Atheism will ruin civilizat-

>atheism will ruin civilizat-

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>a wallet
>"pay for your sins"
i was waiting for him to bring up donations

>fairly small and homogeneous population with abundant resources
nope, has to be the lack of christianity

this lol

>Civilization lasts a couple of generations
This is why they're just parts of the future caliphate.

aka white countries.

for now at least.

>Norway, a country with a high suicide rate
>in the top 5 of happiest countries

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sad people kill themself, only the happy remains

came to post this

>when you don't allow reporting on immigrant crime
Lol, what a BS list.

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Also countries with the most white people

>aside from sweden
i wish I was born in one of those three countries.

>nations with a high percentage of the world's least religious countries
>nations with a high percentage of countries
>nations with countries

Call me a brainlet, but wtf?

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Hmm what else do they have in common?

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>Niggers and spics are people
Kill yourself

These aren't even the countries with the least religious people. What a coincidence they forgot the world's most secular country, China. The country with state enforced secularism.

what the current population is, is largely irrelevant. Western civilization was based around Christianity

Chinks aren't people you fucking niggertard

Norway and Switzerland both beat America when it comes to mass killings, though kek.

Attached: E36EC8AC-CB2B-4C2B-9952-7DF180CC147F.png (1019x702, 78K)

All have massive suicide rates and usage of anti depressants. Low testosterone as well compared to the rest of the world.

sweden is literally coal burn central

So in a couple years when Islam has rooted itself more strongly and people are more aware of it can we expect these countries to slide all the way to the bottom of happiness and prosperity polls?

it's true, there really is very little crime in switzerland though

was that 1990s data?

Attached: sweden6.jpg (611x796, 150K)

however switzerland is a largely christian country so nice try


we eat a shitton of happy pills because we're all depressed

>im so happy now

6. The USSR

>Mass killings
This is directly the result of the sandniggers

>Suicide is bad
Kill yourself

im in denmark for easter by the way hence the danish flag

norfag here

North Western European societies are always low-crime until shitskins are brought in

It's a sign of failure and sickness

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Exactly, kill yourself

Islam isn't atheism

Islam is just a suicide cult

>muh monovariants

fucking SAGE

beat me to it. at least they are happy though. happy to be beaten, raped, killed. happy they aren't called racists :^)

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What are their birthrates?

that wasn't a crime according to sweden

3 mohammed for every .56 sven

Atheism is dumb.
So is religion

Take some DMT and meet the true divines.

>being over run by fundie muzzies

If suicide is good than why dont you do some good?

peyote nigger. natural and lasts for days

You first nigger

All previous christian countries. Also homogenously white nations. The atheism meme is the last stage produzed by the individualism, whish was only possible in a christian tradition.

DMT is from a plant
And everything on earth is natural

Check back in 20 years and see how atheist they are.

Kek, get ass ravaged.

Muslims are happy raping and killing, and white liberals are happy to provide them the means. So if anything they're only going to get happier.

i was referring to the distilled ones they used during that one experiment.

>no one able to solve this riddle

>atheism will ruin civilizat-
Funny enough, they WILL and they ARE doing it.

All those countries are CHRISTIAN FUNDED, that's why they all those Christianized countries have crosses in their flags.

All those countries were overwhelmingly Christian majority until like 20 years ago.
Now after two decades of atesm indoctrination they lost all their sense of culture and self identity becoming empty shell to be conquered.
And before Christianity all those countries were SHITHOLES.

Just tells how much of a cancer is atheism to a society's culture.

Attached: Nordic_Flags_Map.png (930x622, 84K)

That's natural too.
But that stuff, I want to try.

Nations with a high percentage of whites*

We got kicked out. Time to hang myself


>>Norway, a country with a high suicide rate

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>the Capital of antidepressants and teen drinking
>with some of the highest taxes
This is somehow good

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>fairly small and homogeneous population with abundant resources

there is nothing wrong being homogeneous

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>highest suicide rate
try again atheist cock sucker LMAO

>it's not white people, it's socialism that works!@

All were built by white Christian people and were mostly avoided by wars. Their laws and mentality are Christian.

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>>atheism will ruin civilizat-


>suicide is bad
so this is your brain on christcuckery