How the fuck did he get away with it?
No links lmao. Goalposting is an artform. Pickle Rick
How the fuck did he get away with it?
No links lmao. Goalposting is an artform. Pickle Rick
speak english like ur english stop trying to make it easier for foreign scum to understand
if the queen died, lads would you go visit her body in westminster hall?
>We also take pride in our tradition of fairness and tolerance - the consolidation of our richly multicultural and multifaith society, a major development since 1952, is being achieved remarkably peacefully and with much goodwill.
>The Queen Golden Jubilee Speech
What did the Queen mean by this?
I'm pretty torn on how I view the Royals. On the one hand, I respect them; they're our leaders when the shit hits the fan. But on the other hand, shit's been hitting the fan for a pretty long time now and I don't see them doing jack about it. I'm not sure how many more rape gangs we've gotta uncover before they step up and sort it.
Mi5 provided him children.
id fuck her desu
>they're our leaders when the shit hits the fan
no they are not
She meant that all the white mongrels of the world demanded too much of the upper classes, so they finally listened to the jews and cut you loose to allow full niggerfication to set in.
>before they step up and sort it.
They can't do anything. They've been entirely ceremonial figures since the Regency Act.
Yeah true, but my grandfather visited Churchill when he was lying in state.
Tbh i wouldnt feel right not visiting her body to at least pay whatever respect I have left.
NO cos its a joke meme that the British have supported far far far too long ..I wanna , if my revo ..doesnt happen get Windsor , Jump oncarriage an STAB that ginger di bastards mongo , then rape the monkey on board .. tell Jenny I flog shitty coins to sad old cunts Bond that
are you Scottish by any chance?
plucked from the well now
Tracy (((Beaker)))
Frankie Boyle lawyers have told me to cease /desist .. lol
Lazy trans fuck .. lol
You have it backwards, he was a fixer for the elite, he provided them with children for their parties and they protected him in return. They are doing the same thing for Cliff Richard too, though he doesnt offer any services, hes just in tight with the right people.
I hope you are not LARPing
Yis need a party like An Páirtí Náisiúnta. They are doing pretty well and they have not even ran yet
Beakers are /our guys/
I need advice lads. Is taking a career change a bad idea?
>Male, 20
>Done an apprenticeship for three years in local government under finance
>got a junior role which is a permanent position (salary £23k which will increase)
>realise that office jobs are fucking boring
>want to do a blue collar job
>find lots of apprenticeships offering a starting salary around £15k
I’m still living with my parents and I have a lot of savings anyway so money isn’t an issue although taking an £11k hit isn’t gonna be great. Also debt free. The job itself is piss easy and I don’t have to do anything most of the time and still get praise. Colleagues are alright too but I’m just so bored. Should I just quit the office job for a blue collar job with the hope being that I somewhat enjoy my job? Seen some good apprenticeships for train/rail engineers. Some good ones in the RAF too.
Churchill helped doom our race. I hope your Grandad spat at the coffin.
Personally, I’d stick with the office job. What are your hours?
Official thread documentary
Probably not desu, I have better things to do with my time than go shuffle about a coffin.
Yeah there's a sub fee, but it isn't bad. Social side is just organised through the members but again is bretty good. They organise trips to Bisley / military ranges as well for bigger stuff.
NAH.. LANCS LAD AN PROUD ,I served in the NI /Falklands an then jailed cos the 1990s happened an I .. oh well .. Just stock up 7 April .. WE EX SQUADDIEs STAND UP .. an March on Govt .. its not like a secret .. we Have loads ..I will be Up THERE AT THE PIONTY BIt for you SAD PATHETIC POLITIC WANNABIES !!! < DO IT .. an spergs an timmies ...will be here shit tiered posting .. as per lol
Monday-Friday 9-5. As standard as you can get. One thing I forgot to mention is that I seem to be a forgotten employee. I have a manager but he’s really shit so I never get given much work or opportunities to progress. As a result, I tend to take the piss and not do my hours. In a given week I probably do about 20 hours where only about an hour is spent doing work. I hate myself for being this slobbish but this workplace is just a shorty environment for people new to the working world. The work experience is just appalling.
>Churchill helped doom our race
dumb naziboo meme, even it was hitler was truthful and was going to leave us alone(and not invade us like evrey other country he made a peace offer too), how would he stop clement atlee getting elected and opening the borders?
Then it begs the question: are the royal unfit to rule? Because we know the politicians are.
If the answer's "yes" then should we expect a House to rise and usurp the Crown? As has been true throughout our history. We need leaders, not old aged pensioners and other degenerates London has an endless stock of.
They are not for you, the British people any more. Why should you be for them? It's that simple. They don't even have respect for their own bloodline anymore never mind yours. They are breeding with niggers now. It's time for the Anglo to stop kissing their arses and tell them to fuck off and stop leeching of the public unless they are going to stand up for the nation.
You fucking mong, they are limited leaders since the 1600s,
how do you even do that?
Honourable of you wanting to do more rewarding work but this sounds ideal to me, I am a lazy shite though.
£23k for an easy job is very good going at 20, I’d stick with it for a few years at least.
>How the fuck did he get away with it?
why did him and prince Charles and King Edward have matching green berets? were they the child ass rape commando force?
agent 007's soul blesses your post
>They don't even have respect for their own bloodline anymore never mind yours. They are breeding with niggers now
also how does one princes actions who wont probally be king reflect on the whole royal family
Exactly. They do FUCK all but leech.
>how do you even do that?
with the assistance of the monarchy
>FUCK al
yes, becuase they are constitutionally bound to do fuck all
Literally nothing wrong with what Jimmy did.
the reason they wouldnt play his music is because he wouldnt join their nonce club. think about it. hes their serpico
They just introduced monkey blood into the tree. How long until the next nigger? Not long I expect.
>also how does one princes actions who wont probally be king reflect on the whole royal family
cut from the same cloth, seed doesn't fall far from the tree
etc etc, exact same shit detectives use on criminals, if his parent was a crook he will most likely also be one
not hard to figure out
she said the total oppissite to that in one of her queens speeches in the late 50s,she said we shouldnt throw out tradition and family etc
nah they'll kill her after any children are born then the children will never become monarch just like Diana
>hes just in tight with the right people.
i think he was in tight with alot kids too
Hunt around for a white collar job that won't bore you tirelessly. Try to find work that'll get you to travel around a bit.
I work a boring ass white collar job too, and I spend more time trying to stay awake than actually working. The job sucks, partly because it's not at all challenging.
How does one even have time for that? Did he have like 50 kids a day?
>she said we shouldnt throw out tradition and family etc
well her nuclear business is killing everybody
stay with office work, you wont love blue collar retards, long hours, being cold, being dirty
Just change offices/jobs
Exactly. They gave their power away. And if they could do anything, something tells me they would be cucks.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg m8
That cigar he has in his hands used to be lime green.
First and foremost, despite the 1948 act Britain was 99% white when Attlee left office, the darkie invasion only really began in the 60s and 70s then reached new levels under Blair, Brown and Cameron.
Secondly, the victory of International Jewry in the World War allowed them to continue their dominance over our nations, our financial instituions and our media and entertainment industries. The end result is a public mindfucked by Jewish propaganda.
>Did he have like 50 kids a day?
more than, you stick your dick in one and toss them overboard, then repeat
Lads I'm sick of seeing the word racist
I'm sick of seeing Islamophobic
It's mostly always middle aged fucking women, privileged middle class fucking whores spouting this shit.
It makes me sick, honestly.
And they won't even live to see the result of their stupidity. How am I supposed to accept that?! They will never be held accountable.
Jesus Christ, just reading the news makes me angry.
so if hitler was honest, he wouldnt invade here or america, and here and america would still have its jewish population.
>The end result is a public mindfucked by Jewish propaganda.
court jew is hired by the monarch, what happened here the monarch teamed up with the jew class because they were already so inbred they didn't care what the result would obviously be?
monarch's are fucking stupid as shit
Apparently, experts have said his victims totalled nearly 6 million children. Sickening innit.
I went to see Dicky 3 so why not Liz
kill everyone, let me know if you need help I have a friend there in essex who is a stone cold killer
I don't want to be with Britain at the end.
I don't want to watch her vanish.
I don't want to live knowing I was too weak to save her.
Until they do that, they get no respect at all from me.
She has a half black child now
How do we get a proper right wing party mainstream?
No thanks, that obviously wouldn't change a thing
we wont , normies are too concerned with corrie and norf fc
THe THATCHEr GOVt went like this .. Girl go a brew an hurry .. .. then Thatch found out by MI5 all cabinent were 7yo boy rapists
THEN she becam the Iron Lady , But she let it happen the Elm Guest House /MPs /Cliff Richard an builder block ??, an Many jews who didnt just shagged an killed young boys ..THATCH .. Didnt Care an let them do it .. an even a whip at time said on film what mps get upto with young boys , I hope they dont come shouting it .. ! THIS Is TORY !!! justified axe in neck
That’s true but an openly anti-Jewish world order based in a fascist Europe would encourage countries like ourselves and America to fix our own problems with the Tribe.
People like to forget about it now but as late as 1940 there were pro-Nazi rallies across America
>owns 1/6 of the world's landmass
>purely ceremonial
those self-deluded plebs never cease to amuse her majesty
It's pretty fucking hilarious that at least half of a British politics forum doesn't understand the Royal family.
Normies in Italy, Germany, France, Austria, Holland, Hungary etc. etc. watch shite TV and are obsessed with football as well yet they have successful nationalist parties.
india and pakistan have got rid of her as monarch without her permission she is powerless
Lack of sausage rolls and uncontrollable laughter/10
They dont have as much of a deeply ingrained class system as we do, yhey also dont have first past the post
Fuck the Royal Family with their trillions is trusts.
And what now?!!?!
Would you look at that! It's only a (((diverse))) royal wedding with perfect timing?!
My my, really makes one's brain think things
What is there to understand? They have no real power and only serve to spend our taxes marrying American wogs.
>tfw 22 and never worked
>thinking of doing a masters next year
I’m worried I’m gonna become a lazy shit because of it though. Maybe it’s just my workplace that’s bad.
I would like to try a new white collar job but a part of me feels like the very nature of office jobs is the problem. I might be able to find one with a bit of variety in terms of tasks and travel but the fact that I will end up at a desk at some point is what I find tiring.
Finally retired lads.
Probably. My respect for the monarchy pretty much died when Harry got engaged to that mongrel bitch, but there's still something about the Queen that I respect.
next week .. for timmies an fags
They taking me in full time zombie ward
the weekend after ..
Dont worrie ..
you just lost it? so you didn't give a fuck when your precious princess died while suck a sandniggers cock?
I got to get a Mob an u Pubbe..
>a retarded wojak and tracey beaker in the same image
Never thought I'd see the day.
Stop saying this fucking word I can't take it any more I'm going fucking crackers thinking about goalposting night and day.
Not long until the wedding now eh? It’s going to be fucking unberable
Why isn’t country music popular here lads? Why don’t people like Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton, hank Williams and other country and western musicians?
cum on englan
giv uz a goal u dik ed