Stop fighting over literally nothing!
yes it's a shithole.
i saw a macedonia flag talk bad about croatia so i hate them
i saw a croatian flag make fun of dalmatian so i hate them too
but i fucking despise the un more than anything, you shit eating, baby stealing, drug peddling, arms dealing cocksuckers that are the ghouls that rape and pillage for the jews.
so many meme countries and turkish spawns in that shithole, only a nuclear bomb can save it
>meme flag
he's even ashamed to show is flag and btw im a balkanfag too
Sup my fellow balkaner
If byzatium never fell, but never grew oustide the balkans and lost croatia do you think the region would be richer?
sup Shpetim
Well in reality Byzantium only controlled the cities and the coast. The interior of the Empire was administered by the Bulgars and Serbs. The latter still has the Byzantine emblem on its flag. Its hard to say but there would probably be less conflict. We would be better of if Yugoslavia still existed anyway
Why? I like to enjoy free entertainment. And these Balkan apeshit wars are extremely entertaining. If these people are dumb enough to die for our entertainment then let them do it. It is a win-win for everybody, Balkan maniacs get to die in stupid wars and the rest of us get to laugh.
Sup Radu
Fuck off EU.
No one who actually stops and thinks about you likes you.
We like being a gunpowder barrel set to blow. Keeps people out for fear of getting blown up.
>literally nothing
>blood and soil
Fuck you eurocuck
sure but imagine how much better off the orthodox countries would have been. Like for example Russia basically got shut off from the world
shpetim, you are not white, you are an inbred turkish spawn like all of your fellow countrymen
Well we laugh at your suicide rates. Plus arent you really asocial, lonely and aggresive in your nature? If another ice age starts youll have to run down here you know cus you ll freeze otherwise
Well Orthodoxy isnt really connected. Catholics all answer to the pope while orthodoxy is more nationalised. Every orthodox country has its own "pope" called a patriarch. Orthodox faith is a lot more nationalised thats why orthodox people are much more nationalistic in their nature
I probably shouldn't tell you this but there is a secret Serbo-Croatian alliance within Jow Forums
Patriarch =/= pope. Not even close. He is considered a man, not a direct link to God like the pope LARPs as.
>part of Empires for a long time
>decide that the only "legitimate" state is a nationalistic one
>dispora all over the place because Empires
>everyone starts various degrees of genocide to so their states can be "legitimate"
Nationalism is a cancer.
thats not realy what i meant. Byzantium was russia's biggest trading partner for the longest, the catholic and muslims countries were both hostile and most of their trade came from the black sea. I dont know how bulgaira and serbia areas were treated under ottoman rule but it took russia area hundreds of years to bounce back and even today its still behind.
>t. Mutt
They were violently suppressed invaders. The Balkans were a shit show for 500 years before the Turks showed up. It was the relative stability of Greek Anatolia that kept the Byzantines around as long as it did and the loss of it was the herald of its demise.
We need to make a holly Balkan Empire.
No kebab allowed.
>hodi mi se na more
>na koe ot trite?
The United States of the Balkans (USB) when?
>97% albanian
>b-but it's serbian
fuck off (((flag)))
Suk a dik. GO fight kebab and we will join you, or else we will turn against you faggot.
you missed a spot.
We can only take that together.
oh come on vladdy don't be mad we used to be brothers
fuck off, I'll fight who I want, whenever I want for any reason I want
I thought roaches survive radiation
fuck off, it is our shithole
>oh come on vladdy don't be mad we used to be brothers
I suck at history more then i suck virgin bitches blood.
When da faq were we brothers? Also how the fk can we unite under 1 fkn banner when there are 500 000 fkn languages spoken?
This. It makes us feel alive.
The rest of Europe is without purpose
That was the real vision of the Greek revolution. Unfortunately, it wen't to shit and balkaniggers managed to freed themselves individually from the Ottomans thus creating the different nations. Of course (((they)))
That might be because you choose somebody else culture over your own, and dint have a fucking clue really what your were following.
Now your left with foreign faith foreign culture and foreign make-up.
French pomp make-up may i add.
>No retake Constantinople
albania gets Constantinople
>Now your left with foreign faith foreign culture and foreign make-up.
Are you projecting?
You think I don't know that?! The original idea was to resurrect the Byzantine Empire and create a modern Byzantine nation based on the orthodox faith as a foundation stone. However, no one (expect up) would've benefited from such an entity, so foreign powers decided to back up small nation-states that they can control as puppets instead, this giving birth to the concept of balkanization.
Can't happen.Empires grow or die.
If ERE never fell it would be better for the whole Europe and absolutely great for the ballkans.
ERE fall was the reason things are shit here
Hello Jow Forums
Please fuck off
At this point, i settle even for that
That is why you fail
only when he insults Greeks and other people who are superior to albanians (basically the rest of the human race)
Nope,the greeks wanted great greece were everione speak greek and is considered greek. Not new Byzantium,wich would be based on ortodox faith alone.This would have been aceptable,the great greece consuming all other cultures was not.
Please, this is like number 26 on the list
it would be better without slavs
Byzantium never really included the serbs. Well, I mean not really. Every time the Serbs were included in some way it took less than 10 years for them to backstab the Byzantines and switch allegiances. So they were traditionally sort of there whenever they were part of the territory, but not really.
Down from #1 on Constantinopolitan clay. Its one of the few things left now that the Balkans have in common. And Hellenism. Its all I've got for you lot. Hearty bread tho
Truth is that the only based Byzantine nations that never revolted or cause any problems where: Greeks(ofc), Armenians, Assyrians, Kurds and Albanians(!!!!)
We are one of the most genetically close nations on the world, you idiot.
albo detected
Also it's pretty retarded to judge on that really, since looking throughout history reasons for revolt were pretty obvious.
Asen and Petur didn't even revolt when the empire, near collapse, increased taxes massively to pay for...the royal wedding. They went to ask for lands with which to raise the money. For which they were beat up, imprisoned and told to just give up all their valuables. Fuck me man, Byzantium had some retarded rulership every once in a while.
No man, im Greek
> Byzantium had some retarded rulership every once in a while
>once in a while
You mean almost everytime?
Druing the last days of the Empire i don't actually blame the Slavs for not helping, since there was a stupid GrecoRoman ''nationalist'' (a kind of culture supremacy) movement in the shattered remains of the empire that alienated them.
Still not helping was a boomerang that came back to fuck you in the ass when the Mongols came for you after a while
Who said anything about its inhabitants? When you buy a used car, first thing you do is clean that bitch up real good if you catch my drift.
>No man, im Greek
The way you speak about albos indicates you're not Greek or do not have pure greek origin.
You saying you would be ok with Albania having Constantinople indicates you are Albanian.
Please stop the LARP, you're extremely bad at it.
No that's no true. The Great Idea came later, years after the revolution. Before and during the revolution the Christian populations didn't see much difference in each other.
Dude im 100% Greek, i just find funny the idea of Albos taking Constantinople from the Turks, kek
Truth is that orthodox Albos are as based as it gets, we never fought with them, they helped a shitload in Greek revolution etc,etc