... the media was ready to drop these kids, they WANTED to drop these kids. ... but the right can't get out of their own way, and fell for one of the oldest tricks in the book. ... Here and in the outside world, people just HAD to keep poking at these losers. ... And now you've handed them the victim card, giving them another month of fame. .. Some on the right think that by attacking the wrong ideas of these kids, they win in the long run. ... But they don't, they lose in the long run because you have now given them power that won't be so easy to get away from. ... In a world where pain counts as currency, you have just made them rich.
It's not too late to do the right thing. Stop giving these people power.
People don't quite understand what we are facing... a technocratic satanic Elite who sacrifice and molest children, as well as adults... who are building an authoritarian AI system that already knows your every thought and action to 99% accuracy... That they worship this technological demon entity and its guiding them to destroy mankind....
At the next school shooting i wanna see survivors of one is a 40 year old man identifying as a 8 year old girl and an illegal transgirl identifiyng as a boy
You have it exactly wrong. In a rational world, you would be right. People would stand up and state their ideas, and the value of the ideas would determine the success or failure of the individual. In that kind of a world, you would be correct because their ideas are wrong.
But that's not the kind of world we are living in. We are in a world where a 10 second sound bite is more important than a 2 minute idea; a world where emotion = ratings.
In that kind of a world, watching a young girl cry is more powerful than explaining why her entire plan is flawed. In that kind of a world, the story of these young kids defending themselves against the "evil right" is something the media will run with, because it reinforces their agenda.
Noah Clark
> The left and msm really want these kids to go away > The right should oblige the left by letting them off the hook for this losing strategy of pushing hardcore gun control
The left-media wanted them gone because they were a pain in the ass, they... ... wanted unlimited free air time ... were blaming the media for their problems ... were spouting angry crazy ideas.
If that was the entire deal, there's nothing in it for the media, so they wanted them gone. Last week-end's protest was the finale, the payoff that finished the story arc.
Now it's different. The story is no longer the ideas that these kids have to stop gun violence. The new story is how they are "bravely" standing up to the attacks of the right.
The reason we wanted this story to drop is because the time between last weekend and the mid-term elections was too long for the so-called "movement" to be of any value to the left.
Young voters are notoriously forgetful; and had the story dropped, come November they would have stayed away from the polls like they always do.
But by giving this story another lifeline, some on the right have done nothing but to make the changes better for big losses in the mid-terms.
Nathan Clark
Consider, for example the Laura Ingraham story.
She makes fun of Hogg having trouble getting into school. He responds by calling for a boycott of her advertisers.
She issues an apology. Now, whether she apologized because it was the right thing to do or not no longer matters. Because it's framed as her being afraid of Hogg and his boycott.
What kind of message does that spend to Hogg, his followers, and the media.
All laura ingraham has done at this point is to take away some of her own power and hand it to Hogg and his merry band of misfits.
People need to start thinking a few steps ahead if they have any hope of winning the game.
I disagree. The problem with letting children take control of the political discussion is that the politicians will all start promoting childish solutions.
She's not gong to take over the world. Her world-view is too immature. We can only hope that when it's her generations turn to take over, in about 50 years, they will have grown enough to know how the world works.
This, let them burn themselves out and show how disillusioned these fuckwads are to the public, nothing is worse to a liberal than poor PR and optics.
Jason Carter
I don't think they want to repel the 2nd since the second was written in muskeet times.
They want people to feel safe and guns and not assault rifles being available to whoever needs them.
I mean if he had a muskeet how many could he have killed?
Thomas Garcia
The benefit for the left of this tact is that the kids are an effective shield against counter arguments for a short time.
The risk for the left is that they're kids who are prone to making mistakes. I dont want to let them have the former and let them off the hook for the latter. Let the gun control kids do what they're going to do if given enough spotlight, which is fuck this up by saying something dumb or pushing way too hard and becoming annoying. I want Emma to be the face of the dems in the midterms. Few things could drive up conservative turnout more effectively.
Aiden Perez
>laura ingraham >female >thinking a few steps ahead
another example of the cucks doing more damage then good. How many dumbass talkingheads are out there ready to just step in shit.
Christian Nelson
But it's the right that is making the mistake.
The republicans' aren't really our friends but the democrats are worse. The bottom line is... the longer we spend energy attacking these kids, the more we increase the chances of a democrat sweep in the mid-terms.
And if THAT happens, you've opened yourself up to a whole lot of different problems.
Play chess, not checkers.
Evan Johnson
>swedecuck jonny come lately opens book in the middle and starts talking
kys and take your lame trolljobs to the grave with you
Owen Lee
The guns are being taken dipshit, they are just creating a plausible build up to it happening. Doesn't matter one bit what you say about these events, and the march (which will be in public school history classes.)
You can't even convince people 9/11 was a set up, you can't do shit here either.
Later, guns.
Elijah Perez
>compares guns to 9/11
hey back off no one ordered any loser sauce for this shit sandwhich
Jack Jenkins
I want them in the spotlight. They're pissing everyone off. We need people to be angry. Chaos is our main goal faggot.
Kevin Jones
The victim card is overused. Let them use it. Let playing the victim lose its power. Don't you see how powerful the loss of this would be to the left? They won't get the guns and the hooknoses will lose their shield
Accelerationism is exactly how we will end this cycle of destruction and partial rebuilding
Aaron James
The history has been written on 9/11, just as will be here. Sandmen flew planes into the towers, tower 7 collapsed for some official reason, and their was no conspiracy surrounding the attacks.
Likewise, this episode in history will be written about in a similar way to MLK's "Million Man March." Expect, it will be noted as being much bigger.
Chaos isn't my goal. I don't want to burn the world down. I want the world to be the way I want it to be.
There will always be an endless supply of victims. Political wins are about moving that one or two yard down the line. Right now, the goal should be positioning ourselves in the best way before he mid-terms.
Parker Powell
The media paints a false history. Any historian who goes along with this needs to be removed from any position of authority they hold. To be quite honest to be a "historian" and to not question the Holocaust is suspect to me. No lover of knowledge could resist poking around in every world event. I guess we will need lots of rope.
Brayden Jackson
have you checked this persons media accounts to see if they have pictures from the trip?
The media lies, of course. The trick is not helping them to lie.
>Conservatives think people care about these kids' personal credibility or personalities, think they can 'out' them >Reality is that David Hogg could be a child molester and Goblina his accomplice and it doesn't actually matter even a little bit.
Aiden Brown
And chaos is the only thing that can change the world. Chaos breeds opportunity.
Grayson Sanchez
Short term victories won't produce results. So the Republicans could hold more power in Congress? So fucking what, that party is as much the swamp as the Democrats and Trump has already been beaten into following the party line. You guys still have the entire media against you and every new immigrant is a Democrat voter who will produce 5x that number with every generation.
Even with the senate and congress, it's not over. America is not saved. The backlash will be fucking huge.
Let me make this clear - our problems will not be over until the rivers run red with blood.
Colton Phillips
There are already articles in multiple outlets that this march had only around 200k attendees and the average age was 49 years old. You may be a bit too demoralized.
Hunter Evans
A few points...
First... in a world of blind people, the man with one eye is king. The republican's are the greatest thing in the world, but they ARE noticeably better than the democrats. So saying that you won't support the people who will give you 1/2 of what you want while giving power to the people who will give you nothing is the wrong way of thinking about it.
Second... I don't know if you're shilling or just english, but Jow Forums is a board of peace and we don't support your violent ideas.
Jonathan Cruz
Republicans are still deep state moron. Just because they align with your ideals a little more, don't be blinded. People like McCain are the party, not Trump
And I'm just stating reality. There is no virtue or morality on the battlefield. There is no "just" war. The ends justify the means and your enemies are not following the same moral code as you. You are just delaying the inevitable. Removing the top of the weed without killing the roots. Do you think those people will stop perverting your nation and culture? You still have to deal with the problem of global capitalism, global media brainwashing and global stock market manipulation after congress is won. You think you'll just outmanoeuvre them in a few years? Delusional
Carson White
I disagree with nearly everything you've said.
The "party" is not one person or the next, it is whoever holds the majority. So, when Newt took over with his CWA, the neo-cons became the party, much to the disadvantage of many of us. Trumps populist message has changed the party, as everyone inside the party knows.
Second I do not agree that "the ends justify the means", because that excuse can be used to justify any number of immoral acts.
Third, I am a capitalist, so I support capitalism global or otherwise.
You may be living in a cucked nation, but on this side of the pond we believe that freedom for its own sake is an inherent good.
Finally, as far as "out maneuvering" them: where were you during the 2016 election? The republican establishment worked harder than the democrats to stop trump.
Justin Young
Gross. Kill it with fire.
Gavin Carter
And this follow-up from Hogg only goes to prove, again, what I have been trying to say for a week.
The right needs to learn to get out of their own way, and they need to learn how to play in a world where pain is the coin of the realm
>I disagree with nearly everything you've said. Because you are clearly retarded. Lets break it down
>Trump has changed the party This is fucking wrong you retard, you're filled with swamp monsters. >the ends don't justify the means Enjoy trying to change the laws with your hands tied against an opponent who does not give themselves the same restrictions >I am a capitalist Of course you are, every "temporarily embarrassed millionaire" retard is. Globalism is destroying your culture moron. DUMB FUCK >muh freedom Yet you support globalism which actively works against you and your culture
And finally, the elections are a staged drama. If Hillary had won you'd be close to civil war. With Trump, the conservative citizens have cooled off for a while, content with their "win". When the democrats boil over too much they will get a president for them so they don't revolt
You are so fucking stupid. This cycle has gone on for so long now
Carter Hernandez
This only works if you let them. No apology would've been better than giving one.
Isaiah Adams
Very true. Letting him stew in anonymity would have been better.
There's an old joke that asks.... what do you do to torture a masochist? Nothing.
The same holds true for attention whores. You give them no attention and it drives them nuts.
If we had ignored Hogg, his tweets would have become crazier and crazier, as he tried to egg on people who wouldn't respond. Eventually we would have only heard of him when he was busted for assault or shoplifting.
But instead, we have people trying to have a debate where a debate isn't possible.
Caleb Collins
Your whole thread is silly. These kids got away with becoming victims and media darlings by standing on the corpses they helped to make by bullying a mentally ill kid. Every spike of anxiety and rage they receive in the fight is worth it.
Colton Sullivan
It depends on what your goal is. If you want to win the battle but lose the war, go ahead.
But if your goal is to take away their power, now.
Last week, after the rally, they were done. They still would have tweeted and others in their own little group would have read them, but they would have had no power because no on on the left or right would have been paying attention to them.
Now, the left has been handed just want they want. They're going to milk this for another 3 months.
Gavin Gray
Except everyone and their grandmother is tired of the victim mentality. No one watches their shit anymore, its just posts on Facebook crying about them and twitter attention whores from both sides. Do you forget that Trump won despite them claiming half of the world as his victims?
Eli Fisher
Anyway, another main point. If we can get away with insulting these kids and not apologizing its just going to take another weapon out of their arsenal. They can't force everyone to apologize and backtrack anymore, and "children victims" seems like their last desperate measure.
Austin Taylor
Sort of. Keep in mind that elections are about two main things....
1. Getting your voters to the polls 2. Fighting over the very small group of undecided voters.
Both parties will pull tricks to get their own voters into the polls. So, if it looks like there's nothing that's going to excite the voters into going to vote, they will add ballot measures like "english as the national language" or "free abortions for everyone". They do this because they know if their voter shows up to vote for/against some hot issue, they will pull the lever for their candidate while they are there.
For example, 2016. Part of the reason Trump won is because a lot of the democrats stayed at home. In Michigan, voters in Wayne County (Detroit), just stayed home, turning the state to Trump; and in other states, some dems were so sure that Hillary was going to win, that they didn't think their vote mattered so they stayed home (I know of at least 2 crazy libs who never "got around" to showing up to vote).
So again... yes, the media ad the left will always play the victim card. And when the right lobs softballs like they are now with these kids, the left and the media will pick up on them.
The trick is to make them work for it.
Kevin Rivera
Replace "last" with "first", and I might agree.
One of the big problems with the left is that they never update their playbook. So with Trump, for example, they started using the Nixon-attack playbook from day 1; and their methods are so worn as to be very familiar.
Jordan Wood
Wrong >Wrong Wrong >Wrong Wrong >Wrong By keeping them in the media, by having Larry King and former supreme court justices talk about repealing the 2nd amendment, it will be a breaking point for conservatives who are on the fence about Trump. We need to keep memeing this and by november there will be a red wave. We need to keep pushing them to be more and more extreme in their demands
Josiah Johnson
Conservatives like to complain about their own, but when it came down to the election, they were on Trump's side.
Trump only had to do one thing... not be Hillary Clinton. As long as he continues to not be Hillary, he will still have his base.
Oliver Hernandez
indeed. the obviously homosexual OP is homosexual.
Eli Adams
True. But we also want to make sure moderate democrats who are pro gun don't get out and vote
Aiden Kelly
when did 17 year olds consider themselves children? This whole thing still stinks
Charles Perez
>/thread If you think this is over then you are very delusional. These cunts movement go all the way up to the most powerful men in the world, not some kids from a high school
Connor Butler
And them not updating their playbook is leading to a major denouement. Like says, they're getting to the point they're having major celebrities come out in favor of just outright repealing the 2nd, because they think they're so safe now with this smokescreen. This is redpilling more people, not having a long term negative impact. We should keep these shits in the spotlight as long as possible. Yes, well give them victim cards and look like assholes in the short term, but the effect will be on culture in general. We force them into the open. After its done, being a gun-grabber will be an insane position again. I think you are over-estimating the left and the media, they had the same hubris with Clinton and it's repeating.
From your posts, I see that there is no real reason you assume they're keeping on because people are insulting them, and not because the media and powerful entities are baiting people into insulting them by having them be so sickening. Either way, its not like you say.
Cooper Brown
Obviously the media and the so-called "elite" use people as props.
Christopher Jones
I think anyone telling you not to engage their ideas is on the wrong path. I do agree strongly with the need to not take petty swipes at them. I think the crowd's perception of them is already in "our" favor strongly.
Cameron Jenkins
The classic GOP strategy "go limp"
Evan Moore
If you were allowed to engage them on their ideas, I wouldn't be saying this; because their ideas are wrong.
But what we have is...
.. the kids doing a pretty good job of playing professional victims.
... the political left, who will egg it on because it fits their political narrative.
... the media left, who will help because it's good TV and it fits their narrative.
It's like the old Reagan joke. He said that if he walked on water, the press would report it as "Reagan can't swim".
There are a WHOLE lot of places to attack the left and even attack their position on 2A. But tying to do it with these kids is the wrong play because the risk/reward isn't there.
You'd have more luck going after the former SCOTUS judge and some of the celebs.
Isaac Howard
She looks like she has a stinky belly button
Jacob Gutierrez
Great, these kids are so fucking full of themselves it is embarrassing. Now they can make more mistakes and look like idiots on a national stage.
Angel Wilson
Not at all, just an attempt to stop the sort of self-inflicted wounds that happen so often around here.
Perfect example.... Pizzagate. Start with the fishy-as-fuck e-mails, start to build a case with the whole "spirit cooking" and the fucked up social media posts by Comet, start to gain some serious legs out in the real world with people paying attention and starting to ask their own questions.
Then what happens? Some dumb ass shows up with a gun trying to free the children.
And from that point on, EVERY time someone raises the legitimate issues what happens.... "Oh, you mean that guy who tried to shoot up the pizza place"
Once you learn the techniques of the left, you learn to avoid doing dumb-ass moves like the pizzagate dude or, in my opinion, like giving power to Hogg and Emma.
Ian Fisher
This thread is about to die, so I will end it by telling you what will happen next...
1. The left-leaning media will talk for the next 1-2 day about the Laura Ingraham story.
2. A few on the right will attempt to defend her by pointing out how screwed up Hogg is.
3. Hogg will attack them.
4. The left-media will then make it about the those defending Laura.
5. The story will now be a 4th derivative, and will be so far separated from Hoggs position on guns that people will lose sight of how it all started. Instead, it will turn into yet another "mean right" story that will run for weeks.
Stop feeding the beast. Ignore Hogg and let him stew for a few months.
Joseph Sanders
mid terms are toast for democrats because of these kids that love to Hogg the limelight and the right that uses them as an example of why tide pod eating generation shouldnt set policy.
Luis Anderson
The youth vote is the great untapped resource for the Democrats. They are numerically large enough to tip elections, but it's almost impossible to get them to vote.
Everything they are doing is an attempt to get the youth to vote. If they succeed, they will win the mid-terms.
That's why they're trying to paint it as a student-led protest. They are trying to make the kids think they're part of something and have a duty to vote.
you know why they are untapped? Because they fucking don't show up to vote.
Luis Perry
Exactly. They can if they are motivated enough (which is hard); or if voting was made easier (hence the push for electronic voting by pushing a button on their phone).
But for the most part, they don't vote.
Mason Reyes
Also note that average age of the attendants of the March in DC was 49. 8 to 1 ratio of older adults to these kids target audience.
Ethan Morales
Ian Stewart
Correct. But if you look at the history of youth voting, you will see what they are looking for.
The 1972 presidential election was the first where 18-21 could vote after passage of the 26th amendment.
During that election, a whopping 52% of all 18-21's voted. But... it dropped off right after, hitting a low in the mid 90's.
The dem theory is simple... most kids, who don't have responsibilities of their own, are liberal. If you can get them to vote, a vast majority would vote dem.
But as my chart showed, it's hard to motivate them.
The chart is an analysis I did of 73,184 voters in a large mid-western city.
It asked the following question... given the historic 2008 election, where anyone who ever WOULD vote DID vote (obama's first run)....
... take everyone who voted in that election. How many of them went on to never vote again, and how many went on to vote in every election (the city has elections every year).
... then plot by age.
As you can see, the youth can turn out when they want to, but they don't want to very often.
Thomas Sanders
nigger what
Andrew Diaz
>Stop giving these people power. How about if you morons stop giving them attention? That could be a start.
This thread is a reaction to all the Hogg/Emma threads around here that have created memes that have leaked out into the world and fueled their continuing power.
Christopher Torres
There is no mid term election to ever do this.
Gabriel Adams
Not sure what you mean.
The city that this data comes from has odd-year local elections. So, with the congressional/presidential elections, there is an election every year in this city.
Christian Phillips
I can't listen to goblina shrill for more than a few seconds before I have to stop what ever video she's in. As for boss Hogg I can practically smell the entitled asshole coming through the screen. These are not good spokes people.
Chase Williams
I was going to call you a nigger at first but you may have a point. I mean, obviously you still suck dick but you may not be wrong
Dylan Martinez
No, but their entitled smug is pretty well in line with most of your liberal youth.
In my opinion, there are two ways to stop them cold. One of them is possible, the other is not...
1. Keep painting Hogg as Emma's sidekick. It's got to be burning him that he prepares all these long speeches, and she's more popular than him simply because she stands there and cries. If people keep asking him what Emma is doing, how long he has worked for her, whether all or just most of his ideas come from her, and to do anything to broaden the 3x follower gaps she already has, the so-called movement will self-destruct from within as they start sniping at each other.
2. (impossible), but in a perfect world, (and since he already knows he's going to be found guilty no matter what he does), imagine what would happen if Cruz, at his trial, said that he was driven to shooting because of the endless taunting for years from Hogg and Emma?
Jordan Myers
both of your spikes in youth voters are in election years, no mid term turn out for youth
Nathan Parker
True, although since the entire House is up for re-election every two years, the mid-terms can be used to dramatically change the makeup of the Congress.
And being the first post-trump midterm, this is why it's so important to get as many of their voters to the polls as they can.
Joseph Cruz
And right on schedule, NBC nightly news is running the Laura I story.
If you read part 1 of this post, you will see that I said this would happen. If you read part 2, you would know that NBC had already moved on.
ITT, the MSM, which is now superbly aware of Jow Forums and its influence,is bending the knee and agreeing to stop pushing these kids, if we stop making fun of how pathetic they and their message are
Adam Stewart
Wrong on both accounts.
Two people are walking down the street in the same direction. Are they walking together, or just walking in the same direction?
Even a broken watch is right twice a day, and sometimes the interests of the left and right coincide.
Ayden Jones
you are a fucking idiot
the media did not want to drop these kids
the media loved having these kids
kids as underdogs is never a better story, being that they are the future of enlightment