>taking the d&c bait

You fucking retard.

Lol I'm splashing about in faeces and enjoying

And I learnt a lot of history googling things people said in shill threads. It's like a spasticy kind of school

>christcucks getting triggered because someone challenged their faith

Lol stay mad cuckbois, even hitler think Christianity was a joke.

Seriously, shut the fuck up and learn some actual history. You might actually develop a brain.

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>tips fedora

Too true, shame people sincerity is wasted on trolls shills and commies.

>burn people for having different opinions and not being enough of a bible thumping maniac
>called women and children "witch"
>forced the dark ages which set progress way back that it is impossible to catch up now
>literal wars was started because of fucking religion
>Catholics controlled people through fear and oppression
>burn people alive for not thinking and believing like a christian
>opposed the fact that earth was round, not the center of the galaxy, opposed evolution and believes that there are no life outside of earth
>cults and chaos was caused by religion
>took forever for people to actually start using their brain cells and pick up a book besides the bible and actually learn something besides god god god god god god all the time

And yet I'm an asshole?

Does it hurt that these people are your moral superiors?

Wow I must have timewarped back to 2003! Gonna invest all of my shekels in that “Face Book” thing.

Because unlike you narrow-sighed straw-man view, this religion brings good values that helped catapulted this nation to the top of the world.

You are like babby. Cry for me little babby.

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stay off pol kiddo, most retarded teens like you have this phase of rebellion, save this anger for muslims and jews. Where in the fuckign world do hear of christians doing this shit now, and not all christians were and are catholic retard

Perun and Odin will judge you, Christkikes.

Maybe you should open a history book and read how they also saved europe from the muslims. If it weren't for the sacrifice those men made you would've been ruled by shariah right now and that's 100x worse.

Good values!? Like what!? That it's okay to kill and burn people for not believing everything in the bible? That it's okay to fuck your own relatives because it says in the bible? That it's okay to be a dumb illiterate anti science retarted hillbilly because evolution proves that we didn't just come from two humans in a magical garden? That it's okay to rage war and kill people because your pope says that it's ok to kill if it is done so in name of christ?

go fuck yourself fucking faggot you are so pathetic and one of the reasons why more than half the world is cucked right now, if we dont have christianity were left with judiasm

You are a disgusting fucking idiot who lives off propaganda. The dark ages was christians dealing with faggot muslim invasions. Christianity invented science you stupid fuck. Now go kill yourself you ignorant fucking moron. Your ignorance and willingness to swallow propaganda like a cock makes you an enemy of humanity, stupid faggot.

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either poor b8 or actually retarded to be pagan in 21st century and your a shitty southern slav not even nordic blood

>Amerimutt defending chosen people: the religion and Rabbi Yeshu
No surprises there.

Fuck off, t*rkmutt. Only Jesus can save the white race.

>Christianity created science

Fucking how? The guy that proposed that earth was not the center and that we aren't in a bubble got fucking burned, Darwin that provided the perfect explanaition on how we came to be which is called evolution got horribly attacked in media and such by the christians, stem cell research is constantly being attacked by christians today and lets not forget about how you burn books and burn people for not being part of your religion.

Mon chi chi will fuck you up!

Okay lads I'm calling it. This man is bait or this guy is truly one hell of a nut case.

y'all fat and ugly

Btw what about antman? He was insane and claimed he was a true christian and believed in god and jesus and always talked like as if he was reading from the bible so how do you defend a religion that attracts people like that?


Big bang theory created by a priest

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That strawman

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>hurr durr everything that challenges my belief is a straw men post so i don't have to explain why i believe in stupid fake shit

We won't give up, mutt, until this board is cleansed of all your filth and it goes back to the way it was.

>Christianity invented science

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Shill thread. He's got an identical one on Jow Forums.

Bullshit show me proof it was created by a pedophiw in robes.

Let's remove Judaism too. Did you know Rabbis give babies herpes when they suck on their bloody baby cock stumps? Barbaric.

All religion should be removed but we should start with Christianity since that has effected the eorld and people's lives the most throughout history

Keep Buddhism since they are nicer than everyone but have them checked and watched however.

>All religion should be removed
No, just those with jewish origin

All religion and remove all established religion and i bet you that we will then be colonizing mars then and find a cure for cancer and mastered stem cell research to help people in actual needs.

Seriously what good has Christianity have ever done for us?

>Seriously what good has Christianity have ever done for us?

How old are you? Because you sound pretty naive to asking that.

You don't have to worry about christians with guns anymore if you kill yourself. Food for thought.

No, there is a need for religion. It's literally programmed into the human organism. The absence of religion only leads to Nihilism. That's a big problem Nietzsche fought with. He did his best to defeat both the Christian and the Atheistic Nihilism, but the solution he reached isn't for the average human but only a very small group.
I also don't think it's possible to truly understand the universe without understanding the divine, but that's a different story.


Hello fellow big brain

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The university system was created by the Catholics. They have been consistent patrons in science as it is a means to understand the world God made for us. Go take a look at all the hospitals and research centers that star with the word "saint."

The US Constitution was made under Protestant Christian ideology. Even the founding fathers who were not interested in the supernatural understood the value of the moral and ethical teachings of the Bible. Today the Constitutional Republic is the gold standard in governance; it has been emulated the world over, pulling nations out of tyranny and feudalism and enriching us all.

My question is why you think Christianity owes you something.

>How can we remove their presence in the firearm community and remove their access to firearms? How do we permanently remove Christianity forever?
try not being jewish

why stop at Christianity ?

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Yeah, created by Catholics. But as knowledge proliferated thanks to the new institution, they eventually had to reject it. So many scientists are atheist these days versus back then.

Again with no counter argument but insults and name callings.

Wow didn't know christians literally lacked the ability to counter argue and show proofs and evidence and explanation. Also 23 close to being 24.

Lol apparently i been banned because of "racism and hate". Mods truly are faggots that blindly suck any dick.

If you knew anything about Christianity, you would know that the Roman Catholic Church was only Christian in name and not in deeds.

*was = is

We are entering the dark ages thanks to you. Thank you kind sir.

>According to Encyclopædia Britannica, the earliest universities were founded in Asia and Africa, predating the first European medieval universities.

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The Catholics do not reject science, I don't know where you get they from. They actually reject less science than Atheists do. Atheists are more likely to reject the science of race and transgenderism, even Atheist scientists.

The trial of Gallelio is effectively a single misstep in 2000 years of church history. There are countless examples of the Atheist science community actively undermining our society with lies and bad science, all without an authority figure.

You have to remember that bad science is very much a thing. You need an oversight authority to punish people who use science to lie to people. The church was very good about this, once again. Only having a single major misstep in 2000 years.

you're on the wrong website fag


saged motherfucker go kys

Saaaaaaage. Embarrassing even for your level of faggotry.

>If it wasn't for Christianity, we still have Rome
Mate, the Romans were putting wine in their stew, and cooking it in lead pots. The vinegar in the wine leached the lead into the food and rotted their brains. This is why Rome fell. They were all high on plumbum.
Read a book now and again, why don't you?

>the pope
I agree with you there, anyone who thinks the Pope is the mouthpiece of God is stupid. All of those atrocities that you've mentioned though? Not Christianity's fault. On one hand, there are the general populace of stupid people who misinterpret what the Bible teaches simply because they can't understand it properly. Then, there are those who use it as an excuse to commit violence. You seem to think that these people do these things because their religion says it's okay, and for the usual soldier following orders without question that might have been true. But for the ones with power, Christianity was simply an excuse to exert their power, to gain more of it, or to destroy those that offend them. They might have been in power because of Christianity, but even if it never existed, something else would be in its place, and it would be just as corrupt. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is something inherit to humanity, regardless of religion.
In fact, if you recall, there were scientists who used differences in brain size to claim that black people were less intelligent and thus did not deserve the same rights as other men. Humans use whatever tools they can to bring others down and raise themselves up.
I doubt you'll actually do it, but you should read the actual teachings of Christ himself, they aren't exactly all "destroy all that oppose you".

Universities are not individual schools. The University system allows for the travel of scholars across a system to speak and share knowledge. The Wikipedia article takes a couple degree-granting schools and calls them universities; these are not part of the university system.

Schools existed before University system, but that means less than a hill of beans if that knowledge doesn't travel and spread to the people.

The University of al-Qarawiyyin wasn't part of any system until 1963. It is a joke.

So you're retarded?