Russia expel 60 US diplomats - 58 officials in Moscow and two officials at the US consulate in Yekaterinburg. They close the US consulate in St. Petersburg!
Rooskies expell burgers
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It's gonna be bumpy road, lads.
No you.
I hope war breaks out so I can be freed form this mortal coil
real shit nigga
What did we do to you?
globalists out.
The diplomats must be pissed off. Fucken easey life gone! fucking brits.
Remember this?
Feel old yet?
The "polish death camps" shit
you retards ready for an economic collapse, gas prices are going up thanks to the chinese petro yuan
This is enough! Time to go to war, the US should not accept such agression!
>uk expells 25 diplomats
>russia expells 25 diplomats
>usa expells 60 diplomats
>russia expells 60 diplomats
>??? expells 150 diplomats
>russia expells 150 diplomats
is putin silently trolling us?
I wish these russian dumb asses would try to start something. Russia would be conquered easily.
>Russia would be conquered easily.
Wow, a moron
Conquering Russia would likely end the planet
Your mom's shithole would be conquered easily too.
finally, i have been saving up a big amount of money in case ww3 breaks out and i have
to travel to witness it and take part in the fighting.
Sometimes I like to think "you know maybe Americans aren't as stupid as they're made out to be"
Then i see something like this
The kind of retard that makes the mutt meme legitimate.
Nice try RIDF. The truth is that Alaska should get much much bigger.
this. its bullshit god forbids us to kill ourselves. just nuke me already
I thought I was the only one, kek
if ww3 does break out which side would you chose ? me personally i don't care i just want to participate.
US, for sure. I'm still grateful for the anti-communist movements they propped here in the past. URSS tried to make us red, I did not forget this.
>b-b-but it's Hillary who will start a war with Russia
>burger meme
fighting on the side of the US or the west is not a possibility for me, they are our eternal enemies, maybe i will fight for russia or china or fight as a lone wolf just sabotaging and stuff.
>Same number that americans.
>I'm pulling all Russians out of the u.s
>no u
the perfidious albion always finds a way
Good luck, warrior bro
Czar Putin the American Right stands ready for your orders sir
So they`ve done this in past and are surprised when it happens again.
This is all so tiresome.
Going to be hilarious when the war on Russians also turns into a war on Muslims, Indians, Asians and Kikes.
Awaken white giant!
Werent you guys for Trump, and now Trump has to listen to deep state after all ?
He tweets just a week ago how relationship with Russia is a good thing, then right after his White House spokesman uses sticks and stones on Russia.
Ready to die needlessly fighting another country racially similar to me!
I sure hope the 3rd world immigrants enjoy my female family members and acquaintances while I'm off to die! hehe!
The difference is that whole worlds ends if this one starts.
We'll know the Russians and Americans were in on it if it's even remotely conventional. Ground invasion would make it real obvious that this was a scam to reduce male population.
Good point.
Also we are long and well in era of proxy wars and muscle flexing that are profitable,noone wants to be first pile of radioactive ash.
>nothing ever happens.
can you feel it in the air
I wonder if something really happens in this fucking world?
Yes, i stepped in dog shit this morning.
I swear everyone here owns a dog in these commie blocks and its everywhere,like minefield ffs..
Game theory bro. Expell one diplomate, the other side expells one too. Use one 5kt nuke on a tank brigade, the other side does the same. It's all about parity. It says we don't want to escalate, but we will strike back on the same level, whatever level that will be.
did you say “own,” comrade?
Even if both sides would only want a convential war chances it would go all out nuclear is more likley every day and if one side thinks they want to stop it and nukes the place the other will do the same to keep parity.
This is one weird fucking timeline
We literally came within seconds of nuclear war no more than three years ago. On March 15 2015 there was a skirmish between Russian and American jets over the baltic causing a complete panic. there were ACTUAL 4x skykings and launch confirmations, and the only reason we didn’t wake up to hell on earth was because a commander refused to fire the missiles.
>they fired her a day later
Modern estimates have put it at about 16 million soldiers would be needed. Enjoy dying somewhere on Kamchatka, your corpse frozen, being eaten by bears.
Aren't there skyking threads every 2nd day for years now?
Dumbass. The reason we have not attacked a Russia is because they will kick our asses all over the fucking map. Stop poking the bear or don't complain when it kills you
yeah but thats just nerds listening to a websdr and recording every minor 1x or 2x skyking. the March incident is probably how everyone found out what a “skyking” was, and had literally hundreds of 4x skykings (which are not drills, 1x and 2x skykings are for drills or messages. 4x skykings are launch confirmations, targeting, orders)
Go home Sergei. The Russians have nukes, not numerical advantage or superior tech
How many Russians are Canada expelling?
>Russian and American jets being retards in the sky is anything new
>this incident is even close to being the worst
No, people have been posting that bullshit for a lot longer than that.
Russia will start ww3 during the world cup. Many top politicians from the west will attend and Russia will hold them as hostage while they invade.
ha ha ha what a story mark!
>politicians needed for military defence.
Well, only one side is provoking the other for now, my glow in the dark friend
During the opening ceremony, where all top officials are, the old Soviet anthem starts playing, Soviet banners unfurl along the arena.
Puting walks out on the field, wteps up on a podium in the middle and calmly announces "Let the games begin!".
Day of the Grill is upon us
>4x skykings
Impressive, do you know where the audio is?
>fired her
Wow, did she manage to make things go south? I really panic every time i remember that there are now females, currently having their period at high stress places, where even a slight mistake or innaccurcy can destroy civilization.
Military and nuclear command chain are still operational it will only make the descions more rapid, because the lower the rank of the politican the more he will listen to the military and play excatly like the plans demand. In other words nuclear exchange is more likley. Taking a politican hostage is nothing that anybody could except; they would go all in. So the plan is as fictional as the old decaptitation strike plan, which would never work, since there are hundred redundancys.
Trump represents the American Right who are being repressed by libshit kike faggot mafia that runs America through control of new tech companies. They are trying to suppress him but with the help of Czar Putin the American Right will beat down those subhumans.
wtf why? i thought we were improving relations with russia
Would the west nuke it's own politicians and even a few monarks?
Yes, because the protocols are there and the military will tell the politican what happens, if the recation doesn't happen. The politican won't be a high level guy, but a lower level guy, who will do what some 4 star guys around him will tell him. At this point the military is de facto in charge.