Let's post some meme balls now that KC is dead and gone for good

Let's post some meme balls now that KC is dead and gone for good.

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What the fuck is KC?

This is horrible

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This thread is going to regular

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I came for the raped tiger buttholes, and I am disappoint.

why is KC gone for good
I thought it would be back any day now ;_;

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It ain't coming back. Ever.

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start to orally plow
someone get on it, this man needs his fix

>Still no T-I-G-E-R-S!

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The admin made an AMA in ylilauta (out of all places). He does not have enough people to moderate and doesn't want to pay for the server anymore so it has been closed.

So einfach ist das.

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thats stupid
he was covering server costs with donations
how legit is this AMA

There. I am done now.

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It was verified by ylilauta's admins.

Also read between lines.

He is done. He does not want to do it anymore. The money is just an excuse.

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then pass the reins
fucking dispshit

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Posting some OC

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He was also extremely paranoid of being doxxed

Attached: Pol 5.jpg (800x727, 112K)

Sounds like the opportunity for someone to make a new german chan
Build it, and they will come

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I'm supposed to believe these are all OC, but I'm also supposed to believe you're from America and still construct sentences like this?

I suppose the whites will belong to the highest bidder.

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I thought i went a day without seeing cringe.
Thanks user

Russia has an economy conparable to the size of the spanish economy.
How about that?


Where does this meme come from? I totally missed it's inception

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From other image board I am not telling because muh sekrit clubz


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Attached: pol 11.jpg (784x628, 81K)

Something something KC?

okay catalanon, thanks anyway

KC does not even exist anymore tho.


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>serious cringe
I'd wager the russians (american othodox jews) are behind this to ridicule the poles

I was just reading your posts, i don't even know what KC stands for

Not enough TIGERS in this thread. Step up your game Jow Forums

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This actually could be future for whites. Unless of course right education takes place and others themselves adopt western values. As long as whites survive majority for the next 2 generations, they might not meet this fate.

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It's all fun and games till the Polish comes

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It's Indonesia actually

Can someone shoop a merchant behind the tigger instead of polandball? Pleeeeease?

Something went wrong with this thread.

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witnessed, are you fucking up on purpose?
>This actually could be future for whites
History repeating itself you mean? The cartoon shows the main reason for the crusades

what the fuck

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wtf I never realized this

Holy shit, thats a mindfuck
Now i really want sauce of the meme

Polandball was always upside down. Polandball is not the same as memeball though. Polandball must be about 10 years old by now.

PS, still not quite fixed

this is suuuper cringy. Is it supposed to be a response to PolandBall? It's just really crappy Russian nationalist virtue signaling. Also Russia would never beat the US in a conflict.

>psychology reinforced...

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aaaw, I was waiting for the spic to figure it out by itself

kek these are unironically good, you can tell by all the butthurt they cause

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>When you like making meme balls but can't spell for shit

Kraut Chan you fucking newfag

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