Nice fence, faggots.
Nice fence, faggots
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How are they gonna get past that top portion?
they aren't over the wall part, wait till they get up there, there's nothing to grab onto then.
Looks like it was specifically designed for easier climbing.
They aren't, they are just lookouts for drug cartels. .
grappling hook and rope
yeah, enjoy scaling that top bit
looks very straight forward
Looks like you are retarded
>gets to top
>breaks both legs
What's healthcare like in mexico?
I think it was designed like that so that drugs can be passed through it so the CIA can continue to make money off the drug trade and prison industrial complex and DEA can continue to profit.
That's gonna feel not so very nice on the little legs when they jump over.
not pictured: the look out sniper radio'ing in that he saw 2 niggers sneaking in and is preparing to take the shot if the ground crew cant grab them in time
Most suburban homes in South Africa are surrounded by more menacing-looking fences and the niggers still manage to scale them.
Nice shopping mall russian faggots. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Blumpf predicted this
but are they guarded by a border patrol that have motion sensors, night/heat cameras, and military drones?
Yeah right, you really think they are going to get past the top? Retard
>tie rope to rock
>throw rock over the fence
>use stick to drag the rope back through the fence
>tie knot around one of those poles
You now have a strongly secured way to get over that fence that is less cumbersome, more achievable, and arguably safer than a ladder.
The See through parts wildlife saving parts were a mistake.
Magnet gloves cost about $15. Retard.
how do you get past this part?
pretty much what i expected
They should put those steel plates on retractable quick release rails and sharpen them up on the bottoms. Hook it up to some motion sensors, so when someone starts climbing.... slice!
>Haul the ladder up, flip it over to the other side
Shut up shitlord, that picture totally btfos trump and racism everywhere.
>motion sensors
>night/heat cameras
>military drones
Not yet, give it a few years.
Are you legitimately retarded? Magnets would slide down the sheet.
Still doesn't get over that smooth, vertical top part, does it?
trumps fence is 3 times that height though. can't wait for the fall videos.
It's copper.
You missed the punchline: Trump is building the EXACT same fencing Obama built, and got less funding to do it. 8D chess maga
>magnets are going to support the weight off 300 pound creaturas
You need to be able to see thru the wall so it's easy to know if someone is climbing it.
Then when you see someone climbing you open fire.
>going through this much effort for gibs
Why don't these queers try cleaning up their own country?
Oh wait I forgot, mexicans are pussies.
That's why they dropped their pagan religion for cucktianity.
He thinks 'magnetic gloves' are able to hold 60-70kg on that shit HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
this is from january last year. why do you lie about this?
I have my doubts they'll be able to haul that ladder up when they're sitting on top of the fence.
>300 pounds
don't forget the drugs
>Sit down on top.
>Try to bring ladder up.
>Fall over cause top is too thin to support.
It will be glorious when fully operational.
I thought they looked a little short
Thats why they're building them taller now.
>implying beaners won't throw the beheaded body of Juan Carlos Lopez de Rodriguez de Garcia de Maria de la Cruz at the wall to trigger this mechanism then disable it from resetting with mortar-like mixture of old tamales and taco shells
>implying it would be made in a way that small fauna wouldn't accidentally trigger it while passing through
Suddenly Mexico will win all the pole vault Olympics.
why do they even bother with these walls?
Holas gringos!
Many will likely fall if they get to the top and break their legs and die.
its deisgned so small animals and wildlife can get through without disrupting the ecosystem. even large cats (forget breeds, but something like a coyote or lynx size) can squeeze through.
Look at them, they are literally like insects. Bugs haha stupid fucking mexican’ts.
That’s the bush era fence smooth brain
Sage /thread
Please go to the top floor of a building and test for us, post results.
Hard to argue with him when there's tens of millions of them here.
>Assuming it would be easy to even get to the wall, and
>assuming it wouldn’t be set up like the Berlin Wall with pitfalls and traps and armed guards
>>Implying Mexicans won't just overstay visas.
>>Implying Mexicans won't just walk around the wall
>>Implying Mexicans haven't already tunneled under the border, and the cartels will get wealthier by charging to use the tunnels.
Stupid goyim will elect Trump again for building them a shitty climbable fence that you can pass drugs through.
>Border patrol drives by
>Sees Mexicans climbing ladder
>Stroll up and push it over through the bars.
Nice wall down there! I can barely see it smuggling these undocumented Americans into your country!
just build an army of drones and patrol the border with them.
wtf amerisharts why does it have to be a wall? yes, your masters have one built but compare the lengths?
the shills are out in force
Whoever thinks this wall is 100% migrant proof is fcking idiot.There will be more measures added not just stupid wall.
>throw over a rope
>tie it around the strut
>climb rope
honestly what the fuck where they thinking
The reason why they are “see through” is so you can throw a rope over the wall and tie the end on the other side up at the bottom easily. You can then use the rope and the poles to climb up to the non-see through area which makes it easy to switch over to the other side where you can descent on the rope.
We had to get over such fences with rope in high school military training (our PE teacher was a Foreign Legion vet from Poland). He even made that one fatty climb the rope eventually.
Why just dont create free fire zone beneath the wall so any Trueъ Meriken can just shoot anyone who trying to climb?
It's infinitely easier for a later president to say "We're done with the drones" than it is to say "We're spending billions to tear down a wall
Good luck doing that under 15 mins untill border patrol spots your gringo ass.
what, climbing a relatively short distance? that could be done in 3 minutes at a pretty chill pace
and a 15 min response time? fucking kek lad more like 2 hours even IF they see you on a camera which is like 100/1
what do when you get to top of poles?
I don't think you understand how tall the new fence wall is?
the wall won't fucking work at all without human surveillance. with the aforementioned later president shutting it down just as well.
Asking a jew why they lie is like asking a human why they breathe.
Imagine being such a weak, cowardly, parasitic species, your neighboring country has to spend the time, money, and resources to do this just so you won't flood across their border by the millions and rape their welfare system because all those same millions of you are too fucking pathetic to fix your own shit.
Fuck Mexico.
lurk more dumb fuck
Right, so why even bother with the security at all? Just let them in, since they'll be here anyway
you're saying the reason it's see-through is so they can climb it easier
i don'y think that's why
i dont think you understand how long ropes can get
some of those cunts are longer than walls
That only part of it. Its going to have a large diameter cylinder running across its length.
Grappling hook, will have nothing to attach to, nor climbers anything to grab onto.
throwing a rock that's large enough to tie a rope around over a 45 foot wall. good luck.
I don't understand your point
That only part of it. Its going to have a large diameter cylinder running across its length.
Grappling hook, will have nothing to attach to, nor climbers anything to grab onto.
The party's over, paco
>not able to throw a rock in the air a moderately high distance
>imagining some massive fucking brown shipping rope
kek, high performance climbing rope is thin as shit, and you better believe an average male can toss a fucking rock 45 foot in the air
>The absolute STATE of spics
It's getting embarrassing, but I hope I get to see it get more and more cartoonish. I want to see a badly-designed spic-a-pult. I want to see ACME spic spring shoes. I want to see a spic tape himself to a rocket and fire it into the air. I want to see a Mexican dressed up like Batman and try to hang glide over the wall and get caught in power lines. I want to see Donald Trump paint a fake tunnel onto the side of one of the solid parts of the wall.
I want a full-fledged Warner Brothers animated series dedicated to the disaster, that is the Mexican cockroach people.
i know mexicans like baseball, and all but that wall is at least 40 feet tall. not that little bullshit 12 footer you're basing your post on.
>it takes less than 15 seconds to cross that area
>US-Mexico border is over 3km
So the CIA is gonna be funded by dimesacks now? They already used trebuchets to get drugs over before, it's the double fence and increased security that will reduce the drug flow.
>not bringing an inflatable escalator
Ez gringuitas, imma fuck your mom, wife, daughter and sister amigo ty
a tennis ball with a metal core would be enough to carry a rope over, easy as shit, you could even use one of those launcher things for old ladies with dogs if you wanted
A wall that wasn't paid for by the US, and not torn down by the US
30 ft fences that are manned and have cameras?
I already told you. a drone fleet. if the next blue goy is gonna shut it down anyway, might as well spend less money on a thing that actually works and not in a year but in a week.
You mean the US will win
So a couple of grown men make it over .... ok fair enough not the best answer.
But you know who definitely getting over future dreamers and pregnant bitches the actual problem.
But I suppose that never crossed your mind.
>Spend hundreds of billions of dollars when
>bring nail gun or bow and arrow
>tie fishing line to projectile
>tie rope to fishing line
>shoot projectile over the fence
>drag fishing line back through the fence
>which drags the rope,up over and back through the fence
>secure the rope
>climb 24 feet
>drag rope over to other side
>climb down
>run 150 feet
>do it again
This is something a couple fighting aged males should be able to do in under 15 mins with a little coordination and practice.
They need an over hang and shitloads of barbed wore at the top to slow them down.
But then again, this scheme alone as is would rule out about 80% of border jumpers, with physical fitness, acquiring and handling gear and fear of heights being a concern etc.