Welfare doomed the West

There's a lot of things that have caused the problems are have now. Sure da jooz and all that but let's be honest.

Food stamps, free housing, free healthcare etc etc is what really keeps these animals flocking to our countries and causing them to out breed us.

The first step we need to take in stopping the brown floods is ENDING ALL GIBS.


Attached: 4c3f26fa7f8b9a2961070000-480-360.jpg (480x360, 228K)

>comes to Jow Forums to shame welfare recipients

Only /jp/ and /lgbt/ are staunch welfare supporters.

looks like someone's EBT got cut off

>Food stamps, free housing, free healthcare etc etc is what really keeps these animals flocking to our countries and causing them to out breed us.
The problem is the Jewish government allowing them in and then giving them the gibs. There isn't anything inherently wrong with gibs, so long as it goes to people of a good stock (whites). It's only difficult when kikes keep flooding your country with shitskins.

Shitskins wouldn't want to come without the freebies. It attracts them like flies to shit.

Yes some white people are going to be affected but we made it to the 1960s just fine without gibs. Funny how after the gibs starting being handed out everything got worse.

Niggers and spics literally come to our country because living in section 8, getting food stamps, welfare and medicaid is a lavish lifestyle compared to what they are coming from. The state incentives these animals to breed for more gibs. We got to stop this.

Guess who was pushing for free gibs to niggers.
Protip: it's the people of certain tribe.

True but it's a sacrifice we could all make to start stemming the floods of them.

>free housing

Where the fuck do you get that?

I agree with you, but theoretically, if welfare worked for whites who are struggling, it seems a shame to have to get rid of it due to the shitskins that abuse it. It's insane that we'd have to stop something just to appear less attractive to shitskins since the kikes are dedicated to moving their labor.

It's like having to purposely dress down your home because your neighbors are niggers. It's logical to do, but also a shame that you can't take pride in your house without worry of getting robbed

Immigrants are only a net benefit in a world where they don't receive (nor their children) state benefits.
As they are now they prop up Social Security and other mandatory taxes but further deepen the debt of programs you're excused from by being poor.

>Section 8 housing
It's not free, but it's subsidized.

Says a NEET on gibs. You fool nobody.


It women that vited in the welfare state. So the real mistake was the 19th amendment

I know too many whites who are spoiled lazy by free gibs. Getting rid of them will make us stronger in the long run

Work is outsourced over seas to increase company profits.
3rd worlders get jobs and save up to travel to America and leech gibs.
Nothing bad is going to happen...

I wish I was a NEET on gibs. I'm just pissed that I'm blue collar and make just enough money to never qualify for gibs and yet I still own a house, few cars and get 25% of my paycheck taken for the undeserving.

Libtards disagre with you OP.
But have some facts. One of the reason Sweden didn't see the danger of the invading hordes is that is is one step further north than we are. And Danish gibs for invaders used to be as good as Swedens. So the needy eaters stopped here. Then we cut the standard gibs by 50% for ''people who had never been a part of the Danish workforce'' (yes, this also hit some native neets). Suddenly the gibs-invaders all rushed through to Sweden.
[pic is a list of gibs available for parasites of color in Swedistan]

Attached: svenstilldontthinktheycomeforgibs.jpg (539x960, 56K)

I knew it. Makes so much sense. I can't read your nordic runes though

How's the shitskin situation in Denmark anyway?

Bad, really bad. What do you expect? We're between Germany and Sweden on the 'welfare route'. So yeah, we're better off than both Fritz and Sven. But that's not much of a comfort considering how bad it is in those countries.
On the optimistic side, Danes are notorious for 'casual racism' and we had experiences with shitskins looooong before Sweden had to deal with them. So we are mentally better equipped to fight back. Still a big arse fight, but at least we're trying.

Attached: DenmarkNo.png (970x617, 1.04M)