Russian Collusion With Trump Campaign CONFIRMED

Where were you when the legendary redditor PoppinKREAM singlehandedly PROVED the Trump campaign colluded with Vladimir Putin himself?

He's got over 40 sources to back up his claims, and multiple reddit golds. It's over.

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Would he really write posts this long if he didn't know what he was talking about? Think about it...

And to think, he's just an ordinary citizen, and he's constructing 5000 word posts like this purely because he has such a strong love of the TRUTH.

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realy so making long stories = truth?? thats a retard argument

But look at his list of sources as well - over 40 of them - and credible sources too, such as New York Times, The Daily Beast, Politico and Snopes...

Just admit it, Drumpf is going to jail. It's only a matter of time until The_Mueller seals the deal.

just fuck off to reddit shill

whoop de fuckin doo

>German (((Kahn))), a Russian-Jewish banker
>No Russian state official involved
Yeah, nah.

Hit me up when you have actual proof

Oh hell he's got us. I guess I'm finally a #Cruzmissle

drumpf btfo

>multiple reddit golds
w-whoa. lads this doesn't look good.

none of this is proof of anything.. just a lot of connections that dont mean anything

>He's got over 40 sources to back up his claims

CNN, WaPo, Politico, NYT, NBC, Forbes....

i read through it all, and its literally nothing
is anybody else sleepy?

we know Seth Rich is the leaker

all of this is bullshit

>> citing CNN, NYT, and NBC as a credible source
Kys with a bandana on with a shotgun

>NYT, TDB, Snopes, Politico

Pick One.

Also, Operation Mockinbird

So pizzagate also confirmed? You know how many threads of content there are on that?

Herp Derp, they were talking via the Trump tower server but prince had to set up a back channel after the election.....


its just a bunch of people who know other people supposedly and then a bunch of "sources familiar with the matter" to fill in all the scary holes with nonsense.

if any of this were proof of something you wouldnt need 4 fucking pages of bullshit to show it.. just tell me in one sentance what and who...

when the left runs out of runway for their bullshit they just start writing books in the hopes of convincing you with their verbosness

you cant hide the fact that you have nothing in a bigger pile of nothing

he's clearly being sarcastic. he's pointing out the lengths that these shills go to.

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Sage and report

more misinformation from Vlad. careful shopping

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This completely BTFOs his theory with undisputable facts

And mind you guys, this isn't just some normal ordinary redditor, this is the LEGENDARY PoppinKREAM! His posts are like, completely epic. He's like the total opposite of a Russian troll.

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they wernt even "talking" all we have are server pings...that not communication that's like driving past someone house not talking with them

Reporting me for telling the truth? Tch, so much for free speech...


I'll read this fiction novel when Mueller comments on it and praises reddit for doing what his team couldn't.


Mueller met with Trump ONE DAY before he was appointed special prosecutor, and they lied about they talked about.


Tony Podesta quit his job and lost his company when Mueller's first indictments came out.


Mueller revoked Comey's immunity and the MSM didn't report it


George Nader, convicted pedophile, and recent Mueller witness, fled the country.


George Nader also worked for Clinton admin, and partied on vacation trips with Podesta and Bill Clinton


Awan case implicates Israel/Mossad in the blackmailing of 70%+ of congress


There are 18,500+ sealed indictments


Mueller will exonerate Trump because he is the special prosecutor Trump promised to appoint


Kike shills can kick and scream all they want, but they can't refute this and they will go down, along with Israel

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This thread is now a beefy Asian thread

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"truth" that some asshole knows how to collect useless links on reddit?

none of this is proof of anything... if it was you could concise the gist down to a few sentences but you cant because this is all nonsese

Eat shit lefty pol cuck

Thread Theme

wheres the proof he did though, the media and cia niggers should stop witholding information, and prove he really collude with russia

well hes almost just as good a story teller as your trudeau

leaf doing gods work

see this shit is real evidence of crimes being committed

we have done a terrible job of memeing these facts into the general public

Guys vote Republican!
Tehe how does it feel to have a bong interfere with your elections?

Provide reddit talking point talks about truth while at the same time mentioning fake news as a source
> please kys lefty pol cuck

Why does anyone larp on Jow Forums or anywhere else?
The desire for change.

it tickles

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Wow a soyboy redditor uses anonymous sources to fill in blanks that dont fit and knows more about the investigation than mueller. Left is unhinged.





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>Would he really write posts this long if he didn't know what he was talking about? Think about it...

They didn't write anything, this is all copied and pasted bullshit. The original post is almost word for word matching a NYT article from February 20th.

Several people pointed this out in the comments.

so he has all this evidence but doesn't give it to muellar to indict trump? gets the almonds jogging

>that they likely received foreign intelligence

Great proof ya got there.

Well at least the leaf picked up on it

Sorry I violently shitpost on Jow Forums when I see things like this on reddit that piss me off. I require other people to be mad with me to make me feel better.

Thanks everyone!

>multiple reddit golds
shit, they finally got Trump, game over

Every time I see , I mentally replace the words with “some dude.”

Gah, these comments on reddit are fucking retarded.

>Trumps already had 19 people in his administration indicted,Obama had ZERO!!!!!!!1

I can't believe people pull information out of their asses on a site with usernames and post history. I think I learned that lesson on ebaumsworld when I was like 14.

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I always thought larping was limited to Jow Forums but I guess morons do it there too.

>Trump created a back channel with Russia to get in contact with Russia so that he could create a back channel with Russia, and the pederast is on OUR side, BITCHES! ^UPVOTE


Pretty amazing how everythread this person post instantaneously receives over 100 upvotes with most getting over 1000.

Did you kikes really think we forgot about that server and where the traffic actually came from?
This is going to be fun.

>Roger Stone is nobody
>thinking that a ddos attack entails 'collusion'
>'forgetting to turn on a vpn' is obvious false flagging.
>Guccifer was romanian

its so much more likely that a 3rd party just used a russian proxy. russia has an enormous intranet making it ideal for this purpose. if NATO wanted to provoke action against russian soveriegnty, that's the kind of plan that they, a bunch of sinecures, would come up with.

He has sources!
I bet he wins a Pulitzer for long form reporting.

Shareblue should consider paying more than $9hr

"Collusion" is not a crime, nor is it immoral. Losing is immoral.


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Nice write up to push a narrative on Reddit.
And I guess people will believe every word of it because he linked some article nobody is going to read.

Amazin how you can spin the story, especially if you know about the long relationship/connections of this guy with the Podestas/Ukraine/Clinton.

lol the sources don't prove anything he claims, they are unverified and use the same bullshit rumors they have been spinning for the last year. I have no doubt that Russia tried to interfere in the election, they always have, and always will, just like we do with theirs. I have no doubt assange wanted Hillary to lose, and therefore by default, Trump to win because he was the only contender against her left. But I don't think he helped because he's in Russia's pocket as much as he helped because the old hag openly joked about wanting to drone strike him. That would probably make anyone turn against you... no? And when you threaten Russia repeatedly... might make them against you, no?

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>compiles a list of all the failed accusations that never took root out of lack of evidence because its all fake news bullshit


Opposite, yeah, almost shareblue tier, it's not like those retards are paid to literally shitpost on reddit with bots to make posts go over 50k to get to the top of that god forsaken website.

These people are beyond delusional.

A khokhol jew actually.

Jow Forums memes trump in, reddit logics trump out.

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Ok when they mention Erik Prince and private spy network there is A LOT of omission there, the spy's are in other countries, not here in the continental US, to find 5th column CIAniggers and private contractors are being used to kill their asses.

Nader's lawyer is one of Obama's Whitehouse councils.

Even if its true thanks Russia

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Remember that day Net Neutrality was supposed to be passed and the powers that be overplayed their hand and flooded the front page with Net Neutrality posts? Dumb fucks.

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>reddit post with links that been proven not true

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All Tumblr fan fiction = Truth because of wordcount.
This guy is a retard. The traffic was a broken link from a 3rd marketing firm, and Alfa bank's server was trying to request a missing element, and because it was administered by Russians, it was setup poorly and just kept repeatedly trying to access the asset. This simple point shows this guy hasn't even engaged in basic fact finding info, and has low understanding of tech.
Essentially, engaged in Magical thinking about things he doesn't understand, writing thousands of words connecting people through 6 degrees of Conspiracy Theory. He's just a schitzo.

WOW some guy on reddit said so

I'm a Cruzmissile now

What in the actual Fuck? K eh ill bite, have a (You)


>OP is a faggot nigger

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