
I have always thought that there should be a test administered once every census. This test would evaluate each person based on their IQ, problem solving skill, lifestyle and health and DNA. This test will determine the job and voting power of the individual. If you fall below a certain score you cannot, for instance, be a lawyer, doctor, teacher so on. Only people with certain stats can teach and create law. Everyone below the cut off can build, machine, cook and so on (do what their told). Basically what we created under free trade however now Idiots cannot slip through or be paid into the system with daddy's money.

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You’d like a Meritocracy user?

Really interesting question, don’t let this thread die

Possibly this test would also determine who you are allowed to mate with and create a new test subject.

I also believe the 2A should be repealed.
Any additional thoughts or comments?

We must hear views


Not a gov't but an obligation to further humanity faster. Rather than form an empire only to have it fail 300 years later, this system would not allow that.

No. However IQ tests are illegal in job placement as of right now however almost every single large company tests their employees IQ calling it an "aptitude test". Anyone with an IQ less than 83 is legally banned from entering the military in the US.

Please, please, It’s not fair on everyone else that wants unique post numbers

I agree wholeheartedly.


I thought we were rather getting on until you brought that up

So if someone that is clearly not up to the job turns up in US but has all the right paperwork you have to consider them?

Meaning, every single nation that has ever formed and grown fails within 300 years or so. There has never been a superpower that has hit peak functioning and development and lived.

You are not looking at this correctly, I think. If someone passes this style test and has NO understanding of a job, they WILL learn it well. People with higher functioning minds will create a path to success no matter what. If we took 10 of the most advanced guns back in time and handed them to Napoleon or Gangas Khan, they would learn how to use them with ease.

However if someone does not pass the test and has NO understanding of the job, they will NOT be able to learn it well. Therefore no, they have no place in that job. You cannot teach a stupid person a smart system.

Ahhh ok ok, fair one shippers

Although I would like it on record that our empire hasn’t just failed, it failed when Baroness Thatcher was voted out
(God Rest Her)

For the basis of discussion, if you for instance wanted to practice medicine tomorrow and were told “No” because you have autism (you are here remember), would you not feel aggrieved?

T.Devils advocate

>You cannot teach a stupid person a smart system

We taught you Democracy didn’t we?

I apologise, continue the discussion I’m enjoying this


When I say empire I define as a ruling nation. Rome, China, so on.
>you have autism
I do not face that problem however, if this system found myself unfit then I am unfit. The system is what matters NOT myself. For the betterment of our race and humanity, I would concede anything.

Didnt the French teach this skill......

this is a perfectly reasonable thing to suggest , how ever as soon as any group starts dominating or being bared from a job then the racism/sexism claims will shut it down

They taught the world defacating in the street and being unfaithful to our wives, please don’t be like this

I wouldn’t try and tell you how to shoot up a classroom so please don’t tell me how to democracy

To continue the discussion, if a 130 IQ medical student wanted to mine coal for a living for instance, would you stop him?

System will not allow that. The low IQ people are the bottom of the barrel.. Also, it is a technology administered test... There is no human interference after programming of the initial laws and test parameters. People of higher IQ and free thinking rid their minds of skin color and the latter system of race and humanity when they are given a workable and sustaining environment. Once each person has the basic building blocks of human nature and everything is taken care of, i.e. house, family, job, meaning in life, so on. Those troubles leave the mind. The main issue today is there is no foundation and no NECESSARY building blocks for success and happiness. Even a trash man or line cook would be happy and not in need if he or she has a family to care for and love coming in. They all would work and be happy.

ALSO, we have lost the humanity inside us. We no longer abide by something like the 10 commandments or fundamental laws of the land in which ALL other laws are created. I am not religious HOWEVER we NEED a system of basic LAWS to guide EVERYTHING else.

I no longer will respond to your posh messages.

>This test would evaluate each person based on their IQ, problem solving skill, lifestyle and health and DNA.

My IQ is 101 on bad days, 122 on good days,. all taken at Mensa.
so no, i do whatever i want.

The Mensa society is a joke.... Prometheus here. 101 is hardly average. We all NEED a system that FORWARDS our evolution equally. There is no way that humanity will ever give up the battle of "good and evil" unless they give up some comforts and understand LOOKING FORWARD and planning for the future.

Ahhh ok ok, I’m sorry user

If you accept my apology I’d like to continue, if not I’ll go away

Just dont be a slide and continue to focus on insults. It is not becoming of a free thinking mind. It does no good for anyone. Please continue.

To answer your question, if a high functioning mind wanted to "mine coal" then yes, that is allowed. They will be of great value to the mining community and raise the mindset of everyone around them. They would likely be the smartest person in the room and become a high functioning asset to the betterment of the mine.

Certainly not a slide! Anyway, where were we?

Would they not be better placed in medicine for the good of the community though? Where would you draw the line?

The key to this is to keep the low functioning out of the major decision making processes in ALL the fields. This system will do away with a two party system and force law to move fast and efficient. No more fighting over a single bill for 10 years or adjustment that needs to be made. I have waited for 3 hours for the "guy whos job it is to turn the screwdriver" to show up in a union. It is sad the way they handle issues.

They would however with the high functioning mind, it is best to feel comfortable in what they are doing. Some people make amazing doctors. If a higher mind is HAPPY with forwarding a coal mine then they will do much better at that job because they are happy with it. HOWEVER this system would ensure that coal would be useless anyway. No more suppressed tech because a 170 year old fuel source is extremely rich and dug in. No more suppressing due to money and corrupt lawyers.

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>Keep the low functioning out of decision making

Looking at a lot of voter turnout statistics, isn’t that what democracy tries to do? Those that can be bothered to vote (usually those with above ave IQ)?

I’d praise a basic test for a rudimentary understanding of politics in order to be able to vote.... for instance Tony Blair got in here in 97 because a nation of housewives thought he had “nice teeth”

Nice digits Kek

Just out of interest, when you come to power, what will be your fuel for the nation user?

Think of it like this... Propaganda is the number one thing that makes idiots vote a certain way. If you fall low on the test score, your voter power is 1. If you fall in the 99th percentile, your voter power would be 100. If you fall above the 50th percentile you MUST vote. If below, your choice to vote.

As well as a few suppressed techs that we have powering a few govt bunkers and data banks.


Job in a British coal mine going if you want it Günter

I actually wrote 3 research papers on energy dev. Pic related. Gravity is a PERFECT energy producer. Graphine and bucky balls interlaced in a nano silk would create more power than 10 coal plants. If only they had a nice red shift to line themselves up with.

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Amazing idea, but can you imagine the less intelligent (with nothing better to do due to being unemployed and that) raving about the correlation between IQ and race/class/gender etc.

I would vote for it in a second, don’t get me wrong, but can you imagine these people?

People like Le’Veon and Tyreese?

Doesnt matter... They have no power, no guns, no voice. It will be harsh for them in their own mind however IT IS NECESSARY. They will have everything they need as in family, responsibility and job. If they have all that, the chance for revolution is slim. I hate to say it however it needs talking about. At what point do you euthanize?

Free thinking goes hand in hand with higher IQ. If the top 200 IQ's in the world, ran the world, things would be as free as possible considering the number of people on the planet and their ability to dig resources out of the earth at current.

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Just remember.. EVERYTHING you see and use daily came from a rock or dust at some point. Every single piece of tech or today's living standards came from the ground.

The reason things are the way they are right now in time is due to peoples lack of self control and understanding. We all fell victim to the 7 deadly sins. We have NO basic law and rule to build the foundation of our lives on. We have no understanding of building from the ground up with a good foundation.

But how do you get it past them in the first place? To vote for it?

>Euthanasia when?

- Terminal illness where the better patient is of sound enough mind to request it

- Murderers, rapists, child molesters, and those caught without a television licence

>those caught without a television licence
Epic kek

>high iq

You have no worthwhile ideas to contribute.

Talk openly about it until people form up and agree. Then vote it into law. Need to start slow and work up, just like everything else in life. You dont just start a job and 2 days later run the company. Also, Euthanasia for those who fall below a certain score. It is illegal for someone with an IQ of 83 to enter the military. The US military wants EVERYONE possible. It must be really bad if they wont take 83 and lower.

Explain yourself? Teachers influence generations more than a tv or a video game... China bought most US learning facilities because they understand this. Teachers are EXTREMELY important.

>Commenting on other’s contributions to the debate

I rest my case 5054

Ok that didn’t go as I’d hoped, carry on

What is your current job btw.

If I may be so rude, have a guess? I’ll tell you just interested

> leaf

Write your will as you’re in trouble

Stop the IQ worship. IQ is NOT the be-all and end-all of personal qualities that benefit society. Moreover, totalitarian impositions of ideology are NOT the wave of the future, in spite of the 78% fake nostalgia for such exhibited on this board.

That's the thing. This will never sell.

IQ is not the only part of the test....

You work in a magazine office or paper company.

Oh I am sure it will. It is already in place in China. Once AI is open and not covered up, this will be the open common law.

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I did nottt

Sadly no Kek, if only

I’m second in command of a steel company, I run a team of sawmen and welders, I’m responsible for the accuracy of all then technical drawings issued to them.

And in my spare time I:

- shitpost with the confederate-fag you’ll notice above

- Duscont

Ah interesting I am owner operator of a prototyping, machining and welding shop. Mostly aerospace and medical.

This will not become a reality until world resources become scarce. When we as nations will literally have to fight for survival. It will be a long long time before this happens though.

What in the hell.... Where are you in your facts... We are ALREADY fighting like that dumb dumb. What the hell do you think is going on in the world!!!!!?

Far too oppressive and strict.
Here's the thing to do:
Have people take a non-partisan test in order to vote. Make the content of the test public after the election. That's it. They can vote whether they pass or fail. They just have to go take it. And they have to be told how they scored.

Wait, you're talking about census, not vote. This still seems extremely oppressive. It doesn't account for indispensable traits like dedication and conscientiousness and willingness to work hard. The only good test of work is work.

Sometimes we need strict and firm laws in place to forward humanity. How is this different than health care? Only difference is I am telling people to their face what is happening and not hiding it. If your insurance see you make a free choice and smoke or eat chips, they can choose not to provide you care. Also, insurance looks for any reason to not pay you for your loss. They steal your money then lie to you when you need it.

If you work hard, in the wrong direction, what do you get?! Just because you have been doing something for 50 years, does not mean you are doing it correctly.

I dont think you read the post correctly. I want a placement test for life.