>University staff went to the UCF Police Department on Feb. 1 to report that they noticed a dramatic change in Sun’s appearance and behavior, according to a report.
Part of that disturbing behavior was that Sun suddenly bought a nearly $70,000 car with cash.
University staff also told police that Sun had told them he owns a high-powered firearm, the report said.
Why would he needs a gun if he is in UFC? Doesn't he know good martial science?
Aiden Ross
Ikr like wtf . There is no such thing as rich people. Btw did you get your food stamps this month
Jason Fisher
UCF is a gun-free zone too, so its not like he could take them there or anything.
Asher Watson
most chinese students are fucking loaded.
Joseph Gutierrez
Typical chinese dumb idiot These cockroaches have absolutely no clue about western social behavior, i bet that he did and acted really retarded everyone who works in the tourism industry can back me up
Anthony Cook
A lot of Chinese attending uni in the US are relayed to corrupt Chinese politicians.
The politicians know Chinese currency is going to crash so they're all trying to get money out of China asap. Sons daughters nieces nephews and cousins are all getting PAID
t. Someone who banged a rich Chinese girl
Ryan Ward
Well that rich Chinese girl was also an idiot because you don't understand that the Chinese currency isn't about to crash
Camden Foster
bruh the only international students who can afford to go to school in north america and rich as fuck
Jace Wilson
I'm actually against this. He was just practicing his 2nd amendment.
Eli Smith
He's not a citizen. He has no rights.
Caleb Taylor
How did he buy the gun?
Benjamin Jackson
With money.
Logan Reed
See paragraph under the red box.
"purchased legally because federal law allows for those holding nonimmigrant visas to posses firearms if they hold a hunting license"
Xavier Ward
He was just embracing American culture. He grew in shithole China and came to a country where he could buy whatever gun he wants, what decent male wouldn't want to do that?
Luke White
Maybe he won it at a casino.
Wyatt Davis
On the other hand, communism and backstabbing go hand in hand. They could lose favour at any moment and lose everything they have in China.
Austin Carter
Based ching chang chong
Jeremiah Gomez
>high powered >it's actually the same as any 30.06 rifle, just made out of black plastic
why post only this one? what about the other 25k+ that have been siezed this month.
Jordan James
> he fell for the Ruger meme
Aaron Price
saying the word nigger is disturbing behavior to these totalitarian assholes
Ryder Walker
>oy vey you don't need all that legally obtained weaponry >buying ammo for it too, what are you a school shooter? >deported Not that the chink will be missed but jesus this is fucked up.
a chinese billionaire who defected awhile back warned us there was 20,000 + chinese spys in the US. Also why do darkies keep flying that black lives matter bullshit flag? when black people are the ones who need to realize black live matter. Last i checked bro the problem is blacks killing blacks.
Jaxson Richardson
We should kick out all niggers too.
John Cox
>non-degree seeking student
So what the fuck is he doing in school? Just signing up for the bare minimum general education classes, not looking to accumulate enough credits to graduate with a degree? Is this just an extended and expensive vacation for him? God damn I hate chinese students so much. It's all a scam.
Carter King
Are these even the same gun? What's OP's model?
Charles Evans
Problem. Non citizens cannot legally buy guns. You CAN purchase guns if in the US as perm legal resident status IF you route through hunting license first. Many non citizens have properties in US that they live in for part of the year and hunting parties/camps make big money from tourist hunting so there is a hunting license provision but it's not an easy process, very easy to fuck up and it's immediate deportation if you do.
SO this guy bought his guns in CA with very strict gun laws? He did not do so legally.
SOURCE? be me with H1B friend who lived here since college (change of status transfer) from very wealthy family. So probably about 10 years of history. We shot as a hobby. And took the CCL classes together. He buys a gun, the store did his NICS, he passed, but by the time NICS came back and said NO...not citizen, we'd already left the store.
This brought the FBI down on us, store calling in panic, I took possession of the weapon and took it back to the store. It was a nightmare to get cleared up.
Finally went the hunting license route but it took a while and he also got his CCL. Back in his home country now and still an avid sport shooter (having to follow all the "rules" of his own country).
Had another friend shooting with me, green carder...was shocked at how long it took for me to buy a gun. Stated the media makes it sound "easy". In my other friend's case he misunderstood the language on the NICs form about status, no big deal as he didn't lie, just checked the wrong box regarding perm. leg. resident..NEITHER box checked would have permitted him to purchase a gun, so guess who fucked it up? FBI again.
SO, how did this guy get a gun in CA?
Lincoln Howard
>a chinese billionaire who defected awhile back warned us there was 20,000 + chinese spys in the US. This country is so fucked! How the fuck did this happen? Is there a country that's an ethno state?
Angel Watson
Stay in school kids
Gabriel King
Oh no he owns a bolt gun less powerful than a durr rifle
Aiden Gomez
Ruger precision rifle
Nathan Edwards
lul that doesnt want refugees no, besides africa noone else is really an ethno state, you could just try making your own
James Campbell
He was in Florida tho
Hunter Flores
Bye bye chink you won't be missed
Lincoln Reed
wish they would stop giving student visas to chinks, and gave 'em to europeans instead
Anthony Moore
wow looks like Seung-Hui Cho's high score is safe for now
Grayson Bennett
He bought a gun because FBI allowed him to buy a gun, just a guess but fits in with others (pic related)
but any person from another country should not be able to buy a gun at all for at least 10 years in the US
Angel Cruz
so how come this guy wasn't allowed to slip through the cracks and get repeatedly ignored by the feds? too white?
Xavier Gray
You should see what the highschoolers who came here to learn english dirve.
Cooper Lewis
.300 blackout needs to be banned ASAP. No need for it.
Joshua Sanders
UCF Is central Florida I think
Robert Stewart
KYS you ignorant fuk
Charles Price
I am surrounded by them. They're not social outside of their group, but they don't cause me any grief. They drive nice cars, so they're not shitting up the neighborhood with cheap shit. Though I don't really care for most of their BMWs or Maseratis, one guy showed some sense and bought an RS7.
And they're not fat fucks, unlike my white neighbors.