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that's because he's almost 30, an actor.
We've fucking known he's a crisis actor for like 2 months now you fucking idiot
A left wing puppet nothing more.
Wait. Wasn't he the shooter?
Because his name is funny.
He wasn't attending that school until after the shooting, even. The whole shitshow is the most transparent put on it brings into question whether there was even a shooter.
Fucking gross
Well according to snopes he was at the school but left becuase he wasent a student than around the afternoon after the shooting he came back to record and interview kids inside the building! To talk about gun control! Yes you heard me inside the building! If you dont see the stupidity behind that than you're dumb
you are on to something here
Exactly! Why would the police let him enter the school after a shooting just to interview kids about gun control??
REMINDER: One World Adoption Services trafficks children
SWAT were shooters
REMINDER: Cameron Kasky probably doesn't know his real mother
are you really this dumb, or this a prank?
parkland story crawling with real estate people.
that gut
Mmm the girl on the right I would definitely rape and murder if you know what I mean.
REMINDER: Derek Tarr was one of the last men to see Seth Rich alive
Why do you post this image so much?
Broward must be a hub of jew mafia
Reminder: this kid didn't get hurt
He rode up to CNN cameras on his little bikey and told them what they wanted to hear like a mithering little shit.
Should have just pantsed him.
what body type is that considered?
You offended david hogg now apologize
I only have like 2 pictures of cats sticking their face in the camera. I use them when I think something suspicious is going on
I was talking about David Hogg dumb dumb
Where is the video footage from the school? Why was it made available after an event like Columbine but not for this? We don't need to see kids getting shot and killed. We just need to see Nicholas Cruz walking through the halls with a weapon. That's the only confirmation we need.
Luckily for us, he put in a not-guilty plea. His court case will be interesting if they don't force him to flip.
Anyone willing to bet she's NOT going to transition FTM?
>that shit body
>that bald head
>that rainbow ribbon
Is the other one "nosey (sic) cat.jpg"?
He destroyed Laura Ingraham lawl
what a cuckqueen. you republicans are such pussies
United colours of Beniton
I'd like to teach the world to shill in perfect harmony
I'd like to buy the world a meme and have all the attention on me
yea check it out you ever notice how this kid is constantly surrounded by the authorities? his whole story is a lie
Slightly overweight, adolescent male.
Nothin like building your political career off the backs of your dead classmates
So this is why he constantly talks about being turned by colleges. This way he doesn't have to redo college.
It was a hoax!
operation big beans
I lost the red pill, but there was a state investigator looking into voting fraud (or something like that) he was found murdered on a beach near Parkland. There is definately some evil mafia shit going on there, it is likely a human trafficking hub
Does that have something to do with kitty paws?
khazar mafia
The gunshots were heard and the Police were called. The D.C. Municipal Police Department (MPD) police, Jody O’Leary, Robert Wingate Robinson, Derek Tarr, Shea Ellis, Benjamin Velez and Mark Lee, arrived on the scene at 4:20 AM. Rich was still alive and breathing and was placed in an ambulance and taken to the local area hospital.
why they deliver bodies on the golf cart and not on an ambulance right to the hospital. How many trips did it make?
not even memeing, it is a well known hot spot for old mafia families. Boca Raton and the surrounding towns are full of 60s-80s mafia dudes. It's their retirement spot.
Seems important if the two Tarrs are related.
Something behind it... could be monstrous.
no it just shit posting
it all connects back to DWS, her fingerprints are all over this shit as well as Seth's
I love how they removed the timestamp
Stop with the Alt-right bullshit conspiracies! We're here to expose a hoax not to peddle psyops!
mother fucker, this is bigs
qt belly
>it showed Nicholas Cruz
Yeah. So clearly it's unmistakable proof.
>After his mother’s death on Nov. 1st, Cruz and his 17-year-old brother stayed at a trailer in Lantana with a family friend, Rocxanne Deschamps. On Nov. 28th, Deschamps called 911 to report one of Cruz’s outbursts.
Rocxanne Deschamps 911 call. Her voice at :43
for comparison here is Roxanne Deschamps speaking. go to 5:19
they fake the 911 call
I know right.
>hey guys check out this 240p footage we have of some guy walking. It's Nikolas Cruz
he's ugly as fuck
>dead eyes
That faggot has see some shit
It's the highest form of flattery, mimicry, but you glow in the dark too much for it to work.
what do you think (((they))) told him will happen if he doesn't keep his mouth shut?
What lips
Everyone around him will be being good goys, telling the mentally ill kid he'll be in deep trouble if he doesn't take responsibility for 'his actions'.
He was too busy looking for insectopia
but you know, there is no way that he will not get a life sentence, and his mother is dead... he has no one except his brother... who is a half nigger
His brother he’s doing it to secure his brothers saftey
Here we go again with the far right and their laughable conspiracy theories.
but you know... he knows the court procession is being recorded live, he can shout the truth and if then his brother goes (((missing))) everyone will know
Why the fuck is this kid still locked up?
Pretty apparent he was a patsy
His desperation for attention clouded his memory
I listen to the 911 call the women on the phone is not Rocxanne Deschamps, which makes me ask - was that really Nikolas Cruz talking on the phone? makes me wonder how much is fake
>why are we talking about David Hogg?
I know right? It's not he is a crisis actor, or his dad glows in the dark and runs a human trafficking ring.
SWAT cleared all the Children out and sent them home.
He rode back on his bike to get interviewed because he knew there were cameras/reporters there.
Typical fuck stick of a person.
He was at school, I checked the attendance records.
check out the story I find about the girl he was with in the culinary room, Isabella Robinson.
Who are these 1 percenters surviving shotgun blasts to the head? Are they bad shots or übermencsh?
He's for gun control as well, same as david zogg, la goblina, etc. He's taking one for the team. I doubt he's even in jail right now. Someone go visit him...
"live" streams have a delay of a bunch of seconds
just for that sort of need
Well so far absolutely nothing gun control related has happened.
When are these genetic failures gonna fall out of the media spotlight?
shillbots and their cucks doing the ol' d&c to get americans to chimp out on eachother
I wish he were, though
Two of these anons are not like the other.