So, basically the DOJ just arrested a dude named Keith Raniere who is founder of NVIXM of pic related fame.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Here is a story from SIX FUCKING YEARS ago which is a FOUR PART SERIES outlining how Keith Raniere is a notorious pedophile. He is now in jail for sex trafficking.


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Here is the link which links the World Jewish Congress and Hillary Clinton. I just have to ask: Is Trump actually doing it? Is Alefantis next?

let this thread slide

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And that, my friend, is how you conduct an undercover operation.

Just like Q predicted.


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Witnessed a JIDF script..Cool.

nobody reply to this troll this is a slide thread

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Explain to a brainlet what this means? Is Q kill?


Law enforcement has fielded NXIVM complaints for years
No indication multiple agencies ever launched deep probes of self-help organization
By Brendan J. Lyons Updated 3:11 pm, Monday, November 13, 2017

noun: nexus; plural noun: nexus; plural noun: nexuses
a connection or series of connections linking two or more things.
"the nexus between industry and political power"
a connected group or series.
"a nexus of ideas"
the central and most important point or place.
"the nexus of all this activity was the disco"


Trump is draining the swamp man.

There's an asian handjob place by their office.
my hood.

better yet, go do a news search and see how little we really know about them. there is a thread here, that if you pull on it, there's obviously some kind of surprise they don't want us to have.

Roger Stone outed the sex cult bunch to Trump?

Bump. If he is connected in any way to Hillary or the DC pizza gang this is huge.


It's coming full circle. Dan to Hillary

member when Roger Stone was almost killed in a "car crash" ?

Are you really? I want to believe.

wtf is with those Michael Aquinos eyebrows

And poisoned with polonium

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no but in my search this is in the top results. seems relevant enough

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Lone DNC Hacker’ Guccifer 2.0 Slipped Up and Revealed He Was a Russian Intelligence Officer
Robert Mueller’s team has taken over the investigation of Guccifer 2.0, who communicated with (and was defended by) longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone.
03.22.18 7:00 PM ET

Guccifer 2 wasnt russian though.

Yes. And he got polonium loosened. What does it mean. He's /ourguy/ larping as freaky, gets hired by Cult, then outs them to Trump, and now they're trying to kill him? Someone connect these dots. Was he a mole?

What happens to the sex cult that included Chloe and Lana from Smallville and some Battlestar Galactica chick?

There has not been a bigger happening that I can remember. You know the big ones from how little publicity they receive. This dude obviously had big league information on big league people.

"Keeffe claimed that Raniere was involved in the plan and taught a young woman who was a Mexican immigrant and NXIVM member "to be a hacker."

The young woman "then spent like a year reading all of Edgar Bronfman's emails, including emails with Hillary Clinton and involving world leaders with the World Jewish Congress, then reporting on the contents to Keith and to Clare," Keeffe said. She did not provide any details in the telephone call about what sort of information was allegedly gleaned from Edgar Bronfman's emails."

'member when Trump denounced Stone for constantly lying for attention, and now refuses to have anything to do with him?

I am guessing Clare never disclosed to either of you the depths she went to, as directed by Keith, to obtain financial records for leverage against every potential anti- NX party. This included getting records for every Judge in every NX related case. Cavanaugh, Falk, Sharpe, Treece, Macevoy, Littlefield, the Judge in the O’Hara criminal case, the USPTO officials who denied the NX patent for Rational Inquiry, Chuck Shumer, the Suttons, Rick Ross, Peter Skolnick, The World Jewish Congress, Rabbi Israel Singer, Steve Herbits, Jim Odato, George Hearst, Rex Smith, Steve Forbes, Her Father, and the list goes on and on.

He's denounced a bunch of the good guys to throw off the scent though. Someone please tell me strait....Roger is white hat right?

Q predicted this

I still don't know what to think about Stone.

Under Seal. Eastern District of New York.

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Wasn't Mueller investigating Stone? Also Infowars is being investigated for Russian meddling, what's going on?


Bumping this one to read later

Mueller wasn't investigating Infowars, he was investigating Stone and Bannon

Alex Jones is going to be forced to register as a foreign agent.

Looks more like Raniere since he was a sealed indictment and has been arrested. I repeat WAS ROGER A MOLE to bring down the Hollywood/political cult ppl?

needed a higher up voice than the victims to do it.

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No, Rodger is a degenerate, but Alex was also talking about a person whose contributed in the past being detained by FBI a couple days ago.


This is getting slid hard

Not on my watch

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STONE should leave the country, lay low in far-away Island or maybe Thailand, go silent. Two hits on him, they can't miss forever.

I love Roger Stone, want to protect him. Drumph won't protect him. Run RS and go silent.

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Go to PJW's twitter account, he tweeted a few days ago that Infowars employees are being investigated by FBI for Russian meddling

and they are being sued by the CIA (Brennan gilmore) for saying more than they were supposed to re- the Heather heyer death hoax.

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Guccifer was Romanian Marcel Lazar. He got jailed.
Guccifer 2.0 was Warren Flood. Attempting to provide cover for Seth Rick leaks

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It's not for Russian Meddling.

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It's more real and scary than you think.

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>CIA /Brendan Gilmour /Charlottesville hoax

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#2 in command. She picked and groomed sex slaves.

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This dude got to plow Alyson Mack silly.

Again, this shit is way deeper than any could imagine. You thought "Q" was/is a LARP? You think he was fucking around when he said people would literally go insane if they knew the full truth?

All the chans, reddit, and voat pages to the work "Q" is doing is to slowly condition the public for release of information of the largest, most disgusting trafficking scheme ran by all those wonderful elites you all worship so fucking much.

You'll see.

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Holy Christ I want to be her sex slave.

Doomed spy

Alice in Wonderland

Kek! Cant wait for all of them to fall!

That's my thinking on the matter, though speculation is fairly silly. What we do know is that this pedophile had the drop on the Bronfman family who was very close to HRC and president of the World Jewish Congress. What those emails hold and who has them (Trump), God only knows. These are very bad people and, as someone on the fence as far as Trump goes, is credible evidence that he does intend to drain the swamp, and perhaps has a better grasp of it than we give him credit for.

'War and Flood' is a cover name.

That shit was crazy

good read