Reminder that you larping Nazi fucks won't last a minute if you got your "revolution"
Reminder that you larping Nazi fucks won't last a minute if you got your "revolution"
Niggers can’t aim.
Or do socialism.
>urban combat
>hood kids with combat experience
geting your testicles exploded by pepper balls counts ar combat experience now?.
Why do African American children have urban combat experience? Found the racist
If that's what you're banking on, have fun
The right wing has more in common with gang bangers, than you might think
And both groups would easily be willing to work together to take down the arid intellectuals of the left
That's one thing I never understood about these communists
>Workers party unite
>Never worked a day in their lives
The real "workers party" is those same evil white people you've made you're enemy
look at any hood shooting and its like 17 shots fired no one hurt except some little girl playing down the street
Or farm.
Or speak without a speech impediment.
>urban combat experience
pls stop
So now Libs give a shit about the Army, I see
Fire gat sideways till clip is empty, get shot by single rifle round from 100m and win.
" if you kill your enemies they win "
Aha very funny leaf.
Discipline is an essential part of an organized militia or army
Nogs tend not to have discipline or proper aim
Just because hold your gat sideways in an urban area doesn't make you an expert of urban warfare just like autistic screeching while firing your AK over your head doesn't make you an expert of guerrilla warfare.
Why would Nazis want a revolution? Hitler himself was lawfully elected, after realizing how bad he screwed up with his Beer Hall Putsch.
>niggers fighting for "the revolution"
As long as you aren't stepping in their neighborhoods they don't give a fuck about any of that shit. They just want to sit on their porch hustling and smoking crack. It's laughable that liberals think the average hoodrat nig will be any sort of a reliable ally.
What in the fuck makes you think the nogs will be on the gun grabbers side? They fucking hate cops, but yea sure I bet they will all join forces with the cops and give up their guns too.
Are you fucking retarded?
The urban centers of America would be hellscapes if a revolution or apocalyptic event occured. And they would be starved of food and supplies that came from the rural areas.
>"hood" kids with actual experience in urban combat
>urban combat
That has to be bait. I hate rednecks as much as niggers but I'd side with the most retarded, inbred hillbilly with an AR-15 over 5 gangbangers with handguns.
Hood is just an obstacle a side quest you can either purge or just go around it.
The "hood" kids with "urban combat experience" are not the ones calling for gun control. They don't really care if guns or legal or not because they're going to get them illegally anyways and keep shooting at each other. The main belligerents are going to be gun owners and a subset of the police willing to actually enforce a gun confiscation law. Those "hood" kids are not going to mess with a guy shooting an AR-15 at the police. In fact, I think they'll sit back and watch.
Sure. Guess there's no reason to ban Ar-15s then.
The "hood kids" would easily join forces to go up against the man. They will be easy to lead.
>urban combat experience
You mean shooting from a stationary car window at a target 5 feet away?
Or do you mean running up to someone on the sidewalk and shooting them in the gut?
Ack, it seems I'm misreading this. I'm thinking of a revolution started by 2nd amendment activists. These guys are talking about a revolution started by hood rats. THAT revolution would quickly be struck down by the national guard AND the unorganized militias.
pic related
Why was he shooting at the ground? Waste of bullets.
cause nigs can't aim
Probably losing his mind on drugs, he does even react to the police besides being shot dead.
>urban combat
Hahahaha I’d like to see them take on a veteran of fallujah
>They will be easy to lead.
the entire thing about hood kids is that they're not. that's why they're a problem.
just a fucking leaf.
>nigger wastes all his bullets shooting at the ground
>cop downs him in one shot
Love how the guy who was trying to tackle him dips the fuck out when he sees the cops pull up because he knows that nigger is about to be swiss cheese.
niggers with high points will be better than this
> Thanks to his nigger training, Jamal will rape me *before* right-wingers can even hang me.
He sure showed us.
Why are you hiding the name? This isn't reddit or facebook you damn sack of shit
Gangbangers are the biggest pussies on the planet and everyone knows it. They run like a bitch if they think they might get anything close to a fair fight
>niggers are superior beings and they are on my side :^)
This is your brain on liberalism.
Also, you're a complete faggot
This. I used to watch Gangland and I was just shocked at the number of times they'd show a car riddled with bullets and it would be some car full of people shot up by nig gangs with maybe only one casualty. Niggers don't train. They can't aim worth a shit.
Even blacks know they wont win.
>hang me
Nah, we'll forcibly convert them to Christianity.
hood kids have literal 0 sense in hood combat lmao... their hood combat consists of driving by some unsuspected victim enjoying lemonade on their lawn with half a dozen niggers with guns
>urban combat experience
>side effects of an IQ of 70 may include death by police
This. When I was in the MUHREENS the country boys were dumb but they got the job done. Niggers however were not only dumber than a sack of dried owl shit, but they were also the first ones to hide and cower or run away.
Niggers are pussies.
larping SJWS are 100% faggots.
Thanks user. Time to drop some moabs.
This has to be a troll.
He doesn't. For some reason non whites don't know how to use tools. The sights on his weapon are probably fucked. Every single time a weapon is recovered from a nigger it's set to indirect fire, at best.
>Implying we won't just block all movement to/ from the cities for a couple months until they cannibalize eachother into oblivion.
You mong. They respond to power, hierarchy and reward very well.
They are easy to trick and convince what they're doing will be good for them (except it actually will be in this case). I see you know nothing about how gangs function.
The "Hood" kids can't shoot straight and use guns that are mostly obsolete in Times of war
I'm just gonna leave this here.
I've been in actual combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. I am not a larping red neck I have conducted numerous urban combat operations. I was in the infantry for six years I will destroy niggers in combat. I know little white girls who can out shoot niggers any day.
This is copypasta, and it will keep getting posted if you reply to it.
>literal retards who shoot 50 people in a weekend and only kill 2
>White rural and suburban retards who collectively make up almost the entirety of the military infantry
>Implying I am a nazi.
>Implying I trust anybody.
QFT. There's a lot of reasons they want gun control so badly. Part of it is because my 11 yo daughter can sit in her tree house with a rifle and collect nigger lives until I call her for dinner.
I have never seen a nigger practicing at a gun range.
>this is what leftists actually believe
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?
I love this webm so much. There are so many things going on here that make it like a renaissance painting.
The nigger aiming one-handed and hitting nothing but ground, the other nigger letting go of him and taking off when he sees the cops, the cop car in the background going the opposite direction, the white minivan about to turn that way then noping when he sees what's about to happen, the red car stopping halfway into the intersection so he can watch, the way the nigger just comically falls over and hits the ground.
It's gorgeous.
I can't wait until people realize that violence is the only way to deal with people like you. I will be ready when that day comes I promise you. For your sake you better hope we don't stop trying to reason with you.
nigger urban combat gear
>Says just trying to present the facts in a manner that reeks of acceptance. Passive aggressive no offense at the beginning.
I watched the video and this guy is a retarded joke.
>You just can't do anything guy! If someone is attacking you just lay on the ground and let jamal assault, rob and rape you! I mean how are you even going to shoot your gun properly lmao?!
I swear niggers only dress like that bc they think it pisses off wypipol. I don't see any other reason. If niggers had their own country I'm positive they'd start pulling their pants up
I served in Afghanistan and Yemen. Now I work as a LEO. One commonality between middle easterners and urban youth— both groups have no idea you’re supposed to line up the sights on top of the gun.
we aren't the ones calling for a revolution you dumbfuck.
our entire movement came about to resist you subservise fucks and stop your gay little communist revolution you keep larping about
thank god niggers have not discovered aim points or ACOGs.
You must not know niggers very well, almost all niggers are fags because muh dick! They are addicted to sex. They are presenting their rear to other nogs to fuck.
A siege of a modern US city would be so easy since they literally produce nothing. Since blacks are "urban combat" experts, surely they would surrender rather than starve to death?
Read this satan
The gangbangers will go out shooting. Shaniqua and her 10 niglets will surrender because they think they will get gibsmedat.
>urban combat experience
Getting shot in the street by other hoodrats now counts as urban combat experience
Aside from that hilarious thought, all major cities are liberal hell holes to begin with, so sure, let the niggers shoot them up even more. The actual 2nd Amendment people live in either rural, desert or forest areas.
Even with no training whatsoever, a gun will give you a chance at survival, while being unarmed gives you a 100% chance of dying from a violent encounter.
Proof : all those kids, women and old persons who managed to kill home invaders, rapists, without any training, just because there happened to be a gun available. Without a gun, they would be dead, period.
I wonder if they’d be able to figure out how to zero those optics?
>implying all gun owners are overweight
>implying we are not getting Jow Forums for the upcoming race/civil war
>implying subhuman niggers can shoot a fucking gun
>implying niggers can coordinate complicated military formations
Kek White Americans who are christian patriots own about 90% of the 300 million legal guns in this country.
fuck right off faggot and come and take them
>niggers are literal goblins
>4 injured vs 2000 dead
I'm surprised JewSA didn't drop a nuke on these bad goyim after that.
You don't have to worry about that. They will wander to the countryside in search of food and shelter and the rural geniuses will happily give them some lead.
yet with all that combat experience, they still end up hitting 5 other people and not the intended target. best place to be when confronted with a gun wielding "urban youth" is in front of the barrel.
Fuck off the_donald. Niggers will never be our allies.
The only thing those niggers will do during a revolution is loot the stores
Pennsylvanian registered deer hunters are 20 times the total size of Canadian military.
Lol that video is such bullshit.
>"hood" kids
>urban combat experience
I have no mouth and I must "wew"
>Mfw I've been here since '07
you have to pick your enemys, and I'd rather fight communists
Most gang bangers can agree with us on seperatism and the free market
I also like the little anime twirl the gunner does.
I've seen blacks there.
You have to be kidding me, Germany censored that harmless video? What the hell.
Nobody here is a nazi dumb leaf
The shootout would be recorded on a phone.