Jow Forums is white privilege real or not ?
Honest question
privilege is a nonce word. fuck off.
Tribalism and nepotism is real.
You've been fed jew lies.
What kind of privilege? Can you prove that certain institutions treat you better because you have less melanin in your skin? Would a poor white man who has been abused by the police, has to eat scraps, and lives in a box be more privileged that a black man such as Obama? Explain to me how the poor white man is more privileged than Obama.
idk like better interactions with police, less harsh sentences, less discrimination when searching for a job/house
>better interactions with police
Prove this is skin color related and not cooperation and wealth related
>less harsh sentences
Prove this. Prove that harsh sentencing has to do with skin color and not prior records.
>less discrimination when job hunting
So a white guy with tattoos, piercings, and a bad attitude is more likely to get hired for a job than a well spoken and clean cut black man? Fucking prove it. You can't prove that skin color is related to any of these things.
You also never answered my question, how is a poor white man more privileged than Obama? Why can't you answer it?
Sod off with white privilege, its local/majority privilege if anything and it exists in every god damn country that there is. Of course Korean company is going to prioritize with Korean worker over foreigners. Dumb thread.
Better interactions with police? Well that's because white people (Most, not all) can be civilized.
So if I'm chimping out at a cop and reaching for my pockets and acting like a fucking nog, of course I should expect to get my stupid self shot or killed.
Maybe white privilege is having a brain and common sense to go along with empathy.
Is Jewish privilege real? Of course.
he probably figured that was a disingenuous question, given that most white people aren't getting abused by the police nor eating scraps, moreover, most black people are not past presidents.
I think each side has their own privileges. White people are probably a lot less likely to be fucked with by police (and rightfully so), and minorities get government hand outs and sympathy from everyone.
Female privledge is far far greater than white privledge.
In ract given an objective measure I would assume being African or Being white makes very little difference compared to being female.
Its a womans world.
And to answer your question "privledge" is just a moral justification for discrimination it has very little to do with reality. Whenever a group is targeted there is always an ad hoc justification for that discrimination attached to it.
You're full of shit. If you're going to claim that there is "white privilege", then stick to it. Nobody is claiming that only some people have white privilege, people are claiming that ALL white people have it. Lets switch it up then. How is a middle-upper class black man less privileged than a poor white man. Also,
>given that most white people aren't getting abused by the police nor eating scraps
Same can be said for most black people. Most black people are not abused by the cops and eating scraps. If you believe that 10+ million black people are being constantly abused by the cops, you're actually brainwashed.
Of course OP ran away from his thread
It was just a question, easy.
potential privilege would be seen if you compare two socially and financially identical people (no president criminal comparaison plz) but the only difference would be their skin color.
yeah but nobody in this thread ever said black people are eating scraps. you brought up a fake white guy and the most popular black person in the history of the united states. thats what made your argument disingenuous and not worth responding to.
women are not taller than men because rand paul is short. men are taller than women though, hopefully, you can understand that much.
That is not who people are comparing though. We are not comparing people who are socially and financially identical and with the same clean criminal records. I only bring up criminal records because you brought up harsh sentencing. Prior records are ignore by people who push the white privilege bullshit.
You're missing the point. The point is that many people who push the idea of white privilege don't say that only "some" white people have white privilege, they say that all white people have white privilege. That's why I brought up two extremes. Obviously it has nothing to do with the majority on either side. If you truly believed in white privilege, you would say that the poor white man is more privileged than Obama, strictly because of skin color.
It is a real. but it is not as big as the left thinks it is.
i mean...every ethnic group has some social advantages that other ethnic groups dont have.
you think when reddit or tumblr talks about white privilege, what they're saying is "all white people are more privileged than all black people"?
never knew that was their stance. never heard that stance before, never thought of it. very interesting, i disagree with that concept entirely.
>is white privilege real or not ?
Might be real, but is cents on the dollar. The idea that anybody got ahead because of their white privelege is ridiculous.
Being a more intelligent, diligent, selfless race and being more loving toward your family makes being white inherently more privileged.
You've obviously never heard of "inherent white privilege". People actually believe it. I've actually never heard the argument that only some white people have white privilege. Whenever I've heard or read people push the idea, it has always been about all white people.
bullshit, tell that to half my family who died in world wars or spent their lives down a fucking coal mine
the obvious truth
No. White privilege is what you call white superiority when you're jealous.
I wish. I think what they mean is class privilege?
Majority privilege!!!!!!! Just so happens to be that the majority is white. Go to china.. they got white privilege there?! NO.
Ask the farmers in S. Africa.
>white privilege
You mean that concept what ivy league SJWs use to harass lower-class white people "deplorables" and shut down conversations