
Whites should stop larping as Aryas.Aryas had brown eyes and dark hair
And do u really think that u can make these grand sacred structures?
Hindus are the aryas.

Attached: DZV_iyrXcAAl13F.jpg (716x901, 198K)

Other urls found in this thread:

you really think your modern street shitters created that?

Attached: DZV6wOmV4AAy_0w.jpg (1500x1000, 231K)

We are still creating them.

Attached: akshardham_facts_and_figure_banner.jpg (1920x765, 231K)

In ur dreams,whitebois.

Attached: akshardham_swagatam_banner.jpg (1920x700, 198K)

Look at the grandeur.

Attached: madurai-meenachi-amman-inside.jpg (900x480, 129K)

In ur dreams,bois,in ur dreams.

Attached: Meenakshi-Temple.jpg (736x490, 134K)

They look like aryans though, don't they?

Dutchy boy,u r a make believe country.U dont even have any right to exist as a nation.Surrender to some country and live as vassals.

Fucking retarded. Sage.

Leaning tower of Pisa is ur achievement while we did this.Symmetry.

Attached: 1000_thousand_pillar_hall_madurai_meenakshi_aayiram_kal_mandapam.jpg (1600x1200, 263K)

What do u know U pizza eating subhuman?

Kinda Underwhelming my lad....Just stop trying already.

Lol, always so butthurt. Maybe indian don't use toilet paper because butt already hurt?

Silly coolie.

Attached: DMJi1DjXUAAzkz7.jpg (2048x1371, 656K)


Attached: DMJhu6fW0AALRRn.jpg (1200x750, 222K)

Go get ur coolie badge.

Attached: DMJcdvZW0AAzVd4.jpg (686x1024, 190K)

Why don't Indians build shit like this anymore

U dont brush.Shut up vassal.

This is a recent construction.In 2005.

Attached: Capture.jpg (1260x764, 170K)

Interior of a temple.Hindu chisel has no match.

Attached: DMJjEpIXUAEPDeP.jpg (1280x853, 206K)

The direct descendants of ancient Aryas are Polish people. The DNA doesn't lie. The Anglomutton and Germanmutt can't handle the butthurt. R1A is Arya. The R1B is nigger White, not Arya.

Attached: r1a.jpg (869x489, 73K)

Stop u silly people.People who bent their knees to a desert cult can never be called Aryas.
Hindus are Aryas.Still retain the genes.Reason why they dominate in academics.

Attached: Thanjavur-Brihadeeswarar-Temple-View-from-Back1-e1446651505539.jpg (1593x966, 435K)


I think you're on to something there friend

have you watched this?

What the fck is that degenerate shit?

No poop nigger, you are not Aryan.

I am and u r just one more McDonalds product waiting to choke on ur sugary coke.
I am a Hindu.Been here for 7000 years.

That's the first time i've heard the original, i've only heard the Shiksa Goddess parody