Women commit less crimes. Men, on the other hand, are responsible for most crimes in the world prevalent through history. Men are the nogs of gender

Attached: women-better-than-men-ig1.jpg (434x458, 180K)

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Women commit far more crimes than men but they are not punished for them.

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they want gender war right? there is now way in hell men are going to give up power that easily, are they ready to fucking die for what they want?

imagine that in a few years non whites and non asians will start posting shit about being more intelligent than whites and asian because they have more degrees or university time thanks to affirmative action
and i thought the world was going mad a few years ago

Good, guess they don't need feminism or "woman's rights" any more.

>71% of men are obese
Nice american statistics

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Stfu paco. You manlets are not even considered as males in the first place

1. Women earn meme degrees most of the time. Every female I know irl is smug as fuck they have MUH DEGREE but they can't find a job because suprise surpise, it's worthless.
2. I could have sworn more women were obese than men but whatever. Women live longer because they live pampered lives in mangina societies, even Islamic societies are mangina in their own way. There is nothing more privileged on this earth than the human female.

Source? Your ass

>men are responsible for 99% of inventions
kys kike


It's true and this is why muh crime rates shouldn't be the be all end all measuring stick for the redpilled. Women are still niggers compared to men regardless

yeah keep telling yourself that shaniqua

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>Smarter because of degree
ye but men are trying to get degree at actually useful and hard unis like medicine or programming/physics while woman do shit like gender studies or social problems
>Live longer
Ye because men are working their ass off and are exposed to more dangers while woman just cry how hard their life is and get help for free
>Commit less crimes
Men just go and beat someone up when they have enough while women try to destroy you mentally which is not registered as a crime, why do you think there is like 10x more suicide rates among men

i'm happy for them.

They already do that here.

I would rather not have 99% of the inventions and live in harmony. Also, you didn't invent shit, you basement dweller

Steroids: when genetics just aren’t in your favor

Get off the computer, hypocrite. Stop supporting the patriarchy by using man-made inventions.

how wonderful when most powerfull leaders were manlets you fucking mong

And guess who gave birth to all inventors? That's right!

>does not commit crimes
Are you bullied in school, retarded or both?
>"b-but you die from it"
So? Was life a competition of who lives the longest life?
>"you get addicted to it"
No you don't, if you are not a minor and can commit crimes reasonably.
>"i-it makes you lose money"
Who forces you to commit a crime a day, you fucking hillbilly?

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That's simply not true, you literal mong. Go back your shithole

How come there's still that so-called wage gap?

bait, no one is this retarded
have a (you)

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Women are far more encouraged than men in the world today. They receive tons of special recommendation and tons of policies have been created that actively incentive and benefit them. This is not the case for men, who are often actively disregarded or pushed back as a political move made by universities and other institutions for the purpose of appearing "progressive" and "woke". It is a reputation game that is not based in facts, but feelings. So don't wonder why women are doing well these days.

Hitler,Genghis Khan,Stalin,Napoleon,Mussolini,Alexander the Great,Hirohito

Do i need to name more,you retarded faggot mutt?

>more degrees=smarter
>longer life=better life
>men face more danger=woman are better

Men have invented almost everything of importance in the history of mankind. Men don't last as long because we are bigger and stronger, and our bodies wear out more quickly. Much like the way a German Shepherd wont usually live as long as a spaniel. Men face more danger than women, often voluntarily, and do whatever possible to shield women from harm.

Everyone does need to lose some fucking weight though, go to the gym you fatties.

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Try again sweetie

Women are literal parasites, without us you’d have nothing but mass famine, chaos and death

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Pick one, you mongolian admixture. Considering the ave height back in the day, Hitler couldn't be a manlet, you fucking idiot. And he also hated dirty slavs like you

And yet he loved the Ustaše,amerimutt education.
5'8 is manlet status you retard nigger

And each and every man who committed all that crime was birthed by a woman.


Men are only 1.5 inches taller on average than they were 100 years ago

Oh you silly little cuck..

1) women aren't punished equally
2) women get men to commit their crime for them
3) women are kept in check by men
4) affirmative action is not an achievement
5) gender studies is not a real degree..


The fact that menstruation and it's side effects are a thing automatically invalidates any notion of women being better than men sweetie

> 79 years = 6 hearts
> 72 years = 3
Ugly infographic

Women have it much easier of course they don't commit as much crime

A woman probably did it.
Just kidding they can't use computers.

I kinda like leftish girls, even though I am right wing. They are so soft and innocent. Women are different. Look at the picture, she looks like a kitten. And they don't mind a strong shoulder.
Anyway, I am searching for an image, where a pro gun control protester is holding a board with: "books not guns" and then mentions something about 1984 and the hunger games. I find that funny.

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Nigguh fighting women would be like playing rock em sock em robots, slap em once and you take their fuckin heads off

its true that men are more violent than women, men are fighters, except men also built this civilization and all its advances

nogs did nothing useful

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holy shit lmao, Cato the Elder and Livy proven right.

Women are the niggers of gender.

white women have killed more white people than any white man ever did in all of his wars, they call it abortion, legalized murder with no repercussions.

Every civilization destroys itself or is destroyed by others within 100 years of allowing women to vote or have a say in how society if governed.

That is a fucking FACT.

Women ruin civilizations because they are emotional creatures that don't think logically in high-stress situations or environments.

BTFO you feminist dumbshit.

Women ruin everything.

Men you should step down and give women control I want to see how it will turn out

How many dicks have you sucked this week?

That might be the one thing you're better at

would you rather...
>A. pay alimony for 20+ years and never see your kid once because your wife is a manipulative liar and will destroy everything possible by proxy...lose everything you give a shit about, she even euthanizes the dog for fucks sake....

>B. get fucked in the ass once, and have none of A happen.

which one is the bigger crime?

>More bachelor's degrees

>necessarily means

They proved they lack the understanding of a twelve year old then

That's more or less what is already happening.

B. Because now you have aids

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Please take note GCHQ this is pure satire. Pol is a board of peace

Go to hell scumbag jidf, enjoy your ban.

This right here. The court system is stacked against men and police are biased. During a domestic dispute, right off the bat the man is assumed to be the initiator and removed from the premises until a court can mediate. Doesn't even matter if the man is the one who called.

Women don't have to commit crimes when they can get men to do it for them desu ne.

Women have been fucking useless for anything other then sex and reproduction since the dawn of time. How bout you shut your retarded whore mouth before we make you property again you dumb worthless cunt.


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Didn't i just tell your sick disgusting whore ass to shut your fucking cockholster a minute ago? Why are you talking cunt?

Men are responsible for the entire world you live in dumb worthless cunt.

A dumb worthless whore.

Sounds to me like the patriarchy is a myth.

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Like Adam eating the apple because that bitch Eve told him to.
Always a woman behind the problem.

i need a name for this logical fallacy that appears constantly
>over 50.1% of a field is white/male
>field becomes evenly proportionate to race/gender
>field becomes 49.9% or less white/male
Around 9 mins in, this graph is mentioned.

Attached: Average IQ of students by gender ratio.png (992x609, 193K)

So we don't actually need feminism? Getting mixed messages here.

oh well

Woman is the nigger of the world
t. John Lennon

Name some civilizations.
Name which ones were fucked by women.

>"you had you millenia and you fucked it up"
>she posted from her internet enabled computer, sending her message instantly to millions of people, while eating cheap and plentiful food in her comfortable first world home

yeah wow we sure did fuck up

>Meanwhile all the prosperous nations created by primarily women...

Can you even name three?

It's like they're privileged or something.

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Most of those """degrees""" are liberal arts or gender studies degrees. Most men are still taking the field and getting the degrees that matter like STEM, or becoming CEOs, etc.

I honestly don't care anymore. Let the World burn while I play Mass Effect in the comfort of my room. Fuck you and fuck your Jew-ruled World.

Jow Forums btfo

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To prove these problems aren't new?

Roman society
Greek society

To prove these problems still exist?

Icelandic society is the best example, with all Western nations providing ample evidence through the slow erosion of their societies.

How do we redpill Jow Forums on the truth? Ironic anti-antisemitism and Hitler jokes created a generation of brainlets that thinks Jew-hating is """redpilled""".

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>Men are the nogs of gender
I guess white men are the women of men then?

Also, every crime ever committed by men was done for, or because of, bitches. So tits or gtfo.

I needed historical examples of societies and empires that failed specifically because of women involvement in the political sphere.

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Women are niggers of inventions, scientific discoveries and prosperity when it comes to gender.

What the fuck america

It’s both.

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Yeah, I have that PDF and just recently looked it over. I couldn't find anything in it regarding Greece, however, and that was such a small mention in regards to Rome I figured I shouldn't even bring it up.

I just gave you the big 2 from the ancient world, and there are a plethora of examples throughout the modern world. Like I said, Iceland is a shining example of how fucked a country can get when women are calling the shots.

RESPONSIBLE means prosecuted. I bet there are way more pussy pass than convicted men.

How fucked is Iceland? I'm not familiar with their situation.

Men live shorter than women cause they have to endure women's bullshit. It fucking sucks life years out of men cause of those succubus.

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Pretty fucked.

Do some research on some current events there, but long story short, it's as Matriarchal society that is so wrought with debauchery that one HIV-positive nigger from Africa was able to give 1000 women HIV.

That is a microcosm for how fucked they are.

Women carry more debt than men

why would anyone think thats a good thing

who wants to get old?
who wants to go to fucking college?
who wants to be domesticated and not dangerous??

"crimes" are a subjective measurement

Why are these the exact same shills?

Are you the kind that posts muscular women on Jow Forums and try to shill for women? That's the literal reason why I stopped going on that board so I hope you kill yourself.

>Women get more bachelors and masters
>Men get the doctorates

is that why they always need special protection and affirmative action to get anywhere?

Jow Forums So triggered today :/ I'm guessing someone got dumped :|

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