Shutup shill why are you implying trump isn't building the wall right now?!. Trump needs to man the fuck up and build that wall right now. If he was going to pussy out he shouldn't even teased he could do he could veto the (((omnibus bill)
It's great PR and could be the first swing of the cultural pendulum towards showing normal, white, dysfunctional blue collar families on TV again.
I'm not exaggerating. The premiere KILLED it in the ratings. I reckon youll see Last Man Standing or Home Improvement revived next!
Nathan Fisher
wow it's almost like what trump's base really wants is border security to keep illegal beaners and drugs and guns and rapists out of the country, and purity spiraling over whether it's a fence or a wall doesn't really matter no matter how hard leftist controlled media tries to seed distrust in the ranks
Daily reminder that white South Africans are counting on us to meme their cause to Trump so he stops the bloodbath that is coming.
Anthony Watson
Four days ago he was a traitor to the cause and everyone here said they are never going to vote for him again.
And I said four days from now people will like Trump again.
And you all said I was a shill.
I have no friends, and I must sperg.
Jose Phillips
If you have to explain the joke there is no joke. This is just a cartoon frog acting as a strawman.
Justin Perez
I think Corey Stewart is our best bet. Very open MAGA and overcame a 20 point gap in th primaries against Ed.
Ayden Smith
Mattis was in favor of keeping Trannies in the military and was the one who shoved the Omnibus Bill down Trump's throat. Trump is probably forcing him to use the funds to build the wall to force him to do what Trump wants. Its sort of a last chance for Mattis to prove himself less he get fired
Adam Anderson
>165858397 >posting the site that did this article Instead, they are projecting their own issues with their homelands onto this country and its leaders. For instance, American and European far-rightists think that because Vladimir Putin has restored Russia as a strong and sovereign state, he’s somehow aligned with their beliefs. And is on some kind of mission from God to save ‘white’ Christianity. But, he’s not. Because Russia may well be the most ethnically and religiously diverse country in Europe. And Putin’s own cabinets have included a smorgasbord of Jews, Muslims and Buddhists in addition to the Christians and Agnostics who form the largest Russian ‘belief’ categories. Sure, Putin has restored the prominence of the Orthodox faith and identifies as a believer himself. But that’s a cultural thing, rooted in hundreds of years of Russian history. And he’s not attempting to restore the official state religion of the Tsarist period. Nor has he publically considered banning abortion or outlawing homosexual relations, measures the church has frequently called for. Instead, the Russian President has personally attended the opening of Russia’s largest mosque, in Moscow, and has been described in a Reuters article as “the closest thing Israel has ever had to a friend in Moscow.” While Russia’s chief rabbi, Berel Lazar, says “Putin is on our side.” He even told the Limmud FSU how “Putin was the first president to publicly speak out against anti-Semitism and did the most for the Jews. There is no institutional anti-Semitism in Russia. The attitude toward the Jews in Russia is excellent."