What happens here?

What happens here?

Attached: map_of_spain.jpg (466x350, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Faggots like you get faggoted.

Fuck these retarded threads.

I don't see much regarding Spanish politics, so I just wanted to spark some conversation. Get the stick out of your ass

How about I shit in your mother's mouth and then fuck her in the ass and force you to felch my cum covered shit out of her ass?


Low effort threads like yours belong on Read the sticky newfag.

Attached: slide thread.png (1156x2031, 290K)

Pretty reasonable question; what’s got your panties in a bunch?


I’m mostly just shocked that Spain isn’t more broke than Greece.

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Im with OP. How I face fuck your ugly hambeast mother and force feed ny immense smegma load into your ugly mutt neet pathetic milquetoast anus.


>mfw spaniards are 60% unemployed and only work 10 hours a week at $8 an hour average

talk about lazy cucks, its like an entire nation of NEETs

>be insecure
>call a genuinely curious person who wants Jow Forums‘s perspective on Spain’s politics “newfag”

Holy shit nigger

People With a similar IQ a monkey

Compared to the 50+ /b/-teir posts that hit bump limit that are posted here daily?

I'm not insecure you bellend. This thread gets posted every fucking day. You would know if you lurked more.
It's all the same. Like you're pissing into an ocean of piss. But one less low effort /b/ tier post is a start.

now not much
In the past, lots of things

Attached: Quick Rundown.png (2134x1568, 828K)

Fuck it, OP. Read the rules.
| research in the archive for intel as well | archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/165635833/#165644029
All fields, fucking t_D anons go back to your containment thread. You since 2016 this board has become shittier than ever. They created to contain your idiocy.

Attached: US_Armed_Forces_current_purpose.png (1568x1588, 714K)

Someone spoonfeed me on how these assholes sat out two world wars going on in their back yard.

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It is the kingdom of the moors. Lots of gay stuff happens there

guarda chi parla

Nothing. THey have an unskilled youth from living on EU hand outs for the last 20 years. This has resulted in a country 30 years out of time.

A house occupied by subhuman leftists just got destroyed by Falangists

>What happens here?

Attached: moors.jpg (1024x702, 137K)

el atrocidad de los moros

Attached: 3557d382-5035-41ee-b836-9ab6c666fc56-EscalatedQuicklyThumb.jpg (1000x1000, 104K)

30 years back in time is an improvement for most of europe.

>durr durr I'm a brainlet and I can't google or at least input something into a thread.
>Off-topic and /b/-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). >Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or /b/-tier threads:

>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)

Attached: another_brainlet.png (1340x1236, 559K)

oh hey look they formed Spain

Thank you best allies.

Attached: bestally.png (602x491, 114K)

Inmobiliare crisis, cucks, numales, jewtubers, soyboys, feminists...
The last generation of machos hispanos migrate to America and fuck muchas indias

People making Minecraft youtube videos because the unemployment rate is too damn high :v

Attached: 59c096dca582c.jpg (720x882, 113K)

Where rain mostly fall in the plain.

Joder tío macho te voy a lanzar una onda vital a todo gas en minecraft como no cierres el puto pico a la fuerza de lobezno

not much, most are unemployed. spaniards are also lazy fucks.

>what happens here?
is just as low effort and low quality as
>who was in the wrong
>What did he mean by this

Spain: the biggest exporter of Youtube videos in Europe.

Attached: elrubiusOMG.gif (520x240, 1.19M)