War: Avoided.

Peace and prosperity, niggers. Do you think the kikes are going to do something in response? False flag? Pulling all the stops to get a war?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'll believe it when it happens

Gas false flags everywhere

Their worst enemy is also their friend.

>signs a retarded fucking bill full of things he promised he’d never do, then blatantly lies like a dumbass and says the bill allows him to build the wall
>b-but i’ll really pull out of Syria guys! I’m not a faggot traitor

Trump won’t pull out of Syria. Remember when he added thousands of soldiers to afghanistan despite saying we should be leaving the middle east?

You’re hipeless if you still trust anything he says. The moment Israel says no he’ll back down.

We should be fighting terrorists.

Fight your own wars, jew

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Holy crap, shills are shilling as fuck

Great move mr Trump

>D-did she cum?

>we're leaving syria

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>we're pulling out of syria

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>we're not going to be in syria anymore

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If this is really Trump's intentions then dog bless but I'll only believe it when I see it.

>believing any of this shit that this dumb fuck promises

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It's as though he has never read Ezekiel 38.

Gog, of Magog, you are a damned fool.

el nariz mercantil

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Gog and Magog are the bankers retard

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You lose

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>No! Really goys! We're leaving we swear!

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sure and Israel gibs cut too rite? o wait just passed more gibs

>be anti-trump band wagoner who knows nothing about his policies.
>do an hour of mental gymnastics to make this look bad.

this, but if he pulls out of syria its still a nice move


Trump is surrounding Israel you fool

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You shareblue faggots are beyond obvious now

>JERUSALEM — Mar 26, 2018, 2:08 PM ET
>Israel's defense minister has thanked the (((United States))) for including a "record-breaking" $705 million to aid the country's missile defense in the spending bill passed last week.
>The U.S. provides $3.1 billion in military aid to Israel each year under a 10-year security arrangement.
>The $705 million is a separate allocation, and is up from the $600 million provided for missile defense last year.
with shekels and arms you mean?