>Aleksandr Dugin is a prominent Russian Fascist
>Close friend of Vladimir Putin
>Wrote the "Foundations of Geopolitics
>In this book, he advocates for the annexation of Ukraine into Russia
>Isolation of the UK from the rest of Europe
>Destabilizing the US internally to check their global power
>this book is widely taught as part of the curriculum in Russian officer and police courses
>thousands of Pro Dugin groups across the world are funded and supplied across the world by the Russian state
>For instance AtomWaffen or the Green Line Front, both Russian Seeded organizations
>The modern Alt right is largely influenced by Russians attempting to destabilize and even balkanize the US in order to seize American Hegemony over Europe and the ME
This man is a fundamental threat to modern democracy and a stable world order
Aleksandr Dugin is a prominent Russian Fascist
Other urls found in this thread:
He's a hero, because democracy is a lie
wtf i love russia now
How much do the Duginists pay you to shill?
Here he is considered mad
He actually is
Thanks Russia for uncucking us, redpilling us, and inviting us to join in the new Slavic orthodox imperium. Hail Putin!
Is it true that he still wields political influence though?
Also how widely is the foundation of geopolitics read? Any good English translations?
$0.02 has been deposited into your acount
>close friend of Vladimir Putin
Normally you put the lies at the bottom of the list, since having a bunch of truths come before the lies makes the lies more convincing
No you dumbass, the alt right is not a Russian plant though I am sure you heard that and more from CNN, the Alex jones of the left now
>Close friend of Vladimir Putin
Stopped reading right there. Dugin is a Russian Alex Jones, but even more delusional.
You absolute nigger, I never said the alt right was an artificial creation of the Russians.
Its most certainly aided by the Russians, but the anger of the American people is almost tangible, at least where I live.
Then why does your president follow the guidelines of the Foundation of Geopolitics almost to the letter?
>Why the star of Chaos though?
Only the blood of a hero.
Dugin is not a fascist, he is a Eurasianist and Traditionalist.
I'm not sure he ever had any influence.
There are some fans, but doubtly in power positions.
Cant say anything about that book, but some of his texts are absolute classic in russian adoption and analysis of third way philosophy.
>Then why does your president follow the guidelines of the Foundation of Geopolitics almost to the letter?
1) 50+% of these predictions didn't happen.
2) It doesn't take much time to figure out what direction of politics an ex-KGB CPSU-member president would choose.
So a big piece of the evidence for Russian meddling is AtomWaffen. If you watch the videos, they're all armed with high end modern Kalashnikov models, which shouldn't be possible for a group of edgy twenty something year olds to access, with the already high costs and sanctions on Russia.
Do you think that its reasnable to believe it was Russian Fascist group seeding that did that?
1) I didn't realize it was a book of predictions. I thought it was advocating for action.
2) That really doesn't have any bearing on why he'd follow through on so many of these areas.
His theory is shit, but much of what he thinks is good can actually be helpful China and Russia should be split up too. We need a more balanced regional world.
>Germany wanting Russia to be split up
why does this sound so familiar?
Germany was also better of when we were a hundred individual states with nothing more than a defensive alliance.
It is easier to get AKoid in US than in Russia.
Swiss model worldwide senpai
I'm not sure what your gun laws are, but importing Russian made weapons is pretty difficult, because of the Sanctions Obama put on you guys.
he's right you know
Anyone have an English link for "Foundations of geopolitics"
>threat to modern democracy and stable world order
Theres one on amazon but it looks like someone just fed it through google translate.
Nah, his 'racial theory' is too esoteric for my tastes, at least the few things I know about it ... else at least interesting, although mainly Russian nationalist.
Dugin is a kike.
Nazbol is Communism.
>not an argument
Moarpheus shills aren't worth arguing with.
>he has no argument
Seems like a reasonable man, ill have to read up om him.
Thanks for the tip Amerilard
He was fired from Moscow State University for his calls to genocide ukrainians
>wtf i love white genocide nao!
He is anti-white/anti-european, pro-chink bolshevik. Don't glorify this walking shitstain.
They can have the Middle East. Let those dune coons have a taste of Russian diplomacy and they'll be begging for weekly US drone strikes again within a year.
>Here he is considered mad
>He actually is
you don't say? why should this surprise the rest of the world considering Russia's first monarch, Ivan I, literally was insane! must be the weather. how's the weather Ivan?
Democracy is undoubtedly a lie. The worst king of kike controlled government.
He's right when it comes to the US and the UK.
Wish he was more honest with his views on Southern Caucasus and stoped licking adyghian and alanian arses only to pretend he doesn't want to divide and conquer us.
>He's right when it comes to the US and the UK.
you sure?
>Israel controls America
>America is Israel's attack dog
>This man is a fundamental threat to modern democracy and a stable world order
And by this you mean a threat to Israel.
dugin is a Christian liberal
dugin defends israel. youtube it
hes a practicing Jew and has written about Kabbalah.
he's just butthurt he ain't kangz
He's basically a commie-but-I'm-not-like-those-Western-commies type, globalism by any other name. Open borders between Asia and Europe, Iran+China+Russia sphere of influence to counter the US. Jews trying to get their own piece of the pie.
>literal fucking Chaos star
Amerimutts btfo
Then it is better if the USA and Russia destroy each other, fuck you both.
Jew-lovers are degenerate.
He proposes multipolarism, the antithesis of globalism
Israel controls Russia too.
How about Russia and U.S. team up and just rekt Israel?
He wants free and fluid transfer of trade, ideas, and people across Asia and Europe so they are essentially in tandem with one another. We're talking uniting two continents here. How can you see that as anything other than globalism is beyond me.
>The modern Alt right is largely influenced by Russians attempting to destabilize and even balkanize the US in order to seize American Hegemony over Europe and the ME
You act as if the Russians are the only ones playing the divide and conquer game. They're just catching up to the chaos that was created by the neo-liberal club of multiculturalists who want to fulfill the Kalergi Plan of "everyone in the future will be brown so let's destroy the west" and using the dissent of whites and minorities to prevent the sheep from unifying under that gay ideology.
Eurasia.. where have I heard that before..?
>Isolation of U.K.
Hurry up with that.
I am friends with him on vk.com
I wish it would happen.
Implying balkanizing the US wouldn't be good for everyone?
same fern. but it wont until anons stop following "based jews" like dugin.
All forms of government are a lie, but it's harder to control a democracy than a dictatorship you dumb fucking leaf.
in eurasianist mission he says he wants to merge Europe with Africa
>Green Line Front
Isn't it weird when some obvious shill just namedrops some new extremist group you've never heard of like they're something to be concerned about and therefore, interesting?
They are either astroturf or infiltrated to the gills, or a single guy, that is also OP.
>This man is a fundamental threat to modern democracy
Sounds like a great guy then.
What? You thought that people would just naturally support democracy? Why? It's done nothing but castigate me for being white and male, has flooded my country with migrants without consulting me or my fellow countryman, and has turned what was once a moral, reserved nation into an individualist wasteland here everyone is drunk and gluttonous.
Democracy can go fucking die. Good on Dugin for seeing that it's horseshit.
>he changes proxies but not his location
And who is an emerging anti-Jew leader in the USA that could lead them out of slavery?
For some reason, americans have been the goodest goyim of all tho.
Burgers should change or their country and its hegemony should be crushed.
I'm hoping for the former, but the latter starts to seem more and more appealing.
Godspeed anyway.
Everything works better in an ethno-state. It is multiculti Democracy that needs to be exterminated. You cannot have a democracy in a world of race realism. The numbers don't work that way.
>everyone who against me is a proxy!
Why is it so difficult for you to admit your ideology is a hollow mess that means nothing now? Just think for a second why you would believe that young men would support the status quo, when it's done fuck all for the them. I'm up to my ass in fucking student debt just so I could get a degree and get a job that 30 years ago wan't certified (electrical engineering). I will likely never own my own home due to spiraling house costs, and where every property is bought up by avaricious, multinational landlord companies, that then rent out those properties at exorbitant prices. But then, why would I even wan to own my own home, when I will never get married (feminism) or even want to get married (divorce laws)?
I have zero stake in society. All that I own are about two dozen books, a laptop that was a gift from my parents and which is now hobbling into it's 8th year, and a wardrobe of clothes that went out of fashion years ago. I pay a faceless landlord the "privilege" to lease out a few cubic square meters in a city that is rapidly turning brown.
Now explain to me why I, and every other man in the same situation, should like this state of affairs, and why I should care if the whole thing crumbles?
How is it hard? You control the mainstream media and placate the niggers and you control the country. You don't even have to do what the people who voted for you want, you can do literally anything and no one can do shit about it.
>This man is a fundamental threat to modern democracy
where's the issue?
It won't happen like that, user. A true leader will only come when the People call for one. We can achieve that by redpilling the masses or allowing them to suffer through what's coming. Then they will accept our resolution.
America is Jewed because of Christianity. Answering the JQ includes presenting a new Christian system. But consider that nearly all Nations are kiked. Using your logic we should destroy the world. I disagree. We should save everyone except a few who deserve wrath.
>his man is a fundamental threat to modern democracy and a stable world order
Good, fuck (((democracy))) and fuck your (((stable world order)))
I tell you right now, that if tomorrow the Russians or Chinese or whoever it was were to invade, but they promised to put women down, throw out the shitskins, and do something about the housing market, I'd be out there welcoming them. They could hang the fucking Queen from Big Ben and set fire to the Houses of Parliament, I wouldn't give a fuck.
>everyone who types long obvious shill posts is a shill!
>Now explain to me why I, and every other man in the same situation, should like this state of affairs, and why I should care if the whole thing crumbles?
destruction is easy. all you need do is sit back and do nothing. YOU ARE NOT GOOD because you don't engage in evil. YOU ARE NOT GOOD because you do nothing.
>replying to yourself
samefag is same.
stay defeated, ivan.
>he opposes democracy
I like him already
>implying this society is in any way "good"
>implying fascism is "destructive"
Sorry my dude, we had a vote and we're voting fascist.
Do you understand that posters may want to add to their original post after having posted it?
Ah, fuck off you fucking cunt. The system is already in freefall anyway, no one believes in the democracy shit anymore and you know it, that's why you're on here and shitting yourself.
No it.
It will happen when power is seized and democracy is abolished and all opposition is purged.
Pagans are edgelords who will never lift a finger against the Jew.
Fascism means the People serve the State.
America is already a fascist Nation.
National Socialism means the State serves the People.
>muh damage control
Hitler had to win the People before he could seize control. If you want a NatSoc state convince the People you're right.
Who said anything about destruction? And morality - please! Your lot have destroyed all morality, with faggot queers with pride parades and cuckoldry being promoted in the media, and now you want to invoke good and evil to make me support you?
i'd say this man is a hero. fuck america and let her burn in hell eternally.
Okay, its hard to NOT advocate an annexation of Crimea. Crimea was Russian since 1773 and was given to Ukrainian SSR by khokhol Khruschev.
Dugin is scumbag tho.
>close to putin
>the russian nazbol party is banned
REALLY makes me think.
>Who said anything about destruction?
Dugin, when he said he wanted to destroy America instead of Israel.
>Your lot have destroyed all morality, with faggot queers with pride parades and cuckoldry being promoted in the media
You mean Jews have pushed Marxism in America? Your argument is against Israel, not the American People. Just like it would be retarded for me to claim Brits are responsible for the migrant crisis when the responsible ones are Jews loyal to Israel
Democracy let the uneducated, clueless and weak to vote for an entire country, it's a false idol which only brings rot with it. America, the great that planted the seeds for the tree of fire that send the browns from the middle east to Europe. Rethink your life dog.
Ha I wish America was a fascist nation but no it's literally NatSoc and that's why it sucks.
Think about it, we have two major political powers.
Democrats- Socialists, unapologetically so.
Republican- Nationalists
Their powers combined form what?
> it's literally NatSoc
You're absolutely retarded and have no idea what NatSoc even is. Hitlerian Socialism is not Marxism or Bernie Sanders socialism. And our politicians aren't "Nationalists" they're Zionists who have sold America to Israel.
All of those Jewish billionaire sure are grinding their teeth over how hard it is to control America, you stupid kike puppet.
Nazis were a Russian psyop created to destabilize the Soviet Union. Hitler didn't exist.
That's because the "nationalists" in America are Zionists.
Thanks to the shitty version of Chrstianity that spread here.
Also you realize you just used the "that's not real NatSoc" argument just like a commie right?
Fuck lazy whites that won't work. They can starve along with the niggers that won't work.
Capitalistic Fascism>all
You aren't a Nationalist if you give billions to another Nation while ruining your own. That's Globalism. Zionism is Globalism. You should lurk moar
>Fuck lazy whites that won't work.
Free gibs is Marxism, not Socialism.
> balkanize the US
May I recall that term “balkanize” was born only thanks to US actions by tearing Yugoslavia apart?
>our gibs are different/better than the communism you don't like.
I thought you wanted the state to serve the people. The People are ignorant cattle who want to throw money at Israel.