Lose a few pounds you fat bitches

european people are all fat and very white they're ugly and smell like cheese

fat cunts

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Falkland Islands

falkland islands.

you can have them bitch theyre all fat

Falkland Islands

Las malvinas son britanicas

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Falkland Islands

Al menos tenemos comida

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i don't speak paella

en españa tienen comida? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

that hurt please delete the comment

still butthurted bcause of spain ?

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op mentions cheese and the swiss cunt responds...interesting.

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You know Messi has European heritage right you indian hut nigger.

anda a culiarte a un toro gallego pelotudo

he doesn't he's full indian

Ya quisieras tú tener un toro, muerto de hambre.

no lo necesito ya tengo milanesas empanadas y kilos y kilos de locro bobo lleno de aceite

qué vas a tener tú si todavía estáis colgados de los árboles como monos

te sigue doliendo el culo porque los sacamos tirándoles ACEITE de los balcones

estáis súper resentidos desde que nos follamos a vuestros antepasados, supéralo boludete

Las Islas Malvinas son de los Britanicos
Argentino de mierda
Me cago en tu puta vandera y tambien en la reina argentina de holanda maricones de mierda negro bobo

y ahora nosotros nos follamos a tu puta madre


anda a chuparle el culo a maxima

0/10 troll job.
just kys please.

Maxima es una puta negra.



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> (You)
>op mentions cheese and the swiss cunt responds...interesting.

have a commie flag and get butthurted because of chees & flag ?
>im am proud white argentine

so tell me,commie user, how does the german nazi-dicks tasted which your mother sucked with proud ?

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no, fuck off braian.

100/10 troll job considering all the butthurt eurofags who commented

H982 FKL

>his name is lionel messi

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absolutamente asqueroso

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fuck off jony i'm not going to your fucking european wannabe baby shower

De cuantos litros es? Viene con hielera?

its butthurt not butthurted you spastic. and i'm not "butthurted" i laughed that you tried to talk shit in a post where user mentioned cheese. but go off i guess.

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i hope you find Cheese.

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Lo sentimos, este producto no está disponible para provincias de Argentina.


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we love a good sniff


siamo fuori della coppa