
Let's have this thread.

Attached: 1522210428862.jpg (567x427, 22K)

Watcha doing Rabbi?

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Attached: ErirxLj63OLNN_YeVlo41Q_r.jpg (1204x910, 262K)

funnier than your fake smuggies, I have to admit


this is it

we're getting trolled, epic style

what do we do

Lol these are funny, gj shareblue

Make more shitty ms paint edits to OWN the libs

Attached: zS8GKI1SGH0M5g5evNOQG5FVH3awud--VIEkvQHWMXA.jpg (4144x2331, 2.39M)

It's time to put chromatic aberration and tape edits on paintings!, That's show them

Attached: 1522223659259.png (761x1000, 500K)

WTF i HATE fascism now!

Tfw its working

Attached: DZcHra1V4AEkVpV.jpg (749x435, 67K)

Attached: DZcIJNGX4AA_zhV.jpg (1198x649, 271K)

these are funny but go back to leftypol

Attached: 5560510586ac725a334b138d1e5138e2.jpg (736x1042, 156K)

Isn't it aesdick though?

Attached: 1522249993427.jpg (736x736, 168K)


Leftypol is for faggot larpers

Attached: 1522304369503.jpg (750x602, 222K)

Attached: 1522210444351.jpg (293x209, 14K)

>/leftypol/ still 8 months behind on meme trends

Isn't that what all commies are?

Attached: BadNazi.png (1800x1200, 28K)

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Attached: 1521857132332.png (2000x1352, 1.32M)

>Literally 5,840 hours in MS paint

Yea pretty much

Attached: 1522306366291.jpg (999x666, 563K)

Attached: 1521857176559.png (636x850, 297K)

I though Sex was a social construct???

Uh yeah? Wanting free shit is nigger tier.

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Attached: artworks-000174242113-685d5t-t500x500.jpg (500x500, 44K)

That's more of a neoliberal Destiny fan thing.

HUE 10/10

Attached: Untitled1.jpg (1892x1064, 1.83M)

Attached: 1522210619544.png (685x685, 301K)

Didn't Richard Spencer bring it up in a podcast recently ?

Attached: Untitled3.png (2000x1333, 1.43M)

>u-ur dumb and a loser
The absolute state of leftist memes

Attached: revolt.jpg (1920x1080, 247K)

Attached: pullingsun.jpg (1914x1134, 407K)

Attached: strivedivine.jpg (1920x1080, 226K)

Attached: minorities.png (1000x600, 43K)

can you at least come up with some new jokes
the left cant meme

Attached: 1516992138133.jpg (634x634, 102K)

Wtf I’m no longer racist

>those el goblinos.

Attached: puh.jpg (794x798, 76K)

Attached: 1498891433719.jpg (553x900, 260K)

>I simplify arguments to a nonsensical ad hoc so I can easily dismiss them along with people who are just as intelligent as myself

Attached: 1490766467247.jpg (1600x900, 775K)

Attached: 1498360081724.jpg (1280x992, 3.21M)

faggoty eye-bleeding pictures

Attached: 1498360317193.jpg (1600x1144, 1.1M)

you should look up the story behind this picture
youll love it :^)

ask yourself if a person of another race would ever do the same thing

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Can someone post good wallpapers like this one?

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Attached: 1499357127950.jpg (1000x1058, 660K)

>we're back
>Swedish flag

Attached: 1522221210071.jpg (640x304, 79K)

Attached: 1499357834262.png (2125x1196, 2.8M)

thankfully you have all your wifes boyfriends gfs to talk to!

Attached: 1517085442935.png (1080x1374, 810K)


Attached: 5fece5926795d5bc0e93538f41f38899425bc01f8af9a1a63135a5c7e6976262.gif (500x365, 1.29M)

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Attached: 1499614277830.jpg (1024x1019, 301K)

>leftypol forgets fashwave was already dead for months

lol what a bunch of queers

Attached: CC9A2790-BACF-4095-AFE9-D08E4E06C6DA.jpg (680x578, 76K)

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Attached: 1517320658389.gif (532x461, 2.46M)

What's cringey is this entire theme of just editing pictures with a purple tint and tape effects and calling that "work". It's halfassed and takes 10 seconds.

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Attached: 1491284910430-0.jpg (540x540, 100K)

this made me laugh

This is hands down the best fashwave pic in existence

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Attached: 1506176934709.jpg (1272x1752, 2.86M)

If it's so easy, then why does your pic suck so hard?

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it's coming

Attached: 1495052487854.jpg (3072x2048, 980K)

Attached: 1501960521455.jpg (515x438, 107K)

I'm enjoying the ride :)

reminds me of pic related

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It's this Paki faggot again

Attached: 1516404970706.jpg (601x594, 61K)

Attached: 1498362698770.jpg (1579x1920, 1.07M)

Attached: 1511052889200.png (1768x998, 1.6M)

Why did Iron Pill never merge with Fashwave? Wouldn't this be the ultimate Meme?

Attached: 1402848181133.png (562x760, 420K)

Attached: 1511052914507.png (1920x1080, 3.87M)

it would

Attached: 1499357755045.png (1305x844, 1.91M)

This is so funny, this is quite a good attempt lefty pol