Umm sweetie so why do you need your guns if your not a ex marine or in the army.
because they are cool and fun to shoot
For killing shit.....duh.
Fuck off faggot, it's for homicidal liberals that want to ethnically cleanse whites.
For certain social situations.
Fuck off leaf.
There are no ex marines, only former marines.
But if you kill your enemy they win. Why not civilly have a discussion about ending violence.
>if you kill your enemy they win
What do they win? The dying contest? Sage faggot
Move the rear sight back retard.
I came here to post this very thing.
bud ill come to your house and knock your teeth out you post again
Because governments won't ever make a fucking bitch out of the people and ignore their wishes as the honorable civil servants they are.
it's not like they ignore referendums or something..
EEEEEERRAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! DEBIL DAAWWWGS!!!! I love you guys, how many Marine Vets are organized do you think? I'm kind of a schizoid but I've still got connections to a few friends who also have guns. YOU NEED TO HAVE A NETWORK. Individuals die, teams survive.
In case of sneak attacks by feral Canadian commies
i have a right to defend myself.
i have a right to defend myself from someone bigger than me.
i have a right to defend myself from three people, all of whom are bigger than me.
i have a right to defend myself from an angry mob.
i have a right to defend myself from people who would try and force me on a train.
so does my grandma.
guns are force equalizers, they ensure that you, me, and my grandma can tell angry mobs to fuck off.
Thankfully my right to arms comes from my creator and is protected from the government by the 2nd amendment.
Because leaf I DO
>ex marine
Self defense is a human right.
It’s also the right of the people to alter or abolish their government should the government become destructive (tyrannical).
It’s impossible to end all violence.
>urbanite degenerate detected
Because i live around bears and moose and lions and have a family.
missed digits of doom by one digit debildawg
I dropped contact with my marine buddies years ago, I subscribe to semper I. None the less, errah kill YUT mototarded
>Semper I
fuck the other guy
>Umm sweetie
Why do all of the faggot, nigger, degenerate leftists always use that line? They all type like they are a sassy nigger drag queen.
Fuck off wanna be Ru-Paul, you dog fucker.