"Dad I'm gay"

What would you tell your 18+ son if he came out? Not a troll thread I'm genuinely interested in the answers. Does your political/religious views override your common sense and parental feelings?

inb4 Mike Pence car battery memes.

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Other urls found in this thread:


That faggot is dead to me. I've failed as a father.
Kick them out of the house and wish them well.
Really what more is there to say? They are not people at this point, but animals.

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>having children

what the fuck no fucking way. I have too much aboriginal blood in me to live in this country full of racist chinks and poos

im a multi millionaire and ive told my son that if he turns out to be a faggot, degenerate, and several other things that i leave him with NOTHING.

I understood and it didn't change our relationship.

>implying i can actually have children in the future

>be me
>23 year-old college dropping out NEET who literally have never ever worked at all
>still a fucking kissless virgin (i've managed to get a blow job twice by my female classmate when i was a high school student though)
>have never talked with white girls at all, like 0 seconds in my whole life and have literally zero percent chance for me to fuck with them forever
>the only fun i can get at this point on a dairy basis is from fapping to porn (huge-assed thicc woman is my favorite)
>3 house cats are the only companions i have now
>Jow Forums, especially Jow Forums, is the only place where i can actually connect with others

it looks like it's just over here
the only cure left to me is apparently just committing suicide here at this point
every night when in bed before falling to asleep i just wish that when i woke up i was just a 12 year-old elementary school kid having adventures with my friends every day and every morning i wake up in fucking indescribable despair and depression

my life's theme:

this is my life
there's no way in hell i can marry a girl and have children with her
life is nothing but just pain, misery and suffering to me

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My son wouldn't.
Gladly I'm son is of the generation where making fun of dick shit packers was okay.But my grandson... we pulled him right out of public school as soon as we discovered that they where planning to teach butt fucking and tolerance to the kids. My grandson is now in private school and knows full well what hole a dick is made for. He is now like his father, calls things as they are and fuck their feelings.


If my wife's son turned out to be gay I would probably give him $20 and ask him if he wanted to watch Sausage Party with me.

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Get fucked in the ass can't be what define a person, be gay means that you are surrending to your ass , that your ass is ruling what you perceive your person to be.
Ergo you are sick.
Deeply sick.
You need a boost to your self confidence, self control and a clear vision on what a man is.

You made me laugh, but now let's get serious. You gotta read this and have yourself sorted out by age 25. Then you'll have the next 60 years to look forward to.

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Shout, threaten to hurt me but back out as per usual. He only dares hit those who he knows for sure will not strike back.
He is a one day/verbal patriot/traditionalist when it comes to boasting and "I would" stories, but actually is a porn addicted alcoholic who believes whatever the media spouts.
>Does your political/religious views override your common sense and parental feelings?
No. Most of my family tree is cucked to all hell, but I won't abandon them even when at times I might want to.

Son this not good for you. No I don't care what the main stream media has to say about it. I will not reject you but must really really reconsider taking this path. Fags are generally mental ill as a group and may have been mislead. If you've been having sex with gays you should probably get tested immediately for diseases as they have a high rate of infection among their communities. Some of these poor lost souls even go looking to catch diseases and spread them to others. Something something safe sex, procreation etc.

these never go to bant or r9k but anything against precious stupid shitty soy holes do
ultimate rabbi. you godless fuck. your dad is a snake and the devil so nice projection there. God creates all and with His voice. son does not pay for sins of father. so there is no answer to this jewish troll question. how many spam threads are there? always the same shit. what's it like to be an unthinking unoriginal cog in a feminist box system? you project your views on "your" own creation. death and emptiness
less fiat money jew debt interest payments for him then. good to see your fat lazy ass inherited them for your dad but he has to work for his own. more blessed automatically than you anyways. rich men and eyes of needles after all. number one indicator of success is that of same sex parent. inb4 "coming from a 'sodomite'". rainbows are biblical. all clobber passages mean shrine hookers or rapists. the president is a brothel owning refugee anchor baby. bible says LOTS about staying away from women and blessed many bi and gay people
>coming to a fucking dirty kike board talking about "Christ cucks" all the time, for ANY form of advice

Go to the gym and start building up your confidence. It's literally that easy. Look at this old fuck doing it. If he can do it a 23yo can easily do it.

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Oh damn, I misread the the question.
I don't know, I'd be disappointed and tell him to keep it to himself I guess.

1. Inform him that I will leave my inheritance to the parents of my grandchildren.
2. Give him a week to make arrangements to move out if he was still living under my roof.

You have to cut your losses nice and clean, user.

Let's go on a hunting trip. Would be my response.

>Jordan peterson

whats it like living from paycheck to paycheck and being a literal faggot who wont be able to afford rectal cancer treatment in the future?

freud cultists who take the old definition of sodomy which is blow jobs but with teeth now because of shitty females while also having anal. 44% of "heteros" have anal. you have no fucking clue what youre talking about. dey eat da pee pee. enjoy the super gonorrhea and the box pox. the ineffective truvada. the suicide epidemic. good old bottom bitches for "step on muh cubes" dominatrices

i'd say something like "lol wadda fag"

Eto ne, where have I seen him before.
Clean your room, bucko.

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You should specify biological grandchildren

なんで英語力そんだけあるのに仕事見つかんないの? あいのこ?

pic related

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Depends which one. Wouldn't mind if my oldest chose not to breed.

>by the age 25....
>nice gatekeeping faggot

Fuck the shit out of him then take him to meet Mike Pence

No you're not

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What does that even mean. The user said he's 23 so I'm giving him a goal for a year.

I would have a very serious conversation, or a number of very serious conversations, about the need to be safe. Keep in mind these are men he's going to be dealing with. As a man I know how men are. Gay men chase after one another just as straight men chase after women. That empathy will guide these conversations about safety. Safety has numerous areas of concern.

First, safety against contracting HIV or other STDs. Remember that it's not just HIV you have to guard against, but no one wants herpes on their butt hole either. Second he should stick to guys his own age. Old guys are going to want to fuck younger guys just as straight men want to fuck younger straight women. Those old guys might be into pretty hardcore shit including chemical substances and other dangerous acts. Third he should be constantly aware of his surroundings and whatever crowd he's hanging in. Men can in fact be raped and the odds increase drastically among homosexual men.

Fundamentally I would just use my empathy gain from being a man and apply it to his circumstances. Essentially it's the same advice I would give a daughter but with a few caveats.

>he's fucking YOURSELF incarnated
you have fucking kids and they die because youre a nigger who never protects himself and loves the world and thinks ive made myself sterile. we outbreed you. no alimony for me. well known fact gays have the most income. not blowing it on tampon dicks like you. why is your dick a murder scene. first you blow it off. then you pull it out and it's still fucking bloody. what a sad sack of shit. you remind me of my daughter. can i pay you to be a whore while im married?

>so little face gains
Thtats more impressive than the overall fat loss.

this, it would suck pretty hard to just have a decade wasted of raising a kid, but i would be way to attached to just kill him or something

1 in 20 americans are millionaires dumb europoor fag

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Be careful, men are dangerous with dating. Gay men get raped just as often as women. Don't put yourself in any situations you cannot easily run from.

I'd tell him that I like to eat his mom's pussy before I fuck her in the ass, then when he looks disgusted at the thought of his parents having sex I'll point out that that's how everybody feels when he tells them about his kinks, and he should keep that shit to himself. My advice would be to not be "out," don't act like a fairy, and if he ever has a live-in boyfriend just refer to him as his roommate in public.

that's you after i run you over with a bus. the faggiest flag and country known to man. deal with it. when you were faggy you were powerful. now youre just broke and lazy. look at all these replies. right away. we're obsessed. youre all women and stink

>44% of "heteros" have anal
You can thank the cultural permiation of porn for that, before WWII it would have been considered a freak fetish. Disgusting.
And I was talking about my father there, as I stated in the other post that I misread the question.

>What would you tell your 18+ son if he came
Same thing I'd do with any other pervert, I'd report him to the police. Then I'd either move out of the city or kill myself.

thx Dad. I am okay.

I'd still love him as my son

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>"Dad I'm gay"
really? can you only get it up for dicks, son? what do you imagine when you're fucking someone, or are you getting fucked? if it's the former, i'd ask why you can't get the same rush from fucking a girl, if it's the latter, i'd ask why it is you want to be fucked, is it because you want someone's energy and attention directed at yourself, because you want to be needed by someone? that's cool, but you can be needed just as much as a man as you can as a little bitch boi bottom, you realize that right? yeah i know it's hard, and i can't force you to slay pussy instead of bussy, but i hope you'll see that i love you and want you to live the life you want to live, not the life the media or society or even your sexual desires are trying to make you live. live for yourself son, your true self. what we do echoes throughout eternity

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last year alone over 700,000 americans became multi millionaires

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75% of aids went to heteros. you dont wear condoms. all cancers are from vaginal yeast infections. you expect snot. we dont. super gonorrhea. trichomoniasis. we've cured and prevented aids. you made it in a lab. the "new" cure and preventive doesnt work on women. youre insane

>I love you kid, but don’t feel like you need to box your self into any sort of sexual identity. We don’t always have control over what we desire but we’re not always honest or very certain of what we desire in the first place. You’re an adult and have the freedom and capacity to do most anything you want in this world, but youre also young and haven’t yet defined your place in it. If you are what you feel I support that, but I hope you’ll consider the possibility that this may simply be a phase of self exploration or the projection of some other emotional issue.

Stop acting like a sad cunt and try to improve yourself. Go to a gym and start eating healthy.

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i will kill him

It is implied. If he gets confused and adopts some nigglet then it's his problem.

nothing is new under the sun. before, men used to be more sceptical of women. now we're pussified because of freud. and soy holes

>shilling link
>not shilling ada
guess you're not 1 of the 20

I wondered why a cartoon about food was considered so bad... Now I know

this post is for the guys that will disown their sons if they turn out to be faggots. get in now or stay poor.

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just try

also this thanks habibi

I don't care, just don't act like a faggot.

You'll have to take that 10$ personality test. Then can you really analyze yourself well while Tyrone fucks your wife.

>accepting a stat from a fag
You weirdos are trying your best to normalize your fetish. Shit on your dick is unhealthy and so is a ripped up ass hole. By all means carry on with your depravity. Just don't pretend it's normal or healthy.

memes. vagina cultists. fake kikes. synagogue of satan. sons of the devil

I'd tell him that sometimes we're attracted to things we ought not to be. Whether it's a nurse in a tight outfit, a woman who's not your wife, or a dude. Don't act on it, and set your mind on something else.

My religious views (that God hates it) works together fine with my parental feelings (don't want a degenerate son) and my common sense (it will lead to a valueless life of hedonism and debauchery).

“Falling for a trap before seeing the dick doesn’t make you gay. Wanting the trap after does.”

everyone take a minute to laugh at this dumb sandnigger thinking ADA isnt just a shitcoin

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I would tell him that I will always love him but god help me if I see him parading around with a dildo in his ass I'm going to fuck him up
Being gay is not an excuse to act like an uncivilized fuckwit
Never having kids btw

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Your attitude is so typical of faggots everywhere. You have this "fortress" mentality where you think the world is against you. It all stems from the 7th grade, doesn't it? The other kids were mean to you? You couldn't find anywhere to sit at lunch? Get over it.

Id tell him to just act like a man and not a degenerate flaming faggot. To be in a monogamous safe relatio shio and not to whore out like all the AIDS ridden fag zombies do.
As long a you raise your children right they wont destroy their lives over sex and drugs or other degeneracy

No one cares if their son is gay, have buttsex in a stable committed relationship all you want son.

But the immense faggotry that is pushed on most gay men so that bug chasing, 100+ partners, boy rape, feminizing men, ect has to go

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"use condoms, AIDS is a real bitch"
"Jesus still loves you"

women dont have erogenous zones. they empty their bladders on you. eve laid satan. you got banished from paradise. no females in heaven. nobody is 100% straight. these words were invented by a dirty jew 100 years ago. if youre married you own each other. marry Christ. there are TWO sphincters and nothing stores that low. food on my dick is better than death and blood im sorry. maybe sneeze on it if it makes you feel better. gross tits sucking man baby dyke feminist jew bitch

$10. And you can't get cucked if you're single.

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stupid faggot, stop larping.

gays are degenerate and should be thrown off buildings and women have the brains of children and should only be for sex and keeping the home. Stay mad faggot you're mentally ill and should be put to the death


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This thread is now about chainlink
Buy chainlink and reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

Depends on his political views. If he is one of those right-wing gays who despise Islam and are nationalistic, I can stomach it.
If he's a leftie, he's dead to me. In fact, if my heterosexual son was a leftie, he'd be dead to me. Fuck commie scum.

me too, son

satan rules the air and youre his frog whores (qadesh; molech whores; shrine hookers) and rapists and his children

Must be an honor to share a border with the best country in the Middle East.

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>have literally zero percent chance for me to fuck with them forever

Towel+chloroform. 100%

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>Brazilian attacking Argentinian.jpg

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do it. what larp. try. i'd love to murder you
fake bullshit. you cant scare anybody. your nose is huge and disgusting. youre a little wooden puppet

>everyone take a minute to laugh at this dumb sandnigger thinking ADA isnt just a shitcoin

>he hasn't been to one of charles hoskinson events

you my friend will regret not listening to warning soon enough. Also I'm already rich so yeah who cares if I lose the money :^)

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>who cares if i lose my money

you must really be from Jow Forums

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your fate awaits you faggot

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I'm in the same position. Same age and everything. Suicide is a 100% given at this point. I'm planning on murdering all my old bullies first.

computers and jewry and stinky vaginas. take your baphomet with its tits and go back in the womb

I'd be disappointed that he fell for the bullshit of the modern days, but I wouldn't disown him. I would ask him to act straight around me out of respect and he can be a flamboyant queer when I am not around.

People love many things that they simply can't achieve/do/get my friend, you can fantasize all you want but if we somehow end up meeting face to face i will end your life with complete ease, no go be a degenerate somewhere else.

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ehh i stopped going on there when the r*ddit crowd came and started shilling for their shitty ico's and tokens. But srsly ada isn't too bad if you wanna make some long term gains

Have you seen the marketcap on that shitcoin. At least link has more room to grow and way more potential

you make kids and kill em. youre called abortionists and molech whores. reap what you sow. youre going straight in the furnace. in this world or after your son murders you

>two blowjobs
Think again normalshit.

Oldfag here, what is easiest way to get some $$ in link, can I just throw a few hundred in?

I tried to do BTC when it was like 14$ but i kick myself for being to old to figure out how to actually put my $$ in and just gave up.

I have only been memeing for a year how am i doing? (pic related)

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bet you 100k right now that ADA wont be worth more than $10 by 2023

everyone on this thread vs (you)

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