Why do you say holocaust didn't happen? Shouldn't you be glad that many subhuman jews got killed?
Why do you say holocaust didn't happen? Shouldn't you be glad that many subhuman jews got killed?
There's too much that doesn't add up
If it's illegal to deny that means 100% guaran-fucking-teed for certain that it's propaganda fake news. I refuse to even look into the evidence because it's so blindingly stupid and even a child can point out that banning opposing views is proof of control of the power structure.
I've used that to open a bunch my friends to the idea, once the flood gates were open I went with a few more facts like
>Churchill, Roosevelt, and Eisenhower had no mention of death camps in their post war memoirs
>Those emaciated pictures we see are because of US bombing Nazi supply lines
>So many authors have recanted their work, saying none of it was real
The Jewish-German civil war between the two world wars is what did it for me.
Im upset they lived.
Cyanide was never found in the walls of the “gas chambers”
bunch of hard facts here
Since when is denying it illegal?
I look at OP's pic and I have a hard time believing those people ruled anything.
I dont wish any harm on Jews or anyone, I just wish they would stop lying about the Holocaust
>I just wish they would stop lying about the Holocaust
I just think they honestly believe it. Just like faggots here think Trump is going to gas them.
>Trump is going to gas them
They are right he is just going to do it to them for the jews.
>Cyanide was never found in the walls of the “gas chambers”
Except the actual gas chambers purpose built for delousing clothes which survived intact
20 odd years ago in germany i think
the lie has caused immeasurable harm to you, your family and country.
they deserve to be punished
I don't believe in the gas chamber, I just believe that most of them were just worked to death or starved.
Gas chambers is evidence-less bullshit just like the incineration ovens, who are used to inflate numbers.
Cattle cars, for example. We keep hearing sbout cattle cars.
No such thing in Europe.
The Jews and other prisoners were transported in freight cars, the same ones used to transport German troops.