>Be Kurt Kikenwald
>”actually crying”
>Wifes sons great uncle was ovened!
>Be Kurt Kikenwald
>”actually crying”
>Wifes sons great uncle was ovened!
Other urls found in this thread:
Is she, dare I say it, /ourjewess/?
...and Larry David
Jews always used to make Holocaust jokes back in the day
>fucking kosher snowflakes
it's pathetic how hysterical these people are.
even if that had actually happened and not been a massive psy-op hoax, it still pales in comparison to the murders of hundreds of millions of people by in the 20th century.
just another example of the classic quote
"if you wish to see where the power truly lies, simply find out who you can not criticize"
That pic has been around for 10 years. Eternal victims always looking for things to cry about and finding them.
"Roseanne's cookies" is the new codeword for kike
I hate Roseanne's cookies
it's schopenhauer's 3 stages of truth
1. widely ridiculed
2. violently opposed
3. finally acknowledged as being self evident
it's the same reason why they used to have revisionists on shows like jerry springer and donohue to laugh at them because "they were crazy"
they don't do that anymore, as the truth comes nearer to the surface and therefore increases in desperation the attempts to stifle it.
We should make a bunch of imitation pics of this with faces censored and send them to Kikenwald.
>Roseanne's cookies have destroyed western civilization
Ill blow a load down his fucking throat.
digits confirm
fucking roseanne's cookies are the cause of all wars
>my sons great uncle
meaning Antosh was on his mothers side of the family, not pedo Kurts
It was a tossup on posting tentacles or seizure gif, thanks for having my back user!
Funny how Eichenwald shapeshifted from an Episcopalian back to a Jew to get offended.
I found this guys problem. He thinks his great uncle is one of Roseannes cookies. Actually he wasn't. Someone tell him Roseanne did not burn his great uncle.
F-feels great again man
I like it.. will use
someone tweet at him AND roseanne about how he got caught downloading child porn
she will bring it to attention of normies
>fucking roseanne's cookies are the cause of all wars
-bobby fischer
Why are the german philosophers always so on the nose?
How many people actually take this kike seriously?
digits confirm, roseannes cookies did 9/11
Isn't Roseanne jewish.. too?
Now there's a real burn.
oh nooooo, a little bitch cant take a fucking joke
Roseanne is Jewish & shes making a joke because shes a fucking comedian, an edgy one at that, people are still mad at her singing the anthem poorly
it must be done
She didn't even have to put the cookies in the oven. The residual effect of the holocaust in her genes cause them to burn.
He claims to have almost died from a GIF.
Probably doesn't take much to make him cry.
This. A fucking kike who doesn't know how to spell Hitler's first name? Did he sleep through Holocaust class?
Roseanne's cookies will burn in hell forever.
This... I thought he claimed not to be a Jew... what the fuck???
Eichenwald is an epileptic
who are you posting siezure inducing gifs?
watcha doin' rabbi?
wtf I love Roseanne now
when one looks at their history of scientific development, philosophy and ethics, etc. that they have given the world, it is clear. there has to be a reason why have worked so hard to destroy germany and her people. they were the light of the world.
many do, just look at how many change their names. gee, i wonder why they all do that?
for example, why doesn't the media call george soros by his real name, gyorgi schwartz?
Isn't Metoku r making a video about him?
Will someone please put the kids pic on the cookies (using the original Roseanne pic) and Tweet it to that epileptic retard?
Are (((they))) going to start harassing Roseanne now that her show got good ratings? I hope so because she isn't like the rest of the (((Hollywood))) phonies out there. She's effectively the last great anti-everything fuck everybody comic left from the 70's/80's. Back when being an edgy comic meant being a real fucking edgy comic and before the fake 90's pseudo-edgy garbage.
Don't fuck with Roseanne. She'll love every minute of it and fuck you back ten times as hard.
Post his Twitter account Faggot I want to see the replies.
>wifes son
>wifes sons uncle
>wife suns uncle was jew
is kurt even jewish?
kurt is such a fucking pussy kek
This has to be an act, right? No grown man could ever be this much of a pussy and a faggot.
Internet historian did a good job, metokur could probably cover his other incidents
Just for you bro
Lets give him a seizure.
aaannd a meme is born
Jesus Christ those fucking comments. There is really this many stupid fucking gmfaggots in the world? God I don't want to live on this fucking planet anymore. People actually take this stupid like a word as scripture this Faggot needs to be punched in the fucking face.
Jews kek
>im crying, please bend the knee to me
fucking kikes
What happens if you give a mouse a cookie Jow Forums?
>trying to get user's arrested
Even Jews aren't safe from Jews
>lets boycott advertisers until the cancel her show!
They are coming for her
Could he be any more of a Jew? If there was a jewiest jew contest, this fucking jew would be in the running. Top fucking jewmanship right there.
forgot pic
why isnt he complaining abotu sarah silverman?
Holy fuck this guy
Sounds like a plan. On it user. Everyone find all the flashing gifs you can, maybe we can finally get this epileptic kike offline
And they're like "Here's a nigger for ya"
"Damn right, and a muzzie for ya. If you don't like it, it's a hate crime charge."
because they don't actually care the Roseanne dressed like Hitler, they just think it's their chance to get her show cancelled so they feign outrage. This is how kikes operate a lot of times, they are opportunists in their offense and use it to silence people.
oh my god. imagine the type of shit this faggot jerks off to.
I fucking hate this planet. So many spineless cucks it's insane. These fucking idiiots are actually offended by cookies, want to boycott Rosanne, thinks Kathy Griffin did nothing wrong and anyone who likes trump is in a cult. I hate these Faggot liberals so much I really could not be happier trump makes them mentally break down daily.
Lest we forget.
because they are autistic but not in the retarded way
>It will always be too soon for Holocaust jokes
Jim, finish the video and stop shitposting
>Roseanne's cookies is codeword for kikes
Soon to be the subject of an outrage exposé on CNN.
Bake Roseanne's cookies, cake war now.
Never forget that Rosanne's cookies "inherit" pain from the holohoax. The more we ridicule it and dig up the truth, the better.
Isn't this the hentai guy?
>>It will always be too soon for Holocaust jokes
that got me. I suppose they wouldn't appreciate us saying
>the Holocaust didn't happen, but it should have
Found this one just for you bro, too fucking funny
Liberals want to boycott Roseanne.
HEEB is still a magazine? How. How many fucking Jews and Shabbos subscribe to that shit?
>tfw first heard of HEEB when that movie Hebrew Hammer came out, and actually thought movie looked funny because I was bluepilled holohoax normie thanks to midwest public curriculum.
>the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
literally shaking has evolved
Apparently Rosanne's new show has them startled. Time to again crack open the old ad hominem playbook
Roseanne has been talking about Pizzagate too which seems to really upset her fellow jews.
good. this son of a bitch doxxed an anti gun control state senator the other day. i hope someone manages to give him another seizure.
>Eichenwald has reached a new low, and could very well end up in both criminal and civil court for his latest stunt. He has published the personal information, including the social security number, of Oregon state representative Bill Post, along with vague threats.
>"Cult 45"
Is that supposed to be insulting? It kind of sounds awesome.... Also make me think about...
>"Colt 45 and 2 zigzags...nigga that's all we need"
I can't find any good cookie-related seizure inducing gifs. Or any Hitler ones. All I found was this, but it needs more siezure
>tfw i stared at this for 10 minutes taking pride in my superior aryan genetics that let meenjoy the pretty colors
get fucked kikes
That's just a photo of a boy from his 'special' collection
>pretty colors
It's just black and white to me. Shit am I part jew?
>literally shaking
yes and he got caught with CP on his computer and he kvetched his way out of it by saying it was research for an article. im not making this up
This photo is from several years ago.
Why is he tweeting about it today?
> "I am actually crying."
I'm not, his stupid post made me chuckle.
if you stare at it long enough it makes nice rainbow flashes
Otherwise you should try 23 & me
She did that to mock Trump. Said something like "One thing I have in common with Donald Trump is that we both have tiny penises."
I fucking forgot about that lmao
its hard to believe the holocaust was only 15 years ago
And Gilbert Gotfried, he made one too many jew jokes and got black listed. Even after the redpill his material is hilarious and nonpozzed.