
Why should I consider Hitler an advocate of the white race if he despised slavs and wanted to exterminate them? Also, they (natsocs) considered japs partly aryan? what?

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As a slav myself this is a question I often wonder about, I think we wasn't a white supremacist but an Aryan supremacist


Source your claims and provide evidence hitler existed that isn't photographic or post-war.

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If he disliked slavs how come Bulgaria and Croatia were his allies

Hitler was an autist

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slavs are NOT white

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"the organization of a Russian state formation was not the result of the political abilities of the Slavs in Russia, but only a wonderful example of the state-forming efficacity of the German element in an inferior race."

-mein kampf

Well you should if you're germanic since slavs are not considered germanic and therefore also not considered "white" lel

aryan is everyone who is 100% european

As a slav I can confirm my skin is white af

he didnt want to exterminate slavs, he just said that they make less cultural achievments compared to norse, germans, italians, french or anglos - therefore he considered them as lazy, which most of them are if you take a look
the thing with the japs was only that they had common enemies.. you know, the enemy of your enemy...

That's real fucken stupid, white is white.

but they are actually mongols


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Der Untermensch (“The Underman”) is possibly the Third Reich’s most famous, misquoted, and misrepresented publication ever.

First issued in 1942 by the SS head office under the direct orders of Heinrich Himmler, The Underman has ever since been portrayed as “anti-Slavic,” “anti-Russian,” and “anti-Jewish.” In fact only the third allegation has any truth to it. The “anti-Slavic” and “anti-Russian” claims are merely the product of postwar propaganda, reliant on the fact that almost no one would have the chance to actually read the publication for themselves.

The reason for this was that after the war, the Allied occupying powers in Germany ordered all copies of the publication seized and burned. As a result, only a tiny handful were saved, and it is from one of these very few surviving copies, that this edition has been prepared.

In addition to its rarity, the text has also never been correctly and fully translated into English (until now), a fact which has greatly eased the task of those seeking to distort what it actually says.

Ideologically hostile Jewish propagandists have, for example, engaged in outright forgery and misrepresentation of its contents, while a single translation made by an ideologically sympathetic postwar publisher suffered from serious grammatical and translation distortion errors.

This edition is therefore the very first complete and accurate translation into English of this 52 page oversize booklet.

Far from being anti-Slavic, the reader will see that the SS Head Office publication portrayed Russians as victims of Communism—and then specifically blamed Jews as being behind Communism, and, ideologically speaking, inheritors of a far older, far eastern attack on Europe which had started with Genghis Khan and the Mongols. (1/2)

Nowhere in the SS book are the Slavic people denigrated, and in fact many of the traditional Slavic nations are mentioned in text and photograph as being part of the greater European family. European nations specifically mentioned in this book include Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Italy, Switzerland, Slovakia, Croatia, Greece, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania.

The suffering of ordinary Russian people under the Soviet system forms a large focus in this work, and at all times great sympathy is evoked for these victims of Communism: men, women and children alike. Special mention is made of their awful living conditions, inflicted by the Soviet economic collectivization system, and always condemned only as the result of Communism.

In addition, the economics, social structure, art, and even freedom of religion under the Soviet state is dramatically and graphically compared with Germany—and elsewhere in Europe.

Finally, after reviewing numerous Soviet atrocities and Communist secret police torture chambers discovered during the German advance into the Baltic states and the Ukraine, this SS book ends with a dramatic series of photographs showing the murderous intentions of the Soviet state—and a warning that if the European people did not unite and together fight off the attack by the “Jewish-led Underman,” then Europe itself would be destroyed. (2/2)

Hitler was an advocate of the german race and not all whites as a whole might I add. A NATIONAL socialist

Only partially, that's far eastern Russia, most of eastern Europe Slavs are decended from the mix of the slav race, which is independent, and the Norse.

what about her

her eyes look chinese

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That makes sense I said something similar, but his belief in that was Retarded. Whites must unite not divide even further.

Not to me

At the time, most slavic countries were communist. And communists are not people.

Dont give me the "slave arnt white" meme either. Slavic countries are whiter than your country and almost all of them have a no immigration policy.

jesus, fucking chill out

I think Slaves were raping and murdering ethnic Germans at the time but uhh Hitler had good relations with the prior Polsk government.. I think you'r dumb pop-history maybe showing.. is is you a shill mr swedeon??

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Post source please


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Look at her fucken skin man, more white than any west European white.

Slavs are Slavs. We are not white. We did not enslave shit.

>[something shitty/boring void of content]
>[another shitty thing void of content]

i dont think you understand how not being a fucking retard works.

"The difficulty in understanding the Russian is that we do not take cognisance of the fact that he is not a European, but an Asiatic, and therefore thinks deviously."

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So you're telling me some japs are white because their skin is more pale than italians/greeks etc?

AltHype, but he could be an autist

Have you ever had to deal with a russian? Their mental capacity is too low to drive a car. The japanese are smart and only thing they really lack is innpvation but that is changing. Hitler wasn´t a american "white nationalist" who wanted to make the world some Kalerg pan europe mess. Russians are sub humans and japs not.

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hortler was just pissed because slavs tended to suck bolshevik/jew cock like there was no tomorrow

That's white. Most norce people looked like that.

>Newfag detected

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So is albino nigger

>Why should I consider Hitler an advocate of the white race?
well, you shouldn't

Hitler was a subhuman. Prove me wrong, pro tip: you can't

Commies aren't white (or human for that matter)

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I find that to be utter bullshit, as a slav whose been to western Europe, modern Europeans are fucking degenerates

Are you even 18? Because that level or strawman and missing the point can only come from a child.

And when did chinks get wide blue eyes.

did you even read the op?
i said slavs, not jewish bolsheviks

Hitler wasn't subhuman, he wasn't human at all. He was just advanced autism in an ape

The asian looking people who identyfy as russian aren´t 100% geneticly russian. They are a mixture of genetic minorities in Russia that had their natioalism destreyed by russians since they started their imperialism and Stalin gave the last hit.

I'm no commie and I'm a slav, generalizing autist.

>aryan is everyone who is 100% european

But that's wrong though. Aryan was a weird psuedoscientific fantasy that supposedly included scandis, germanics, amd a few other diparate people that Hitler thought were based for one reason or another. It's not the pan-european notion of "white" that most people think of, it's a relic of a very specific time and place that's got almost nothing to do with contemporary white nationalism other than triggering similar wrongthink alarm bells in the minds of leftists

Shut up.
Btw, the crusaders would slaughter you fat, subhuman ass.

Did you even read the fucking graphic?

Honorary aryans and if you look at the nips they really are. Tough smart warrior race that quickly westernized and have russia and America. A truly tough fight. Poles are the niggers of Europe, and Russians were cucked by commies. He didn’t hate Czechs, Croats, Bulgarians, Lithuanians, Latvians etc

germans are autistic retards. news at 11.

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Oh no someone's gotten angry. Degenerative ape go somewhere else.

Russia, the largest slavic country has:
>A high murder rate
>Large amounts of corruption
>One of the largest concentrations of AIDS on the planet
>a large Muslim population
>lower IQ on average than the majority of western nations
Literally pot calling the kettle when you make fun of Western Europe for some of these things, it wouldn't suprise me if under your meme flag you're a gypsy or a bosniak

>>A high murder rate
>>Large amounts of corruption
>>One of the largest concentrations of AIDS on the planet
>>a large Muslim population
>>lower IQ on average than the majority of western nations

Sounds like amuttrica.

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stop explaining it. brainlets will never understand.
they thought that white people decended from atlantis. this concept is too much for some anons

You're a homo sapien as well.
A fucking ape.
And a fucking American jew

Exactly, but America has nothing to do with the present conversation, you retarded cunt

Hitler hated Bolsheviks, not Slavs. He wanted to free the Slavs from Jewish Communism.

He called Nips "Honorary Aryans", just like certain Jews and others.

Hitler was an Autist who wrecked Germany and Gott erhalte Wilhelm, but op was wrong about the slav hate

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Sorry, didn't mean to reply

>single blonde mom with 4 nigger ape children
>sharts in mart
>gets shot outside by niggers
>gets shot inside a school by a (((white))) guy
>vegans, flat earthers and wannabe commies
>le 56%

>Sounds like amuttrica.
And that's why people are desperate to get into Russia.
Oh, wait...

but he's right, except maybe for the central european ones, slavs are not white

t. slav

>helped the bolsheviks take over russia
this always makes me kek. they literally just sent a guy on a train.

germany so fucking powerful they destroy continents with a guy on a choo-choo

"Poles are the most intelligent of all the people with whom Germany came across during the war in Europe... Poles in my opinion and basing on the observation and reports from the General Government, are the only nation in Europe that combines high intelligence with the incredible cleverness. They are the most talented people in Europe, because while living in extremely difficult political circumstances, acquired the great sense of living, unparalleled anywhere.

Based on recent research made by Reichsrassenamt, the scientists came to the belief that Poles should be assimilated into German society as a racially valuable. Our scholars concluded that a combination of German orderliness with Polish imaginativeness would give excellent results".

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Russia is the worst slavic country and also the least slavic country of the slavic countries. It´s pretty much just a cum dump of anyone who were close to them and blood mixing drops their iq to nothing. Fins, tatars, some tribes I can´t even name and some that have been assimilated have all fucked Russia.


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the absolute state of slavs

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Stop being retarded, Hitler would have blown the fuck oit of the British if this was true, he had blacks and Arabs and Jews in his army

You guys are fucking stupid

hitler was prime destroyer of european nations and a jew tool.
too bad because at some level he really might thought he was doing good.

He was an advocate of the Aryan race.
Not all whites are Aryan.
Learn what an Aryan actually is.
I suggest reading Hitler's speeches (if you read none other, read this one
carolynyeager.net/führers-talk-generals-and-officers-may-26-1944-platterhof-obersaltzberg-part-2-2), Myth of the Twentieth Century, Race Life of the Aryan Peoples, The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century
aryanism.net is the best contemporary work on Aryan culture and society, though much of it is mixed with ideas meant to make the idea of an Aryan more palatable to a modern day reader
Learn to discern truth from falsehood, find contradictions between works
Not to mention that members of the NSDAP wanted Aryan to be replaced with Nordic, while others wanted it to be considered a Platonic ideal of mankind.

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If shills who are too afraid to show their flag really hate Hitler so much then that just makes me like him more

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The idea that Nazis had some sort of pan-european white-mans interest at heart is modern Americlap retardation. Blatantly agonisingly obviously they were trying to further only the Germanic ethnicity at the cost of all other white ethnicity, but to Amerimutts who have no idea of their family tree past three generations that doesn't make any sense to them because white people are all one ethnicity.

Please try and argue what I said

Hitlers autism cost the Germans the war.

>blacks and Arabs and Jews
What is wrong with them?

>jew tool
>destroyer of european nations
but they are all intact to this day??


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Silly Finn

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Pan-European White identity mvmt's are retarded and destructive to authentic blood&soil White identities. Just going to lead to more race-mixing between Nordic, Med, Alpine, slavnigger types, etc., and as always the dirts going to cover over everything. This type of thinking is going to result in Europeans with black hair, brown eyes, and tan skin in 500 years if people like Spencer get their way. Hitler was an advocate of Nordic Germanic man, and I wish to god he got his way and enslaved all those mongrelized golden horde vodka niggers.

What formation does this alleged Aryan soldier belong to, exactly?

So you can´t defend your countries ways any better than calling someone silly? Arabs are way better than amerimutts.

Look at the picture

Your country wouldn't even exist if Germanic sailors didn't travel the English Channel and settle there you fucking moron

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Thats all bullshit propaganda regurgitation
"Hitler" was an illegitimate bastard boy of a Rothschild sperm bullseye.
People were impressed with Adolph Rothschild because they were heavily proagandized by a new medium of minnd control at the time.The radio.When people saw the dickhead they were surprised he didn't have blond hair and blue eyes.
He was a tool for getting Germans murdered .
Like Davy Hogg is the tool for gun grab.

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>but they are all intact to this day??

> (OP)
>Well you should if you're germanic since slavs are not considered germanic and therefore also not considered "white" lel
>aryan is everyone who is 100% european

not really. they're the descendants of the corded ware people. nazi anthropologists justified annexing eastern europe and invading russia on this basis. those are the steppes where the barbarians came from

A photo isn´t a good source. Photoshop exists.

>Lol wut germoney doesn't even exist anymore user XDDDDDDDD


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I'm not arguing unfactual things and I dont talk to amerimutts

>he doesn't know

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There are many documented cases of non-whites serving in the Wehrmacht, although they of course weren't fully fledged soldiers or German citizens

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>I think we wasn't a white supremacist but an Aryan supremacist
>I think
>literally called nordic-germanic peoples a superhuman race and that all other races were inferior
>only gave japs honorary aryan status due to military alliances
>had conflicts with mussolini because he thought mediterraneans were subhumans
>wanted to exterminate slavs for lebensraum as early as the 1920s

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Afhgan aryan master race reporting in, feels good to be ubermensch

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The only good posts in the entire thread.

Sounds great

He didn't want to exterminate Slavs, nigger-brain. He wanted to enslave them.